Depth Depth Air EAN32 EAN36
(Feet) (Meters) NDL NDL NDL
30 9 200 200 200
39 12 104 200 200
49 15 66 117 182
59 18 47 74 92
69 21 35 55 65
79 24 25 41 50
89 27 19 32 38
98 30 16 24 30
108 33 13 19 23
118 36 11 16 - - -
128 39 9 14 - - -
138 42 8 - - - - - -
148 45 7 - - - - - -
157 48 7 - - - - - -
Similarly, for combinations of depth and FO
that would cause
divers to exceed a limiting PO
of 1.6 atmospheres, a series of
horizontal bars will appear in place of the No-Decompression
Limit, as shown above.
Do not plan dives to depths deeper than
those for which the
is capable of
displaying an available No-Decompres-
sion Limit. Doing so could cause you to
exceed the No-Decompression Limits or a
limiting PO
of 1.6 atmospheres-which
may, in turn,
substantially increase
your risk of decompression illness or
CNS Oxygen Toxicity and can lead to
serious personal injury or death.