Using the baby monitor
Power the baby unit on or off
Slide the O N /O FF swit ch up to turn the
baby unit on. The ON/OFF LED light turns
Slide the O N /O FF swit ch down to turn
the baby unit off. The ON/OFF LED light
turns off.
Power the parent unit on or off
Press and ho ld to turn the parent unit on.
The screen turns on.
Press and ho ld again to turn the parent
unit off. The screen turns off.
Turn the parent unit screen on
or off
You can turn the parent unit screen on or off
without switching the parent unit off. You can
still hear sound from the baby unit.
Press LCD ON /OF F on the parent unit to
turn t he sc reen o f f.
Press any key on the p arent un it to tur n the
scr een on ag ain.
Adjust speaker volume
For pa re nt uni t:
Press VOL+/ VOL- on the parent unit to
adju st th e spe aker volume.
When the pare nt un it speaker volume is set to
zero, appears on t he sc ree n and the light
turns on.
For baby unit:
The ba by unit s peaker vol ume dete rmi nes th e
tal kbac k volum e tran smi t ted fro m your parent
unit .
Press + / VOLUM E / - on th e baby uni t to
adju st th e spe aker volume.
Adjust LCD brightness
You can change the brightness of the parent
unit screen from Level 1 to Level 5 . The LCD
brig htn ess i s prese t to Level 3 .
Press MENU when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose , then press .
Press or to choose the desired level of
brightness, then press SELECT to confirm
your selection.
Y ou can zoom in while viewing images f rom
the baby unit.
Press to zoom in.
Press or to move th e zoome d imag e
up or d own.
Press or to move th e zoome d imag e
lef t or r ight .
Press again to zoom out.
Y ou can use the TALK function on the par ent
unit t o comfort y our bab y .
Press and hold TALK on th e parent u nit .
The TALK light turn s on.
Speak towards the microphone on the
parent unit. Your voice is broadcast to the
baby unit.
Release the TALK key to stop the
broadcast. The TALK light goe s of f.
You can play the lullabies on the baby unit
from the parent unit. On the baby unit, you can
control the volume level of the lullabies.
Playing lul lab ie s
Press MENU when the parent unit is id le.
Press or to choose , then press .
Press or to choose a lull aby , o r cho ose
to stop p laying.
Press SELECT to confirm your selection.
V olu me leve l cont rol o n ba by unit
Press VOL+ to inc rease t he volu me level of
the lu lla by on the ba by unit .
Press VOL- to dec reas e the vol ume level of
the lu lla by on the ba by unit .
The lulla by will stop when you st ar t using the
T ALK fun cti on on the paren t unit to comfor t your
baby .
Mo ni to r th e te mp er at ur e
Y our bab y unit monitors the t emperature of
your baby’s room with its built-in temperatu re
sensor . If the detected t emperature is out of the
preset t emperature range, the parent unit will
display an aler t message.
Se t tem pe ra ture r ang e
You can set the desired roo m temp erature
aler t r ang e. The minimum temperature can be
set between 50 o F (10 o C ) and 76 o F (24 o C) .
The maximum temperature can be set
between 77 o F (25 o C) and 102 o F (39 o C) .
Press MENU when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose , then press .
Press or to choose , then press
Press or to choose or , then
press SELECT .
Press or to choose the desired
mini mum or m ax imum temperature, then
press SELECT to confirm your selection.
Temperature alert tone
You can turn the temperature alert tone on so
that the parent unit will emit an alert tone if the
detected temperature is out of range.
Press MENU when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose , then press .
Press or to choose , then press
Press or to choose or , then
press SELECT to confirm your selection.
Temperature format
You can cho ose to d is play the te mper ature in
Fahrenhe it (o F) or Cels ius (o C ).
Press MENU when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose , then press .
Press or to choose , then press
Press or to choose or , then
press SELECT to confirm your selection.
General product care
To keep this product working well and looking good,
follow these guidelines:
Av oid p utt in g i t n ea r h ea tin g a pp lia nc es an d d evi ce s
th at ge ner at e e lec tr ica l noi se (f or ex amp le , m oto rs or
fl uor es cen t lam ps) .
DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture.
Avoid dropping the product or treating it roughly.
Clean with a soft cloth.
DO NOT immerse the parent unit and the baby
unit in water and do not clean them under the tap.
DO NOT use cleaning spray or liquid cleaners.
Make sure the baby unit and parent unit are dry
before you connect them to the mains again.
