Vehicle fe atures
Quick Reference Guide
Refer to Owner’s M anual for detailed information.
Illustrations may depict lef t-hand drive vehicles.
Oper ation is simi lar for righ t-han d drive v ehicle s.
Depending o n the model va riant, speci al equipmen t
and access ories, t he scope of equipment on your
vehicle may diff er from the des criptions in thi s guide.
TS 1716-A-13 / KTA 2742-1 August 2012
Vehicle features Vehicle features
Unlocking the vehicle:
Press button Ä on remote control
- or - turn key in driver’s door lock
towards the front of the vehicle to
unlock the d oors (in cluding rear
doors / tailg ate and slid ing side
doors) and load compartment.
Locking the veh icle:
Close door s and load
Press button
e on remote control
- or - turn key in driver ’s door lo ck
towards the rear to lock the vehicle.
Anti-theft locking system:
Press button
e twice on remote
control to deadlock all doors.
Do not use the sy stem if there a re
people in the vehicle! The doo rs
cannot be unlocked from the
Unlocking the load compartment:
Press button Å to unlock the load
compartment (rear doors / tailgate
and sliding si de doors)
independently o f the front d oors.
Electronic imm obiliser:
Activated automatically when key
is removed fr om ignition sw itch.
1. Fixed air vents
2. Side air vents
3. Light switch,
turn and lane-change s ignals,
low beam, high beam
headlight flash
4. Instruments, incl uding:
speedometer, tacho meter,
fuel gauge, engi ne coolant
temperature gauge
Driver Inform ation Centr e (DIC),
including: o dometer,
trip odometer , service disp lay
5. Windscre en wiper,
windscreen wash er,
rear window wiper,
rear window washer,
trip odometer reset button
6. Centre air ven ts
7. Headli ght range adj ustment,
Driver Inform ation Centre (DI C)
settings menu, trip computer,
instrument illumination,
hazard w arning f lashers,
front fog lights, rear fog light,
heated rear window
8. Front passenger airb ag
9. Glovebox
10. Climate control s ystem
11. Selector lever
12. Ignition s witch
with steering wheel lock
13. Steering w heel contro ls
14. Driver airbag, hor n
15. Steering w heel adjustm ent
16. Cruise contr ol
17. Fuse bo x
18. Bonnet rele ase lever
Manual tran smission:
Reverse gear :
With vehicle statio nary, wait
3 seconds after depressing cl utch
pedal, pull up the colla r on the
selector lever and engage g ear.
If the gear does not engage, set the
lever to neutral, release the clutch
pedal and depress again; then
repeat ge ar sel ection.
Do not grind the clutch
unnecessa rily.
When operatin g, depress clutch
pedal fully. Do not use the peda l as
a foot rest.
Manual transmission au tomated
N =n e u t r a l
* = drive position
+ = higher gear
- = lower gear
A/M = switch between automatic
mode and manual mode
R =r e v e r s e g e a r
(with selector le ver lock)
E = Eco mode ( press button)
Move selector lever to the
appropriate position an d release.
Selector lever auto matically returns
to the centre position.
MTA (continued):
The current g ear/mode is s hown in
the tra nsmi ssion d isplay .
Depress foot br ake when startin g
the engine. M ove selector l ever
towar ds + to eng age first gear. Shift
gears by moving lever to + or -.
Move selec tor lever to position A/M
to switch to automatic mode:
Transm ission sh ifts ge ars
In automatic mode, press the
E button on the selector lever
housing to activate Eco mode and
help reduce fuel consumpti on.
Starting the engi ne:
Turn key to position MAR
Move steering wh eel slightly to
release steeri ng wheel lock
Manual transmiss ion in neutral
with clutch depressed
MTA: depress brake ped al
Do not accelerate
Diesel engines : turn key to
position MAR for preheating
and wait for ! to extinguish
Turn key to AVV and release
During an Autostop, the engi ne
can be resta rted by d epressing the
clutch pedal (manual
transmission). V ehicles with MTA:
select a gear then depress clutch
Stop-Start syst em:
When conditions al low, the system
switches off the eng ine to save fuel
and reduce exhaust emissions if t he
vehicle is at a low spee d or at a
standstill, e.g. at traffic lights or in a
traffic jam. It restarts the engine as
soon as the clutch is depresse d.
To activate an Autostop:
Depress clutch peda l
Shift selector leve r to neutral
Release the clutch pe dal
An Autostop is indicated when ^
flashes in the Driver Info rmation
Centre (DIC).
To restart engine, select neut ral
then depr ess clut ch pedal (ma nual
transmission). Vehicles with MTA:
select a gear then depress clutch
Deactivate the Stop-Start system
manually by pressing the
^ button
in the cen tre cons ole.
The LED in th e button illum inates to
confirm deactivation.
To open completely, push the
safety catch and open the bonnet.
Parking bra ke:
To release parking br ake, rais e
lever slightly , press relea se button
and lower leve r fully.
Always apply parking b rake firmly
without operati ng the releas e
button and apply as firmly as
possible on an uphill or d ownhill
To reduce the ope rating for ces of
the parking brake, dep ress the
brake pedal at the same time.
