Medical devices
Please consult your doctor and the device manufacturer to determine if operation of
your device may interfere with the operation of your medical device.
Switch off your wireless device when requested to do so in hospitals, clinics or health
care facilities. These requests are designed to prevent possible interference with
sensitive medical equipment.
Switch off your wireless device whenever you are instructed to do so by airport or
airline staff.
Consult the airline staff about the use of wireless devices on board the aircraft, if your
Explosive environments
Petrol stations and explosive atmospheres
In locations with potentially explosive atmospheres, obey all posted signs to turn off
wireless devices such as your phone or other radio equipment.
Areas with potentially explosive atmospheres include fuelling areas, below decks
on boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities, areas where the air contains
chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders.
Blasting Caps and Areas
Turn off your mobile phone or wireless device when in a blasting area or in areas posted
turn off “two-way radios” or “electronic devices” to avoid interfering with blasting