It is possible to modify many of the set’s initial settings according to your preferences.
Enter the Initial Settings menu.
Select one of the options you want to modify.
Alter the chosen option.
- Select temperature function; [OFF] to disable,
[DISPLAY] to enable display, [WARNING]
to enable display and warning.
- Select the temperature format. TEMP [FAHRENHEIT, CELSIUS]
- Activate /Deactivate speed warning. SPEED [NO, KM/H, MPH]
- Select the speed dependent volume SDVC [OFF, 1, 2, 3, 4]
control level (only when connected
and calibrated, see SDVC and Speed
- Select the telephone function. (if connected) TELEPHONE [NO, IN, MUTE]
MUTE if your phone only interrupts
the set’s volume and IN if your phone
provides a loudspeaker connection.
- If IN or MUTE were selected TELEPHONE [LOW, HIGH]
for telephone function set detection level.
- Activate /Deactivate the ON/OFF LOGIC [ON, OFF]
logic to limit the use of the set to 1 hour
after the key has been removed.
- Select auxiliary as source (if connected). AUXILIARY [YES, NO]
- Activate /Deactivate the security light. WARNING LED [ON, OFF]
- Activate/Deactivate subwoofer (if connected).
[40, 80, OFF]
If activated select central frequency.
- Activate /Deactivate dynamic loudness. LOUDNESS [OFF, AUTO]
- Select the frequency threshold BASS FREQ [80, 40]
of the low notes.
- Select the frequency threshold TREBLE FREQ [5K, 7K]
of the high notes.
- Activate /Deactivate the automatic leveller LEVELER [AUTO, OFF]
between the different sources.
- Select the type of confirmation beep. BEEP TYPE [1, 2, 3, 4]
- Select the confirmation beep level. BEEP LEVEL [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]