Vehicle fe atures
Quick Reference Guide
Refer to Owner’s M anual for detailed information.
Illustrations may depict lef t-hand drive vehicles.
Oper ation is simi lar for righ t-han d driv e vehicle s.
Depending o n the model vari ant, specia l equipment
and access ories, t he scope of equipment on your
vehicle may diff er from the des criptions in this gu ide.
TS 1720-B-13 / KTA 2726 -3 January 2013
Vehicle features Vehicle features
Unlocking the vehicle:
Press button
c on remote control
- o r - t ur n k e y i n dr i v e r ’ s d o o r l o c k t o
unlock all doors, lo ad compartment
and fuel fi ller flap.
Locking the veh icle:
Close doors, load compartment
and fuel filler fl ap.
Press butt on
e on remote control
- or - turn key in driver’s door lock to
lock the vehicl e.
e twice within 15 seconds to
deadlock all doors and activate the
anti-theft alarm syste m.
The vehicle can a lso be conf igured
to unlock only the d river’s door,
load compartmen t and fuel filler
flap when pressing button c once
on the remote control. Pressing
button c twice will unlock t he entire
A short time af ter unlockin g the
vehicle with the remote control, the
doors are locked automatically if
no door has be en opened.
Electronic imm obiliser:
Activated automatically when key
is removed fr om ignition sw itch.
1. Power windows
2. Exterior mirrors
3. Cruise contr ol, speed limi ter,
adaptive cruise con trol,
Forward coll ision alert
4. Side air v ents
5. Wipers and w ashers
6. Instrume nts
7. Steering wheel controls
8. Driver I nformatio n Centre
9. Turn signals, hea dlight flash,
low beam, high beam,
exit lighting, park ing lights,
buttons for Driv er Infor mation
10. Centra l locking sys tem,
hazard wa rning f lashers,
Sport and Tour mode,
LEDs for airbag deactivation
and passe nger seat belt
11. Info-Dis play
12. Centre air ven ts
13. Anti-theft alarm status LED
14. Glovebox, fu se box
15. Climate co ntrol syste m
16. AUX input, USB input,
SD card slo t, power o utlet
17. Selector lever
18. Tractio n Control s ystem,
Electronic Stabil ity Control,
lane departur e warning
19. Electrical parking brake
20. Parking assist,
advanced parking assist,
stop-start button
21. Ignition switch, steerin g lock
22. Horn, drive r’s airbag
23. Bonnet rele ase lever
24. Storage compartment
25. Steering w heel adjustm ent
26. Light swi tch, fog li ghts,
headlight range adjus tment
instrument ill umination
Manual tran smission:
Reverse gear :
With vehicle statio nary, wait
3 seconds after depressing clutc h
pedal, press the rele ase button on
the selector leve r and engage gear.
If the gear does not engage, set the
lever to neutral, release the clutch
pedal and depress again; then
repeat ge ar sel ection.
Do not grind the clutch
unnecessa rily.
When operatin g, depress clutch
pedal fully. Do not use the peda l as
a foot rest.
Automatic tr ansmission:
P = Park position, wheel s are
locked, engage only when the
vehicle is stationary and the
parking brake is applied
R = Reverse gear, engage only
when vehicle is s tationary
N = N eut ral
D = Automatic (drive) mode
with all gears.
The selector leve r can only be
moved out of P when the igniti on is
on and the brak e pedal is a pplied.
If brake pedal is not applie d,
control indicato r
j illuminates .
To engage P or R , press the rel ease
The engine can only be s tarted with
the lever in position P or N . When
position N is selected, depress
brake pedal or apply parking brake
before starting.
Manual mode
Move selector lever out of
position D towards the left, then
forwards or backwar ds.
< = Sh ift to a higher gear
] = Shift to a lower gear
The mode or selected gear is shown
in the transmission display.
Starting the engi ne:
Turn key to position 1
Move steering wh eel slightly to
release steeri ng wheel lock
Manual transmiss ion in neutral
with clutch depressed
Automatic transmission in P or N
with brake pedal depressed
Do not accelerate
Diesel engines : turn key to
position 2 for preheating and
wait until contr ol indicator !