When you are not going to use the baby monitor for
some time, remove the rechargeable battery from
the parent unit. Store the parent unit, the baby unit
and the ada ptor s in a cool and dry place.
Fr eque ntl y as ked que sti ons
Be low ar e t he que st ion s m ost fr equ ent ly as ked ab out
th e b aby mo nit or. I f y ou can not fi nd the a nsw er to you r
qu est ion , vi sit o ur w ebsite at ww w.v tec h.c o.u k, or
contact 01 235 54681 0 for custo mer service.
Why does
the baby
monitor not
Try the following (in the order
listed) for a common cure:
1. D iscon nect the p ower to the
baby unit and the p arent unit.
2. R emove the batte ries in the
pare nt un it. T hen i nstal l the
batt eries agai n.
3. W ait a few sec onds bef ore
conn ectin g pow er ba ck to the
baby unit and the p arent unit.
4. T urn t he ba by un its a nd the
pare nt un it on . on. .
5. W ait for the parent unit to
synchronise with the b aby u nit.
Allo w up to on e min ute f or thi s to
take plac e.
Why don’t
the power-on
lights on the
baby unit or
the parent
unit go on
when I switch
the units on?
Per haps the pare nt u nit i s no t
con nect ed to the pow er. I nser t
the app lianc e pl ug i nto t he p aren t
uni t an d put the ada ptor in a wal l
soc ket. Then pre ss a nd ho ld to
swi tch the p aren t un it on and to
est abli sh co nnec tion with the bab y
uni t.
Perhaps the baby unit is not
connected to the power. Ins ert
the app lianc e pl ug i nto t he b aby
uni t an d put the ada ptor in a wal l
soc ket. Then slide the ON/OFF
switch to ON to switch the baby
unit on and to establish connection
with the parent unit.
Why doesn’t
my parent
unit charge
connected to
AC power?
Make sure the battery is installed.
You may have used the battery for
a long time. Replace with a new
Why is my
screen in
black and
The screen is in black and white
during night-time or in a dark room
when the night vision feature is
activated. This is normal due to
external light sources.
Why do I get
glare or a
blurry display
on my screen
when viewing
my baby at
During night-time or in a dark
room, the surroundings and other
interfering factors, like lights,
objects, colours and backgrounds
may affect the image quality on
your parent unit screen. Adjust the
baby unit’s angle or place the baby
unit at a higher level to prevent
glare and a blurry display.
Why does
the baby
produce a
The paren t uni t and baby unit may
be t oo cl ose t o eac h oth er.
Move the paren t uni t awa y from
the baby unit until the noise
stop s; OR
Turn down the volum e of your
pare nt un it.
Why does
the parent
unit beep?
The baby unit may be out of
range. Move the parent unit closer
to the baby unit (but not less than
3 feet).
If t he p ar en t un it i s po we red b y th e
pr ov id ed b at te ry , it m ay n ot ha ve
en ou gh c ha rg e fo r th e pa re nt un it t o
pe rf or m no rm al ly . Ch ar ge t he ba tt er y
in t he p ar en t un it f or u p to 11 h ou rs .
The temperature of your baby’s
room may be too high or too low.
light on the
baby unit
flashes and
the parent
unit displays
Follow below steps to pair the
baby unit. Make sure both parent
unit and baby unit are on before
Press MENU when the parent
unit is idle.
Press or to choose ,
then press to sel ec t.
Press or to choose an
empty baby unit slot, then
press SELECT . The parent unit
screen displays .
Use a n arrow - poi nte d obj ec t,
suc h as a p en, to press PAIR
on the bottom of the baby unit.
The O N / OFF LED l igh t at
the s id e of ba by uni t fla she s
qui ck ly w hen p air ing.
When pairing is successful, the
pare nt un it screen displays an d
the L I NK li ght t urn s on. T he view
of the newly paired baby unit wil l
be sh own o n the p are nt uni t. The
ON /OFF LED light on the baby
unit remains on.
If pairing fails, the screen
displays . Try the pairing
process again.
I have
unpaired my
baby unit.
Why don’t
I hear a
can’t I hear
my baby cry?
The parent unit speaker volume
may be too low or off. Press VOL+
to increase the volume.
Why can’t I
esta blish a
conn ectio n?
Why is th e
conn ectio n
lost ever y
now and
then ? Why
are there
soun d
inte rrupt ions?
The baby unit may be out of
range. Move the parent unit closer
to the baby unit (but not less than
3 feet).
Other electronic products may
cause interference with your baby
monitor. Try installing your baby
monitor as far away from these
electronic devices as possible.