Opening the bonne t:
To open the bonnet, p ull the
release le ver located below the
instrument pa nel on the driver ’s
The bonnet wi ll then be unlo cked
and will partially open. Return
release lever to its origina l position.
Pull up bonnet support ro d from its
holder and secure it in the hook o n
the underside o f the bonnet, on the
right-hand sid e.
Closing the bonnet:
Replace the bon net support rod in
its holder.
Lower the bon net and allo w it to
drop into the catch.
Check that the bonnet is engaged.
Refuel ling:
Before ref uelling, s witch off engine
and any external heaters with
combustion chambers (ident ified
by sticker on fuel filler flap).
Switch off any mobile phone s.
Fuel filler flap is located at le ft rear
side of ve hicle.
Release the fu el filler flap by pull ing
the flap by hand.
Insert key into f uel filler ca p and
turn anticlockwise t o unlock.
Turn fuel filler cap anticlockwi se
and remov e.
The fuel fill er cap can b e retained i n
the bracket on the fuel filler flap.
For refuelling , fully insert the pu mp
nozzle and swi tch it on.
After the automatic cut-off, it can
be topped-up with a maximum two
doses of f uel.
Wipe off any overfl owing fuel
To close, replace fue l filler cap and
turn clockwise.
Insert key into fuel filler cap and
turn clockwise to lock.
Close the f uel fill er flap.
Petrol engines - use unleaded f uel
meeting specificati ons of
D I NE N2 2 8 .
Diesel engi nes - use d iesel fue l
meeting specificati ons of
D I NE N5 9 0 .
Fuel tank capacity
(all petrol/dies el models) - 60 litre s.
Engine oi l:
Check engine oi l level manuall y on a regular b asis to prevent da mage to engine. Ensure that the co rrect
specification o f oil is us ed.
Check with vehicl e on a level surfa ce. Engine must b e at operating te mperature and switched off for at least
5m i n u t e s .
Pull out dipstick, wipe clean, insert to stop on the handle, pu ll out and read engine oil le vel.
When the eng ine oil level has droppe d to the MIN mark, top up engine oil.
Insert dipstick to stop on handle and mak e half a turn .
Importan t:
It is the owner’s responsibility to maintain the correct level of an app ropriate quality o il in the engine.
Do not allow the engine oil leve l to drop belo w the minimum leve l!
Tyre pressure (psi )
Comfort setting for u pto
2 people and 100 kg of l uggage:
Tyres Front Rear
All 1 85/65 R15 88T 36 36
185/65 R15 92T 36 38
195/65 R15 95T 35 35
195/60 R16C 97T 39 39
195/60 R16C 99T 39 39
Tyre pressure (psi )
With full lo ad (short wh eelbase):
Tyres Front Rear
All 1 85/65 R15 88T 42 42
185/65 R15 92T 42 44
195/65 R15 95T 38 39
195/60 R16C 97T 39 48
195/60 R16C 99T 39 48
Tyre pressure (psi )
With full load (long wheelbase):
Tyres Front Rear
All 1 85/65 R15 88T 42 42
185/65 R15 92T 42 44
195/65 R15 95T 38 39
195/60 R16C 97T 39 52
195/60 R16C 99T 39 52
Combo Tou r
Tyre pressure (psi )
Comfort setting for upto
2 people and 100 kg of luggage:
Tyres Front Rear
All 18 5/65 R 15 88T 36 36
185/65 R15 92T 36 38
195/65 R15 95T 35 35
195/60 R16C 97T 39 39
195/60 R16C 99T 39 39
Tyre pressure (psi )
With full load (5 sea ter version):
Tyres Front Rear
All 18 5/65 R 15 88T 42 42
185/65 R15 92T 42 44
195/65 R15 95T 38 38
195/60 R16C 97T 39 41
195/60 R16C 99T 39 41
Tyre pressure (psi )
With full load (7 sea ter version):
Tyres Front Rear
All 18 5/65 R 15 88T 42 42
185/65 R15 92T 42 44
195/65 R15 95T 38 38
195/60 R16C 97T 39 52
195/60 R16C 99T 39 52
Tyre pressure (psi)
Comfort setting for upto
2 people and 100 kg of luggag e:
Tyres Front Rear
All 185 / 65 R15 88T 36 36
185/65 R15 92T 36 38
195/65 R15 95T 35 44
195/60 R16C 97T 39 39
195/60 R16C 99T 39 39
Tyre pressure (psi)
With full load:
Tyres Front Rear
All 185 / 65 R15 88T 42 42
185/65 R15 92T 42 44
195/65 R15 95T 38 46
195/60 R16C 97T 39 52
195/60 R16C 99T 39 52
Tyre pressure:
Check tyre pressures , including the spare, every 14 days and prior to any long jour ney; tyres should b e
checked when cold. The tyre pres sure data refer s to cold tyres. It appli es to summe r and wi nter tyre s.
Always inflate the spare tyre to the va lue specified for full load .
Incorrect tyre press ures will impair safety, vehicle h andling, co mfort and fue l economy and increase tyre
If the pressure is too low, this can re sult in considera ble tyre warm-up and in ternal damage, le ading to tread
separation and even to tyre blow-out at high speeds.