Child Restraint Anchorages
Volvo cars are fitted with child restraint top tether anchorages in the rear seat. There are three
anchorages under the rear section of the car's rear window shelf on sedans and in the back of the rear
seat in wagons. When the car is delivered, the holes for these anchorages are covered by plastic screws.
In cars designated for Canada, one top tether anchorage set will be in the glove box. In cars designated
for the U.S., a coupon good for one set, will be provided by mail. The top tether anchorage set includes
the top tether anchorage plate, an M8 bolt (30 mm long) and a plastic trim cover. If another set is
needed, consult your Volvo dealer.
Installing the top tether
Remove the plastic screw covering the anchorage point you want to use. This can be done with a
suitable coin. The screw is removed counter-clockwise.
Place the top tether anchorage plate as shown in the illustration. Using the M8 bolt, tighten securely, to
16 ± 2.5 ft.lbs. Place the plastic trim plate over the anchorage plate, if desired.
Child Restraint Anchorages are designed to withstand only those loads imposed by correctly fitted
Child Restraints. Under no circumstances are they to be used for adult seat belts or harnesses. The
anchorages are not able to withstand excessive forces on them in the event collision if full harness
seat belts or adult seat belts are installed to them.
A grown-up who uses a belt anchored in a Child Restraint Anchorage runs a great risk of suffering
severe injuries should a collision occur.
pg. 105