Consult anexpert whenin doubtabout theoperation, thesafety orthe connectionof
the device.
Measuring instruments and accessories are not toys and have no place in the
hands of children.
On industrial sites the accident prevention regulations of the association of the
industrial workers’ society for electrical equipment and utilities must be followed.
In schools, training centres, computer and self-help workshops, handling of measur-
ing instrumentsmust be supervised by trainedpersonnelin a responsible manner.
The voltage between theconnecting points of the measuring deviceand earth must
never exceed 600 V DC/AC in CAT III.
The test prods have to be removed from the measured object every time the mea-
suring range is changed.
Takeparticular care when dealing with voltages exceeding 25V AC or 35V DC! Even
atthesevoltagesitispossibleto geta fatalelectricshockifyoutouchelectricconduc-
Check the measuringdevice and itsmeasuring linesfor damagebefore eachmea-
surement.Never carry out any measurements if the protecting insulationisdefec-
tive (torn, ripped off etc.)
To avoid an electric shock, make sure not to touch the connections/measuring
points tobe measured neither directlynor indirectly during measurement.During
measuring, do not grip beyond thetangible grip rangemarkings present on thetest
prods and on the on-clamp ammeter sensor.
Do not use themeasuring devicejust before, duringor justafter an electricalstorm
(electrical shock / high-energy overvoltages!). Please make sure that your hands,
your shoes, your clothing, the floor, switches and switching components are dry.
Avoid an operation near:
- strong magnetic or electromagnetic fields
- transmitter aerials or HF generators,
Since this could affect the measurement.