Plea se ret ain thi s boo klet w ith your s ales r ece ipt a s
pro of of the d ate of pur chas e.
Custome r Se rvice
Please call our Consumer Ser vices Depar tment on
01 235 5 4681 0 (fro m UK) o r +44 1 2 35 546 8 1 0
( out sid e UK) a nd a ser vi ce re prese ntat ive wil l be
hap py to hel p you.
Frequently asked questions
Below are the questions most frequently asked about
the baby monitor .
Why does the
baby monitor
not respond
T ry the following (in the order
listed) for common cure:
1. Disconnect the power to the
baby unit and the parent unit.
2. Remove the batteries in the
parent unit. Then, install the
batteries again.
3. Wait a few minutes before
connecting power back to the
ba by unit and the parent unit.
4. Turn on the baby unit and the
parent unit.
5. Wait for the parent unit to
synchronize with the baby unit.
Allow up to one minute for this
to take place.
Why doesn’t
the parent
unit power-on
light illuminate
when the unit is
switched on?
Perhaps the rechargeable battery
of the parent unit is empty and the
parent unit is not connected to the
power . Insert the appliance plug
into the parent unit and insert the
adaptor in a wall socket.
Why doesn’t the
POWER light
of the baby unit
go on when I
switch on the
Perhaps the baby unit is not
connected to the power . Connect
the baby unit to the power .
Why does the
baby monitor
produce a
The units may be too close to
each other . Make sure the parent
unit and the baby unit are more
than 6.5 feet (2 metres) away from
each other .
Why does the
parent unit react
too quickly to
other sounds?
The baby unit also detects other
sounds than those of your baby .
Adjust the sensitivity level to a
lower level or adjust the speaker
volume on the parent unit.
Why don’t I
hear a sound/
Why can’t I hear
my baby cry?
The volume of the parent unit may
have set too low . Press to
increase the volume level.
Y ou may have set a low sensitivity
level. See Adjust the sound
se nsit ivit y of th e baby un it to
change the setting.
Customer service and
product warranty
Crystal controlled PLL synthesizer
Baby unit: 1881 - 1897 MHz
Parent unit: 1881 - 1897 MHz
Maximum power used by the
transmitter: 0.25W (250mW)
Channels 10
LCD 35 (x) x 21.2 (y) mm B&W LCD
Actual operating range may
vary according to environmental
conditions at the time of use.
Parent unit: 2.4 V Ni-MH battery
Baby unit power adaptor:
Output: 6V DC 450mA
Parent unit power adaptor:
Output: 6V DC 450mA
Sp eci fic ati ons ar e subj ec t to cha nge wi tho ut not ice.
© 2021 V T ec h T e lec ommun ica tion s Ltd.
Al l righ ts re ser ved. 07/21 . DM1 21 1_U K_ CIB_V 4. 0
Technical specications
• T o en ter the SENSITIVIT Y menu o f the par ent
uni t, the ba by unit mu st be t urne d on.
The baby monitor has five lullabies for you to
comfort your baby . Y ou can play lullaby on the
baby unit by controlling remotely with the parent
To play lullaby:
1. Press
when the parent unit is not in
2. Press or to c hoose L UL L ABY, t hen
press SELEC T.
3. Press or to ch oose a lull aby , then
press SELEC T.
4. Pr es s SELEC T again to c hoos e P L AY . The
screen displa ys S AV E D and you he ar a
confirmati on tone.
To stop lullaby:
1. Press MENU when the parent unit is not in
2. Press or to c hoose L UL L ABY, t hen
press SELEC T.
3. Press SE LECT again to choose the lulla by
that you ar e playing.
4. Pr es s SELEC T again to c hoos e STOP. The
screen displa ys S AV E D and you he ar a
confirmati on tone.
• When the baby unit is playing lullaby , the parent
unit displays .
• T o en ter the LU LL A BY menu o f the par ent uni t,
the b aby uni t must b e turne d on.
T alk to the b aby unit
Y ou can broadcast messages from parent unit
to baby unit.
1. Press an d hold TA L K on the side of the
parent unit. The screen displays TA L K when
the voice connection to the baby unit is
2. Speak towards the MIC on the parent unit.
Your voice is broadcast to the baby unit.
• If sp eaker vol ume of the p aren t unit ha s bee n
tur ned of f befo re the t alk, it w ill c hange to d efaul t
volum e level af ter th e talk f inish ed.
Why does the
parent unit
If the sound alert feature is on,
there is sound detected from the
baby unit.
The baby unit may be out of
range. Move the parent unit
closer to the baby unit (but not
less than 6.5 feet).
If the parent unit is powered
by the provided battery , it may
not have enough charge for the
parent unit to perform normally .
Charge the battery in the parent
unit for up to 16 hours.
Why can’t I
establish a
Why is the
connection lost
every now and
then? Why are
there sound
The baby unit may be out of
range. Move the parent unit
closer to the baby unit (but not
less than 6.5 feet).
