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1) If a CANBUS-BMS is connected and the BMS requests a maximum charge current that is different from the user-configurable
setting, the lower of the two will be used.
2) This mechanism only works for Victron inverter/chargers and Solar chargers. Other chargers, such as Skylla-i’s are not control-
led and also their charge current is not taken into account. The same applies for devices that are not connected to the GX device,
such as an alternator. Worded differently: the total charge current of the inverter/chargers and all MPPTs will be controlled, noth-
ing else. Any other sources will be extra charge current, unaccounted for. Even when installing a BMV or other battery monitor.
3) DC Loads are not accounted for. Even when a BMV or other battery monitor is installed. For example, with a configured maxi-
mum charge current of 50 Amps, and DC Loads drawing 20 Amps, the battery will be charged with 30 Amps. Not with the full
allowed 50 Amps.
4) Current drawn from the system by the inverter/charger is compensated for. For example, if 10A is drawn to power AC loads,
and the limit is 50A, the system will allow the solar chargers to charge with a maximum of 60 Amps.
5) In all situations, the maximum charge limit configured in a device itself, ie. the Charge current limit set with VictronConnect or
VEConfigure for the Solar chargers or Inverter/chargers will still be in effect. An example to illustrate this: in case there is only an
Inverter/charger in the system, and in VEConfigure is charge current is configured to 50 Amps. And on the GX Device, a limit of
100A is configured, then the working limit will be 50 Amps.
8.4.2. Shared Voltage Sense (SVS)
Works with VE.Bus devices and VE.Direct Solar Chargers.
The system automatically selects the best available voltage measurement. It will use the voltage from the BMS or a BMV battery
monitor, if possible, otherwise it will use the battery voltage reported by the VE.Bus system.
The voltage displayed on the GUI reflects the same voltage measurement.
Shared Voltage Sense (SVS) is by default enabled when DVCC is enabled. It can be disabled with a switch in the Settings →
System Setup menu.
8.4.3. Shared Temperature Sense (STS)
Select the temperature sensor to use; and the GX device will send the measured battery temperature to the Inverter/charger sys-
tem as well as all connected Solar Chargers.
Selectable sources for the battery temperature are:
BMV-702 battery monitor
BMV-712 battery monitor
Lynx Shunt VE.Can battery monitors
Temperature inputs on a Cerbo GX (and same for other GX devices that have a temperature input)
Multi/Quattro inverter/charger
Solar Chargers (if fitted with a temperature sensor)
8.4.4. Shared Current Sense (SCS)
This feature forwards the battery current, as measured by a battery monitor connected to the GX device, to all connected solar
The solar chargers can be configured to use the battery current for its tail current mechanism that ends absorption when the cur-
rent is below the configured threshold. For more information about that, refer to Solar charger documentation.
This feature only applies to systems that are not ESS, and/or don’t have a managed battery, since in both of those cases the
MPPT is already externally controlled.
Requires MPPT solar charger firmware v1.47 or newer.
8.5. DVCC Features when using CAN-bus BMS Battery
This chapter applies to all systems where an intelligent battery BMS is installed, and connected via CAN-bus. Note that this does
not include the Victron VE.Bus BMS.
Such intelligent BMS sends four parameters to the GX device:
1. Charge voltage limit (CVL): the maximum charge voltage that the battery currently accepts.
2. Charge current limit (CCL): the maximum charge current requested by the battery.
3. Discharge current limit (DCL): the maximum discharge current as requested by the battery.
For all three parameters, some types of batteries transmit dynamic values. For example they determine the maximum charge volt-
age based on cell voltages, state of charge, or for example temperature. Other makes and brands use a fixed value.
Cerbo GX Manual

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