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11 - The Espresso Speedometer
It’s time to actually make espresso! The coffee has been ground and tamped into the portafilter, and the
portafilter locked into place. All that is left to do is to place a cup under the spout(s) and switch the machine into
brewing mode (see Chapter 3 for details on how to operate the various models).
Espresso has speeds- more accurately, it has rates of flow while being created. When you switched the ma-
chine to brew, the pump pushed fresh water into the heat exchanger which displaced hot water and forced the hot
water through the grouphead, through the coffee, and out of the portafilter into your cup. How it emerged, what it
looks like, and hot fast it flows are all indications as to how well the previous steps were performed.
How Much, How Fast?
There is a range of volume of espresso that should take a certain amount of time to be created. Whether it
is a double or single, the “pull” should be about 25 seconds. The term “Pull” comes from the original espresso
machines that were lever operated and the barista had to “pull” the lever to push the water through the coffee.
As the espresso issues forth from the portafilter spouts you will notice that some pulls issue forth too slowly
and other pulls it might flow much too fast. There is a “sweet spot” that is sometimes referred to as the “Golden
Rule of Espresso.” The general parameters that define this (for a double espresso) are about two ounces of
espresso in about 25 seconds. For a single it is about one ounce in the same amount of time. We purposely state
“about” because this is not so much a rule as it is just a guideline- a starting point. It should be considered just a
foundation from which to begin your espresso adventure.
As you get started, don’t get too caught up in timing and measuring. Excellent espresso can be made in a
range of about twenty to thirty-five seconds. A very tasty double can be as little as 1.25 ounces to as much as 2.5
ounces. Think of these parameters as a bell curve with the greatest percentage of success to be at the central peak
of the curve.
Learning what various flow rates look like so that you can visually identify when things are working as they
should, as well as when they are not, is a good place to begin. Below you will learn how to differentiate a good
pull from bad as well learn solutions to most common problems.
A flow of espresso that is issuing forth too quickly will lack viscosity- it is thin and watery. The color of the
stream is quite light in color which is a sign of under-extraction.
Causes of a fast, pale flow can include:
Too coarse of a grind. Set your grinder to a finer grind. How much finer? It depends on the grinder itself. As each
brand works differently you will need to experiment to learn just how much to change the grind. The faster the
flow the further the grinder will need to be adjusted towards a finer setting.
• Channeling. This is usually caused either by improper distribution of the coffee before tamping or if the coffee
was dosed with voids in the mass of grounds. The force of the water can bypass much of the puck and flow
through without extracting properly.
• Under-dosing. There was not enough coffee in the basket and so there was not enough resistance to the flow of
• Too much force in the flow. This can be caused by steam build up that was not properly bled before pulling the
shot. The blast of steam mixed with water disrupts the structure of the puck. This can also be caused by a im-
properly adjusted overpressure relief valve.
Faulty basket. If a basket develops a crack it can flex open under brew pressure and allow the puck to be dam-
aged causing a fast flow. If this is suspected, examine the area on the floor of the basket around the outer perim-
eter of the perforations which is where most cracks occur.

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