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9 - Cooling Flush
One of the benefits of the Vibiemme Domobar Super line is the thermosyphon built into the E-61 grouphead.
Convection acts to recirculate hot water through the grouphead which helps create thermal stability throughout
the brewing path which goes a long way to helping you get consistent results. But under certain circumstances
that same system can cause the grouphead and heat exchanger to become overheated, and if you do not act to con-
trol or mitigate that situation, when you pull a shot the coffee may be subjected to steam and over-heated water
which will create a bitter beverage. What to do?
If the machine has been left on and has not been used for more than about three to five minutes to brew
espresso, before preparing to make an espresso it is important to do a cooling flush. This involves turning on the
machine as if you were going to make espresso, but without the portafilter and you don’t need to use a cup. Just
turn on the manual brew switch and when the sputtering of the steam ends and a stream of water without steam
comes from the grouphead, count an amount of time, then turn the brew cycle off.*1 This cooling flush will pull
the excess heat from the heat exchanger and grouphead, returning these parts closer to a ‘normal’ brewing tem-
The second part of the cooling flush involves a short wait for the temperature of the boiler and heat ex-
changer to stabilize. This happens fairly quickly- figure between about fifteen to forty-five seconds. Coinciden-
tally, that’s about the amount of time it will take you to get ready. Once the cooling flush has been accomplished
go about making coffee as usual- wipe the portafilter dry, grind, dose, tamp, lock the portafilter and pull the shot
(this process is explained in detail in the next chapter).
As you get more accustomed to making espresso and your results become more consistent, you will be able
to use this cooling flush and wait time to fine tune the process to match your tastes, the coffee you are using, and
the type of drink you are making. As an example, making a cappuccino or latte you can use a slightly higher tem-
perature so you would use a shorter cooling flush. If you are going to have a straight espresso, a slightly longer
flush is required to get a smoother taste from the slightly lower brew temperature. The difference can be as little
as one or two degrees, but in the world of espresso, two degrees is a lot of degrees.
How long is a “shorter” or “longer” cooling flush? That is something your taste buds will teach you as you
get more and more adept at using your Domobar Super. If you find you get the same taste every time with a ten
second flush, try an eight second flush for a while. Not working for you? Try a twelve second flush for a few days.
These sorts of little experiments are all part of the learning process. Remember that it takes patience, practice,
and attention to detail to become consistent enough to be able to tell how these little changes affect the taste of
the espresso! For now, just try to do everything the same way until you get a taste that is the same every time.
That might take weeks or even months. Not to worry. The skills you are learning will last a lifetime- much like
your Vibiemme Domobar Super.
*1 If you are researching the E-61 grouphead and the cooling flush you will find data that suggests a flush
time as low as two or three seconds all the way up to about thirty seconds. Although there are a lot of E-61 grou-
pheads out there, the E-61 grouphead of the Domobar Super is unique as it tends to not overheat quite as much
as some of its competitors. The general rule is, the longer the machine has been idle the longer the cooling flush
needs to be. Start with a flush of about ten seconds and work from there. As you get more experienced you will
be able to adjust your cooling-flush-and-wait procedure by taste.

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