I m p o r t a nt s a f et y i n st r u c t io n s
When u sin g your equ ipme nt, ba sic s afet y
prec aut ions s hou ld always be fo llowed to
red uce t he ri sk of fir e, elec tr ic sh oc k and
injur y , i ncl udi ng th e follow ing:
Follow all warnings and instructions marked on
the product.
Adult setup is required.
This product is intended as an aid. It is not
a substitute for responsible and proper adult
supervision and should not be used as such.
This product is not intended for use as a medical
Do not use this product near water. For example,
do not use it next to a bath tub, wash bowl,
kitchen sink, laundry tub or swimming pool, or in
a wet basement or shower.
CAUTION: Use only the batteries indicated in
this manual. There may be a risk of explosion if a
wrong type of battery is used for the parent unit.
Use only the supplied rechargeable battery for
the parent unit. Do not dispose of batteries in a
fire. They may explode. Dispose of used battery
according to the information in The RBRC® seal.
Use only the ada ptor s included with this
product. Incorrect ada ptor polarity or voltage can
seriously damage the product.
Baby unit powe r adaptor: Out put: 6V DC 500 mA
Pa re nt u ni t po we r adap to r: Ou tpu t: 6 V DC 500m A.
The power ada ptor s are intended to be correctly
oriented in a vertical or floor mount position. The
prongs are not designed to hold the plug in place
if it is plugged into a ceiling, under-the-table or
cabinet outlet.
Unplug this product from the wall outlet before
cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners.
Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
Unplug the power cords before replacing
Do not cut off the power ada ptor s to replace
them with other plugs, as this causes a
hazardous situation.
Do not allow anything to rest on the power cords.
Do not install this product where the cords may
be walked on or crimped.
This product should be operated only from the
type of power source indicated on the marking
label. If you are not sure of the type of power
supply in your home, consult your dealer or local
power company.
Do n ot ov er lo ad wa ll o ut let s or u se an e xt ens io n
co rd .
Do n ot pl ace t his p roduc t on a n uns table tabl e,
shel f, st and o r oth er un stable surf aces.
This product should not be placed in any area
where proper ventilation is not provided. Slots
and openings in the back or bottom of this
product are provided for ventilation. To protect
them from overheating, these openings must
not be blocked by placing the product on a soft
surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. This product
should never be placed near or over a radiator or
heat register.
Never push objects of any kind into this product
through the slots because they may touch
dangerous voltage points or create a short
circuit. Never spill liquid of any kind on the
To r educe the risk of el ectric shoc k, do not
disa ssemb le th is pr oduct , but take it to an
auth orised serv ice facili ty. Openi ng or remo ving
part s of the p roduc t oth er tha n spe cifie d
acce ss do ors m ay ex pose you to dang erous
volt ages or ot her r isks. Incor rect reass embli ng
can cause elec tric shock when the p roduc t is
subs equen tly u sed.
You should test the sound reception every
time you turn on the units or move one of the
Periodically examine all components for
Be aware of possible loss of privacy while using
public airwaves. Conversations may be picked
up by other nursery monitors, cordless phones,
scanners, etc.
Children should be supervised to ensure that
they do not play with the product.
The product is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of
experience and knowledge, unless they have
been given supervision or instruction concerning
use of the appliance by a person responsible for
their safety.
Use and store the product at a temperature
between 0o C and 4 0o C.
Do not expose the product to extreme cold, heat
or direct sunlight. Do not put the product close to
a heating source.
Batteri es should not be exp osed to exc essive
heat su ch as brig ht sunshin e or fire.
Warning —Strangulation
Hazard— Keep this cord out
of the reach of children (more
than 3 ft (0.9 m) away). Do not
remove this tag.
Neve r place the b aby uni t
insi de the baby’s cot or
play pen. Ne ver co ver the baby unit or paren t unit
with anythi ng suc h as a towel or a bl anket.
6. Other electronic products may cause
interference with your baby monitor. Try
installing your baby monitor as far away
from these electronic devices as possible:
wireless routers, radios, mob il e telephones,
intercoms, room monitors, televisions,
personal computers, kitchen appliances and
cordless telephones.
Customer service and
product warranty
Plea se ret ai n thi s bo ok let w ith yo ur sa les r ec eip t as
pro of of t he da te of pur ch as e.
