on purchasing your new VTech product.
Before using this product, please read
Important safety instructions.
This manual has all the feature operations
and troubleshooting necessary to install and
operate your new VTech product. Please
review this manual thoroughly to ensure
proper installation and operation of this
innovative and feature rich VTech product.
What’s in the box
Install the battery
The parent unit runs on a rechargeable battery
or AC power. To continuously monitor your
baby, make sure you use both battery and
AC power at the same time. With the battery
alone, the parent unit can cordlessly run for a
short time only.
Use only the battery supplied with this product.
The operating time for using the rechargeable
battery is short. If you want to monitor your baby
for a long time, we recommend you connect the
parent unit to AC power.
If the parent unit will not be used for a long time,
disconnect and remove the battery to prevent
possible leakage.
Install the battery as shown below.
Make sure the label THIS SIDE UP is facing up
while inserting the battery.
Replace the battery
To replace the battery, pull ou t the battery
compartment cover , and t hen li f t up th e
bat ter y . Follow the steps above to install the
new battery.
Connect and charge the
Use only the power adaptors supplied with this
The power adaptors are intended to be correctly
oriented in a vertical or floor mount position. The
prongs are not designed to hold the plug in place
if they ar e plugged into a ceiling, under-the-table
or cabinet outlet.
Make sure the parent unit, the baby unit and
the power adaptor cords are out of th e reach of
Connect the baby monitor
Charge the parent unit battery
When you have connected the parent unit and
installed its battery for the first time or after
power outage, the parent unit will p ower on
automatically. The battery icon indicates the
battery status (see the following table).
The parent unit battery is fully charged after
1 1 hours of continuous charging.
It takes longer to charge the battery when the
parent unit is turned on. To shorten the charging
time, turn the parent unit off while charging.
The s ta nd by tim e vari es de pe ndi ng o n the
volu me level yo u set , your ac tu al us e and t he
age of t he b at ter y.
Bat te r y
indi cato rs
Bat te r y
st atus
Acti on
The batt ery
ico n is off
dis plays .
No battery
is installed
but o perate s
usi ng AC
power , or th e
bat ter y ha s
been inst alle d
inc orre ct ly .
Install the
parent unit
(at least
30 minutes).
The scre en
dis plays
Batter y lo w
at P are nt
Unit a nd .
The light light
The battery
has very little
charge and
may be used
for only a
short time.
30 minutes).
The battery
solid .
The battery is
fully charged.
To keep
the battery
connect it to
AC power
when not in
Before use
This baby monitor is intended as an aid. It is not a
substitute for proper adult supervision, and should
not be used as such.
Test your baby monitor
You shou ld test the baby monitor before initial
use, and at regular times thereafter.
For hearing protection, make sure the
pare nt unit is more than 1 m etre (3 feet)
away from the b aby unit. If yo u hear a ny
high-pitched noise, move th e pare nt un it
fur t her away un til t he n ois e stops. You can
also press VOL- on the parent unit to lower
or mute the noise.
Make sure your b aby uni t and pare nt uni t
are on.
The par ent uni t dis plays im ages fro m the
baby uni t.
Spe ak toward s the m icro ph one of t he
baby uni t. Y ou w ill he ar the so und at t he
parent u nit .
When the paren t unit disp lays No link to
Came ra, and the LI NK LED light flash, move the
parent unit closer to the baby unit ( o bs er ve th e
min imu m dis ta nc e of 1 met re/ 3 fe et). Y ou can
also check if the baby monitor is connec ted to a
live powe r socket and switched on.
Increase the speaker volume of the parent unit if
you cannot hear the sounds transmitted from the
baby unit.
Positioning the baby monitor
Keep the baby unit out of the reach of your baby.
Never place or mount the baby unit inside the
baby’s cot or playpen.
To avoid interference from other electronic
devices, place your baby monitor far away from
devices such as wireless routers, microwaves,
mobile phones and computers.
Place t he baby un it mor e than 1 m etre
(3 feet ) away from your ba by .
Place t he pare nt unit m ore th an 1 metr e
(3 feet ) away from th e baby uni t.
3. Flip d own t he ca mera o n the ba by unit
to adju st th e angl e acc ord ing to your
preferen ce.
The default volume of your p aren t uni t is level 4.
If you experience high-pitched screeching noise
from your baby monitor whi le po si ti oni ng:
Make sure your baby unit and parent unit are
more than 1 metre (3 feet) apart, OR
Turn down the volume of your parent unit.
Operating range
The operating range of the baby monitor is
up to 30 0 met res ( 1,000 feet) outdoors or
50 metr es ( 160 feet) indoors. The actual
operating range may vary depending on
the environmental conditions and other
interferences such as walls, doors and other
Baby unit overview
1Light s en sor
2Cam er a
3Infr ar ed LE Ds
4- / VOLUM E /+
Press to ad just t he s peaker volu me.
It determines the talkback volume
transmitted from your parent unit.
5Mic rop hon e
6ON / OFF LE D ligh t
On wh en th e baby uni t is tur ned o n
and is p aired to t he pare nt uni t.
Flas hes wh en th e baby uni t is not
bein g viewed; or w hen t he lin k to the
parent u nit is l ost .
7 ON / OFF swi tch
Sli de to tur n the ba by unit o n or of f. •
8T e mp er atur e se nsor
9Sp ea ker
1 0 Thr e ad ed so cket
For wall mou nt ins tal lati on use. •
1 1 Power Jac k
1 2 P AI R
Y our baby unit and parent unit
provided are a lready p aired.
Parent unit overview
1 LCD dis play
2 Zoo m
Press to zoo m in or ou t whil e
viewi ng imag es.
