- A smaller amount of food requires a slightly shorter preparation time, a larger amount of food
needs a slightly longer preparation time.
- It is recommended not to fill the fry pot of the air fryer beyond ¾ of its capacity. The maximum
amount of ingredients that can be prepared depends on the kind of food you want to prepare.
- Shaking smaller ingredients halfway through the preparation time optimizes the end result and
can help prevent unevenly fried ingredients.
- Use pre-made dough to prepare filled snacks quickly and easily. Pre-made dough also requires a
shorter preparation time than home-made dough.
- Place a baking tin or oven dish in the air fryer pot if you want to bake a cake or quiche or if you
want to fry fragile ingredients or filled ingredients
- You can also use the air fryer to reheat ingredients. To reheat ingredients, set the temperature to
150℃ for up to 10 minutes.
- It is suggested to wait some minutes to cool down the machine when you need to start another
cooking after the 1st cooking. Keep heating not more than 1 hour.
- If you use oven-ready snacks, do not add oil because they are usually pre-fried and become
golden brown and crispy when prepared in the air fryer.
- If you use oven-ready snacks and they do not become crispy and stay pale, please check the