Combined instrument panel -
license agreement
A license is an agreement for the right to oper-
ate a certain activity or the right to use someone
else's entitlement according to the terms and
conditions in the agreement. The following text is
Volvo's agreement with the manufacturer/devel-
Combined Instrument Panel Software
Open Source Software Notice
This product uses certain free / open source and
other software originating from third parties, that
is subject to the GNU Lesser General Public
License version 2 (LGPLv2), The FreeType
Project License ("FreeType License") and other
different and/or additional copy right licenses,
disclaimers and notices. The links to access the
exact terms of LGPLv2, and the other open
source software licenses, disclaimers,
acknowledgements and notices are provided to
you below. Please refer to the exact terms of the
relevant License, regarding your rights under said
licenses. Volvo Car Corporation (VCC) offers to
provide the source code of said free/open source
software to you for a charge covering the cost of
performing such distribution, such as the cost of
media, shipping and handling, upon written
request. Please contact your nearest Volvo
The offer is valid for a period of at least three (3)
years from the date of the distribution of this
product by VCC / or for as long as VCC offers
spare parts or customer support.
Portions of this product uses software
copyrighted © 2007 The FreeType Project
( All rights reserved.
Portions of this product uses software with
Copyright © 1994–2013, PUC-Rio
This product includes software under
following licenses:
LGPL v2.1:
•GNU FriBidi
The FreeType Project License: http://
•FreeType 2
MIT License:
Symbols in the display
There are a variety of different symbols in the
display in the car. The symbols are divided into
warning, indicator and information symbols.
Shown below are the most common symbols with
their meanings and a reference to where in the
manual further information can be found.
- Red warning symbol, illuminates when a
fault has been indicated which could affect the
safety and/or driveability of the car. An explana-
tory text is shown in the information display in the
combined instrument panel at the same time.
- Information symbol, illuminates in combi-
nation with text in the information display in the
combined instrument panel, when a deviation in
any of the car's systems has occurred. The infor-
mation symbol can also illuminate in conjunction
with other symbols.
Warning symbols in the combined
instrument panel
Symbol Specification See
Low oil pressure (p. 73)
Parking brake
(p. 73),
(p. 303)