• T urn t he volum e up whe n the
spe aker is on.
Whil e in a men u, pres s to scr oll u p,
or to enter an i tem’s sub- me nu.
Whil e zoomi ng, pre ss and h old t o
move the zoom ed im age up.
• T urn t he volum e down w hen t he
spe aker is on.
Whil e in a men u, pres s to scr oll
Whil e zoomi ng, pre ss and h old t o
move the zoom ed im age dow n.
Press to en ter/ exit t he menu.
Whil e in a su b- me nu, pres s to
cho ose a n item, or s ave a sett ing.
Whil e in a men u, pres s to cho ose
the nex t ite m on t he lef t, o r enter
into th e sub menu, i f any .
Whil e zoomi ng, pre ss and h old t o
move the zoom ed im age to th e lef t.
Whil e in a men u, pres s to cho ose
the nex t ite m on t he rig ht, or r eturn
to the m ain me nu whil e in su bme nu.
Whil e zoomi ng, pre ss and h old t o
move the zoom ed im age to th e
rig ht.
7 On /of f
Press an d hol d to power on.
Press an d hol d again to p ower of f.
Press and hold to talk to the ba by
1 0 LCD O N /O FF
Press to tur n the LCD s cree n on or
of f.
1 1 Spe ake r
1 2 Power j ack
1 3 Bat t er y co mpa r tm ent c over
1 4 S ta nd
Parent unit lights
LI NK On when th e parent u nit i s linked to
the ba by unit .
Flashes quic kl y when the l ink to t he
baby uni t is near ly lo st.
On wh en th e parent u nit is
con nec ted to AC power , or t he
bat ter y is c harg ing.
Flas hes wh en th e parent u nit
bat ter y is l ow and ne ed s char ging .
Of f w hen th e parent u nit i s
dis co nnec ted fr om AC power .
T ALK On when the parent unit is talking to
the baby unit.
On wh en th e spe aker volume o f the
parent u nit is t urne d of f.
Parent unit status icons
Connection status
or dis plays whe n stro ng
sig nal st reng th is d etec ted
bet ween t he ba by unit an d the
parent u nit .
or dis plays whe n mod erate
or low si gna l stren gt h is dete cte d
bet ween t he ba by unit an d the
parent u nit .
dis plays whe n the l ink bet we en
the ba by unit a nd the p arent un it
is lo st.
Display s when the camera at the
baby unit has zoomed in.
Nig ht visi on
Dis plays whe n the b aby unit h as
act ivated t he nig ht vi sio n feature.
Lulla by
Displa ys when a l ullaby is pla ying. •
T a lkb ack
Dis plays whe n tal kin g back to t he
baby uni t from t he pare nt uni t.
6 -level sound indicator
Dis plays th e soun d level when t here
is sou nd tr ansm it ted fro m the b aby
unit .
( 1 t o 2 bars ) indica tes low sound
lev el det ected by the b aby unit.
(3 to 4 bars ) in dic ates
mod erate so und level d etec ted by
the ba by unit .
(5 to 6 bars ) in di cates h igh
soun d level detec ted by t he baby
unit (e. g. ba by cr yi ng lou dly).
Mut e ale r t
Dis plays whe n the p arent un it
spe aker volume i s set to of f.
Re al -t ime t emp e ratu re
Dis plays th e real -ti me temp eratur e
detec ted by t he baby un it in
Fahrenhe it (o F) or Cels ius (o C )
( e.g. 57
oF or 1 4
oC) .
Battery status
anim ates
when t he bat ter y i s ch argi ng.
dis plays so lid wh en th e
bat ter y is f ully c harg ed.
dis plays whe n the b atte r y is
low and n eed s ch argin g.
A C po wer w ith out batt ery
Dis plays whe n the p arent un it is
con nec ted to AC power wi tho ut
the bat ter y .
Speaker volume
Dis plays th e parent u nit s peaker
volume l evel while a dju stin g.
Parent unit main menu icons
Br igh tne ss
Y ou ca n cha nge t he bri ght nes s of
the par ent un it sc reen.
Pa ir in g bab y un it
The ba by unit an d parent u nit
provid ed are a lread y paire d.
Un pai rin g baby un it
Y ou ca n remove th e paired b aby
unit .
LC D scr een off t ime r
Y ou ca n set a sp ec ifi c time fo r the
parent u nit s cree n to switc h of f.
T e mp er atur e
Y ou ca n turn o n the T em pe ra tur e
ale r t ton e on so t hat th e parent
unit b eep s when ever the roo m
temp erature d etec ted by th e
baby uni t fall s outs id e the d esire d
temp erature r ang e.
Lu ll aby
Y ou ca n sel ect , play , or sto p a
lull aby .
Parent unit warn ing icons a nd
/ No link to
Cam e ra
The baby uni t is out of
rang e or is tur ne d of f.
/ Battery low
at Pa re nt Un it
The battery is em pt y and
needs to be recharged.
Pairing o r unpa iring i s
com ple te.
Pairing o r unpa iring i s in
prog ress .
Pairing o r unpa iring h as
faile d.
/ Temperature
too high
/ Temperature
too low
The tem per ature
detec ted by t he baby un it
is hig her/l ower tha n the
des ired tem per ature ale r t
rang e.
or or
The ba by unit i s unpa irin g
from t he pare nt unit .
The par ent uni t is
searc hin g for baby un it.
User’s manual
Safe & Sound®
2.8” Colour
Video Baby Monitor
For product support please call
01235 546810
DC 6V 500mA
VTech Customer Service
FCC ID: EW780-0617-00
IC: 1135B-80061700
> 1 m (3f t)