Appendix A. Task
Configuration Examples
A.1. Task Configurations
You can customize and add to the default task configurations.
Note the following guidelines when creating or modifying tasks:
1. As it is not possible to get the best velocity and reflectivity data at the same time,
default tasks are divided as follows:
• Long-range surveillance with coarse spatial resolution for detecting weak echoes
• Medium-range polarimetric volume with good spatial resolution for high quality
reflectivity and polarimetric data (VOL_A and VOL_B tasks).
• Short-range volume with good spatial resolution for high quality velocity data
(WIND task).
2. To maximize signal processing data quality, all tasks use 2-byte data in the radar server
By default, all RAW products are truncated into a 1-byte form for transmission. If the
bandwidth allows, use 2-byte data in RAW products.
3. After installing and calibrating the radar system or if you change the default task
processing parameters, you must adjust the quality threshold values.
For example, if you increase the number of samples, enter a slightly decreased LOG
value to improve measurement sensitivity.
4. The tasks use Doppler
filter number 4, which is a Gaussian adaptive (GMAP) filter with
a 0.4 m/s width.
Depending on the clutter conditions, test a weaker
filter (number 3 or smaller) or a
filter (number 5 or greater) to find the optimal filter for your radar site. All the
tasks use a CSR threshold of 40 dB.
Depending on the clutter conditions, you can test a stronger value (less than 40 dB).
finalizing the setting, measure with real weather to verify that the weather
echoes near zero velocity do not vanish (Doppler snake).
5. Dual pol.: To
benefit from the enhanced sensitivity of the polarimetric signal processing,
use the Ze data moment to generate echo products.
More Information
IRIS Tasks (page 10)
The SURVEILLANCE task is optimized for long-distance detection of precipitation echo. It
uses the longest available pulse width of the weather radar system.
Appendix A – Task Configuration Examples