Display Indications and Symbols
This is a summary of all possible symbols and information on the MT-52.
Auto means “automatic measuring range selection”
Symbol for display illumination
Symbol for the integrated fuses
OLor I Overload = the measuring range was exceeded
OFF Switch position “Measuring device off”
Battery replacement symbol; please replace the batteries immediately to avoid measu-
ring errors!
Symbol for the diode test
Symbol for the acoustic continuity tester
dBC Symbol for noise level measuring range (C-characteristic = linear)
CAP Capacity measuring range
AC Alternating current for voltage and current
DC Direct current for voltage and current
- Polarity indication in case of minus potential
mV Millivolt (exp.-3)
V Volt (unit of electric potential difference or voltage)
µA Microampere (exp.-6)
mA Milliampere (exp.-3)
A Ampere (unit of electric current)
Ω Ohm (unit of electric impedance)
kΩ Kilo Ohm (exp.3)
MΩ Mega Ohm (exp.6)
Hz Hertz (unit of frequency)
% Pulse length in % (pulse pause)
°C Temperature unit (°Celsius)
dB Noise level unit (decibel)
Lux Unit and measuring range of illumination strength