When seven of the OLI’s eight pixels appear, the IQ-600’s
audible alarm will sound for three seconds, and the OLI dis-
play will blink on and off for the same amount of time.
Figure 13: Oxygen Limit Index (OLI) Warning.
If you do not ascend to a shallower depth, and all eight of the
OLI’s eight pixels appear, the alarm will again sound and the
display will again blink. As shown in Figure 13, the this por-
tion of the display will continue to blink until you ascend to a
point where the OLI drops to seven pixels.
Should the OLI and PO
Warnings acti-
vate at roughly the same time—and at rel-
atively shallows depths, early in the
dive—you most likely
have not
ed your actual oxygen limits. What has,
again, happened is that you forgot to set
’s FO
prior to the dive. See
page 42 for more information on why and
how the
’s FO
setting defaults,
and its implications.