Cus tom er S e r vic e
Plea se c all o ur Co nsu mer S er vi ce s De par t me nt on
01 2 35 5 4 681 0 (f rom U K ) or + 4 4 1235 54 6 81 0
(ou ts id e UK ) an d a ser v ic e rep res ent ati ve wil l be
hap py to he lp you .
This warranty is valid for the UK and Eire only. For products purchased outside
the UK and Eire, please contact your local distributor or place of purchase.
YEAR Thank you for choosing this quality product from VT ech.
We hope it will bring many hours of enter tainment,
imaginative pla y and lear ning.
1. The product detailed abo ve is cov ered by a one year w arranty from the date of purchase,
against any defects in materials or workmanship .
2. The product may be retur ned to the place of purchase. Alternatively the product can be
returned to VT ech Electronics Europe plc (see address below), with proof of purchase,
without proof of purchase no replacement will be provided.
3. VT ech Electronics Europe plc will examine the product and if it is found to be defectiv e
due to faulty materials or workmanship, will replace the product at their discretion.
4. If the product covered by this warranty is damaged due to misuse, modification or
unauthorised repair, or because of faulty batteries, battery discharge or incorrect
electrical connections, then this warranty becomes void.
5. This warranty is personal to the original purchaser and is not transf erable.
6. Breakages to the LCD screen are not covered by the warranty .
7. Retur ns to VT ech Electronics Europe plc should include a cheque or postal order for
£1.50 towards the cost of return postage and packaging.
8. Products returned to VT ech Electronics Europe plc , should be addressed as f ollows and
packed carefully to avoid damage in transit (Please do not include batteries or adaptor).
Please include details of the fault together with your name and address .
9. T o keep an online record of your warranty , please register your product online at www. anty
Vtech Electronics EU PLC, c/o XPO Logistics, Warehouse 350, Cat & Fiddle Lane, West
Hallam, DE7 6HE
to register your VT ech pr oduct
By joining the VT ech Club you can also enter competitions, find
out about news and events, seek expert advice for parents and
let your kids play fun learning games and activities.
Technical specifications
Crystal controlled PLL synthesizer
Baby unit: 2405 - 2475 MHz
Parent unit: 2405 - 2475 MHz
Channels 32
Ma xi mum
RF pow er
20 dB m
LCD 2.8 ” C olo ur LCD
(WQVGA 320 x 240 pi xel)
Actual operating range may
vary according to environmental
conditions at the time of use.
Parent unit: 3.6V Ni-MH battery
Baby unit power ada ptor :
Output: 6V DC @ 50 0m A
Parent unit power ada ptor :
Output: 6V DC @ 50 0m A
Disposal of batteries and
The c ros se d -o ut w hee lie b in sym bo ls
on pr od uc ts an d bat te rie s, or o n the ir
res pe ct ive pac ka gin g, in di cate s th ey
mus t not b e dis po se d of in d om est ic
wast e as th ey co nta in su bs tan ce s
tha t can b e da mag ing to t he
envi ron men t and h uma n heal th .
The c he mic al sy mb ol s Hg, C d or
Pb, wher e mar ked, in di ca te tha t
the b at ter y c on tai ns mo re th an t he
sp ec ifie d val ue of me rc ur y ( H g) ,
cad miu m ( Cd ) or le ad ( Pn) s et ou t in
Bat ter y Dire c tive ( 2 00 6 / 6 6 / EC) .
The s oli d bar i nd ic ates t hat t he
pro du ct wa s pl ace d on t he mar ket
af ter 13th Aug us t, 20 0 5.
Hel p pro tec t th e envir on men t by
dis po si ng of you r pro du ct o r bat ter ies
res po nsi bl y .
Declaration of Conformity
This product is intended for use within Europe .
Vtech T elecommunications Ltd hereby declares that
this model Safe & Sound® 2.8” Colour Video Baby
Monitor BM3300 is in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relev ant provisions of
Directives: 1999/5/EC or 2014/53/EU.
The declaration of conf or mity for the BM3300 is
a va ila bl e a t w ebs ite htt p:/ /ww w .vte ch. com /rtte- dir ecti v e.
Speci fica tions a re subj ect to ch ange wi thout not ice.
© 20 1 7 VT ec h Co mm un ic at io ns , I nc .
Al l ri gh ts re se rv ed . 05/ 1 7 . BM3300_UK_CI B_ V 1
Man ufact ured b y VT ech T elec ommun icati ons Lt d.
VT ech El ectron ics Eu rope P lc, Nap ier Co urt,
Ab in gdo n S ci enc e P ark , A bi ng don , O x on , O X 1 4 3 YT .