Turn key to 3 and release
The key does not have t o be held in
position 3 - the Automatic Sta rter
Control ens ures that the system w ill
go on starting automatically until
the engine is running. Becaus e of
the checking proce dure, the engi ne
starts runnin g after a short delay.
Stop-start syste m:
When conditions al low, the system
switches off the eng ine to save fuel
and reduce emiss ion levels if the
vehicle is at a low spee d or at a
standstill, e.g. at traffic lights or in a
traffic jam. It starts the engine as
soon as the clutch is depressed.
To activate an Autostop:
Depress clutch pedal
Shift selector lever to neutral
Release the clutch pedal
The needle poin ts to AUTO STOP in
the tachometer. To re start engine ,
depress clutch again.
Deactivate stop-start system
manually by pressing the
button on the instrument panel.
The LED in the button extingui shes
to confirm deactivation.
Manual par king brake:
To releas e parkin g brake, raise
lever slightly, press release b utton
and lower leve r fully.
Always apply parking b rake firmly
without operating the release
button and apply as firmly as
possible on an uphill or downhill
To reduce the op erating forc es of
the parkin g brake, depr ess the
brake pedal at the same ti me.
Opening the bonnet:
To open the bonnet, pull the
release lever lo cated below the
instrument panel .
The bonnet will th en be unlocked
and will partial ly open. Return
release leve r to its orig inal position .
To open completely, push the
safety catch to the right and open
the bonnet.
The bonnet is held open
automatically by a lifter.
If the bonnet is opened du ring an
Autostop, the engine will be
restarted automatically, for safety
Closing the bonn et:
To close, lower the bonnet and
allow it to drop into the catch.
Check that the bon net is engaged.
Electri cal park ing brake:
Pull switch J for appro x.
one second; electrical park ing
brake is applied automatical ly with
adequate force. For maximum
force, e.g. when parki ng with trailer
attached or on inclines, pull
switch J twice.
To release, switch on igni tion, keep
brake pedal de pressed and p ush
switch J .
Drive away function:
Depressing clutch pe dal (manual
transmissi on) or engagi ng drive
gear (a utomati c tran smissio n) and
then depres sing the accelerator
pedal relea ses the electri cal
parking brake automa tically. This
is not possible w hen the switch is
pulled at the same time.
This function also helps when
driving away on in clines.
Unlocking and opening tailgate :
Press butt on c on remote control
when the ignition is off.
The tailgate is rele ased to be
unlocked by pu shing the touch pad
switch below the tailgate moulding.
Closing and locking tailga te:
Use interior handle on the
underside of the tailgate to close.
Do not push the touchpad swi tch
below the tailgate moul ding whilst
closing or it will unlock again.
Press button e on remo te control to
lock vehicle.
Before refu elling, switch off engine
and any external heaters with
combustio n chambe rs.
Switch off any mobile phones.
Fuel filler flap is located at right
rear side of vehicle.
The fuel fi ller flap ca n only be
opened if the vehicle is unlocked.
Pull flap at the recess and open .
To open, turn the fu el filler cap
slowly ant i-clockwis e.
The fuel fill er cap can b e retained i n
the bracket on the fuel filler flap.
To close, repl ace fuel fi ller cap an d
turn clockwis e until it clic ks.
Wipe off any overflowi ng fuel.
Petrol engin es - use unle aded fuel
meeting specificat ions of
DIN EN 228 or E DIN 516 26-1 or
Diesel engi nes - use die sel fuel
meeting specificat ions of
DIN EN 590.
Fuel tank capacity (all models) -
58 litres.
Engine oil:
Check eng ine oil level ma nually on
a regular basis to preven t damage
to engine. Ensure that the correct
specifica tion of oil is u sed.
Check with vehicle on a le vel
surface. Engine mus t be at
operating temperatu re and
switched off for at least 5 minutes.
Pull out dipstick, wipe clean, insert
to stop on the hand le, pull o ut and
read engine oil leve l.
Insert dipstick to stop on handle
and make half a turn.
