Distance to empty tank
The trip computer calculates the
remaining mileage with the fuel
available in the tank.
The calculation is based on the average fuel
consumption over the last 30 km (20 miles)
and the remaining drivable fuel quantity.
When the gauge shows "----", there is not
enough fuel left to be able to calculate the
remaining mileage. Refuel as soon as possible.
There may be a slight deviation if the driv-
ing style has been changed.
An economic driving style generally results in a
longer driving distance.
Distance to empty battery
The approximate distance that can
be driven with the remaining amount
of energy in the hybrid battery is
indicated adjacent to this symbol.
The calculation is based on the average con-
sumption of normally loaded vehicle, during
normal driving and taking into account
whether the air conditioning (AC) is switched
on or off. When changing between the
and Pure drive modes, the calculated distance
increases since the Pure mode has reduced
climate settings (ECO climate).
No guaranteed range on electric power
remains when the gauge shows "----".
There may be a slight deviation if the driv-
ing style has been changed.
An economic driving style generally results in a
longer driving distance.
Start value for fully charged hybrid battery
Since it is difficult to anticipate driving style
and other factors that affect the range for
electric operation, Volvo has decided to use a
start value when the car is fully charged. The
start value indicates an up-to figure instead of
a forecast for the range for electric operation.
The difference in start value between
and Pure is due to the car being allowed to
use more energy from the hybrid battery in
Pure mode, as well as that the car changes
over to ECO climate.
Mileage for electric operation
In order to achieve the longest possible mile-
age for electric operation, the driver of an elec-
trically powered car also has to think about
energy conservation. The more consumers
there are (stereo, electric heating in windows/
mirrors/seats, very cold air from the climate
control system, etc.) that are active - the
shorter the potential mileage.
In addition to high current take-off in the
passenger compartment, sudden accelera-
tion and braking, high speed, heavy loads,
low outside temperature and uphill gradi-
ents also reduce the possible driving dis-
Tourist - alternative speedometer
The alternative digital speedometer makes it
easier to drive in countries where speed limit
signs are in a different unit than that shown in
the car's instruments.
The digital speed is then shown in the oppo-
site unit to that shown in the analogue speed-
ometer. If the analogue speedometer is gradu-
ated in mph, the digital speedometer shows
the corresponding speed in km/h and vice
Related information
Show trip data in the driver display
(p. 88)
Resetting the trip meter (p. 89)
Show trip statistics in the centre display
(p. 89)
Driver display (p. 81)
Changing system units (p. 130)