It is the owner’s responsibility to
maintain the correct level of an
appropriate q uality oil in the
A funnel (locat ed in the right
storage compartment in the load
compartment) may be required to
top-up engine oil on some engin es.
Tyre pressure:
Check tyre pressures, i ncluding the spare, every 14 days and prior to any long journey; tyres should be
checked when cold. This also appl ies to vehicles with tyre pressu re monitor ing system.
The tyre pressure data refers to cold tyres. It applies to summer and wi nter tyr es.
Always inflate the spare tyre to the va lue specified for full load .
The ECO tyre press ure serves to ac hieve the smalles t amount of fu el consumption possible.
Incorrect tyre press ures will imp air safety, vehicl e handling, co mfort and fue l economy an d increase tyre
If the pressure is too low, this can re sult in consid erable tyre warm-up and internal damage, leading to tre ad
separation and even to tyre blow-o ut at hi gh speed s.
Tyre pressure (psi )
Comfort setting for u pto
3 people:
Tyres Front Rear
A14NEL, 215/60 R16 32 32
A14NET 225/50 R17 32 32
235/45 R18 32 32
235/40 R19 32 32
A16XHT 225/50 R17 36 33
225/45 R18 36 33
235/45 R18 36 33
235/40 R19 36 33
A18XEL, 215/60 R16 3 2 32
A18XER 225/50 R17 32 32
235/45 R18 32 32
235/40 R19 32 32
B16DTH 215/60 R16 3 5 35
225/50 R17 35 35
235/45 R18 35 35
235/40 R19 35 35
A20DTL, 215/60 R16 35 35
A20DT, 225/50 R17 35 35
A20DTJ 235/45 R18 35 35
235/40 R19 35 35
215/60 R16 35 35
225/50 R17 35 35
A20DTH,225/50 R17 38 35
A20DTR 22 5/45 R18 38 35
235/45 R18 38 35
235/40 R19 38 35
All Spare wheel 61 61
Tyre pressure (psi )
With full l oad
Tyres Front Re ar
A14NEL, 215/60 R16 33 43
A14NET 225/50 R17 33 4 3
235/45 R18 33 43
235/40 R19 33 43
A16XHT 225/50 R17 39 46
225/45 R18 39 46
235/45 R18 39 46
235/40 R19 39 46
A18XEL, 215/60 R1 6 33 41
A18XER 225/50 R17 33 41
235/45 R18 33 41
235/40 R19 33 41
B16DTH 215 /60 R16 38 43
225/50 R17 38 43
235/45 R18 38 43
235/40 R19 38 43
A20DTL, 215/60 R16 36 43
A20DT, 225/50 R17 36 4 3
A20DTJ 235/45 R18 36 43
235/40 R19 36 43
215/60 R16 38 43
225/50 R17 38 43
A20DTH,225/50 R17 41 46
A20DTR 225 /45 R18 41 46
235/45 R18 41 46
235/40 R19 41 46
All Spare wheel 61 61
Tyre pressure (psi)
ECO setting for upt o
3 people
Tyres Front Rear
A14NEL, 215/60 R16 38 38
A14NET 225/ 50 R17 38 38
235/45 R18 38 38
235/40 R19 38 38
A16XHT 225/50 R17 41 41
225/45 R18 41 41
235/45 R18 41 41
235/40 R19 41 41
A18XEL, 21 5/60 R16 38 38
A18XER 225/50 R17 38 38
235/45 R18 38 38
235/40 R19 38 38
B16DTH 21 5/60 R16 41 41
225/50 R17 41 41
235/45 R18 41 41
235/40 R19 41 41
A20DTL, 215/60 R16 41 41
A20DT, 225/ 50 R17 41 41
A20DTJ 235/45 R18 41 41
235/40 R19 41 41
215/60 R16 41 41
225/50 R17 41 41
A20DTH,225/50 R17 41 4 1
A20DTR 22 5/45 R 18 41 41
235/45 R18 41 41
235/40 R19 41 41
All S pare wheel -
Do not use ECO tyre pressure for this