Other electronic products may
cause interference with your baby
monitor . Try installing your baby
monitor as far away from these
electronic devices as possible.
Why doesn’t
the battery icon
shown on LCD
display even I
have properly
installed the
The battery may not be working.
Contact our customer service to
purchase a new battery .
Adjust th e sound sen sitivit y of the
baby unit
Y ou can choose to hear sounds from the baby
unit all the time, or to hear sounds that exceed
a certain level. Y ou can use the parent unit to
adjust the microphone sensitivity of your baby
unit. The higher the sensitivity level, the more
sensitive the baby unit is in detecting sounds for
transmitting to the parent unit. The sensitivity
level is preset to Level 5 .
Hig h
Highest sensitivity
The parent unit speaker is
constantly on, and you will
hear all sounds (including
background noises) from
your baby’s room.
High sensitivity level
The parent unit speaker
turns on for soft babbling
and louder sounds from
your baby . It remains
quiet when your baby
sleeps soundly .
Medium sensitivity level
The parent unit speaker
turns on for loud babbling
and louder sounds from
your baby . It remains quiet
when your baby makes
soft sounds.
Low sensitivity level
The parent unit speaker
turns on for crying and
louder sounds from your
baby . It remains quiet
when your baby makes
soft sounds.
Lowest sensitivity level
The parent unit speaker
turns on for loud crying or
screeching sounds from
your baby . It remains quiet
when your baby makes
soft sounds.
1. Press MENU when the parent unit is not in
2. Press SE LECT to sele ct SENSITIVIT Y.
3. Pre ss or to choose the sensitivity
leve l.
4. Press S ELECT to confirm your selection.
The sc reen di splays S AV E D an d you hear a
confirmati on tone.
Disposal of batteries and
The crossed- out wh eeli e bin sym bols
on pr oduc ts a nd bat ter ies, or on t heir
respecti v e packaging, indicates the y
mus t not be d isp osed o f in dome stic
was te as they c ont ain sub stan ces t hat
can be damaging to the en vironment
and h uman hea lth.
The c hemi cal sym bol s Hg, Cd or Pb,
whe re marke d, indi cate t hat the b at ter y
co ntai ns more t han the s pec ifie d value
of mer cur y (Hg) , c admiu m ( Cd) or
lea d (P n ) set o ut in Bat ter y Dir ect ive
( 2006/66/EC ).
The s olid b ar indi cate s that th e prod uct
was p lace d on the m arket af ter 13th
August, 2005.
Help protect the environment by
dis pos ing of your p rodu ct or b at terie s
responsibly .
Nightli ght
Both your parent unit and baby unit allow you to
turn on or off the nighlight on the baby unit.
T urn on/off the nightlight using the
baby unit:
1. Press to turn on t he night light.
2. Press again to turn of f the nightlight.
T urn on /of f the n ightli ght using t he
pare nt unit :
1. Press MENU when the parent unit is not in
2. Press or to c hoose N IGHTLIGHT,
then press SELECT.
3. Press or to ch oose O N? or OFF?.
4. Pr es s SELEC T to conf irm your sel ect ion.
The sc reen di splays S AV E D and you hear
a con firmat ion tone.
• When the nightlight is turned on, the parent unit
displays .
• The nightlight on baby unit operates even when
the parent unit battery is out of charge or has been
turned off.
• If the parent unit lost link, the nightlight icon on
its LCD display will disappear , regardless of the
nightlight status.
Soun d aler t
If you want the parent unit alerts you with sound,
especially when the baby unit detects loud
sounds you can turn on the sound alert feature.
This feature is preset to OFF .
Once this feature is on, is shown on LCD
display . When the visual sound indicator hits the
red light range, i.e. the baby unit detects loud
sounds, your parent unit beeps and flashes.
1. Press MENU when the parent unit is not in
2. Press or to c hoose SOUN D ALERT,
then press SELECT.
3. Press or to cho ose O N? or OFF?.
4. Press S ELECT to confirm your selection.
The sc reen di splays S AV E D an d you hear a
confirmati on tone.
Find /p age the pa rent uni t
Use this feature to locate misplaced parent
1. Press PA G E on the baby unit. The parent
unit rings and displays P AGING.
2. To end paging, press any key on the parent
unit, or press PA G E on the baby unit.
• Pagin g ring s the par ent uni t even if the s pea ker
volum e is set to VO LUME O FF.
• The b aby uni t cann ot page t he par ent uni t if it is
tur ned of f, out of ran ge, or ta lkin g to the ba by unit .
General product care
T o keep this product working well and looking good,
follow these guidelines:
• Avoid placing it near heating appliances and
devices that generate electrical noise (for
example, motors or fluorescent lamps).
• DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture.
• Avoid dropping the product or treating it roughly .
• Clean with a soft damp cloth.
• DO NOT immerse the parent unit and the baby
unit in water and do not clean them under running
water .
• DO NOT use cleaning spray or liquid cleaners.
• Make sure the baby unit and parent unit are dry
before you connect them to the mains again.
When you are not going to use the baby monitor for
some time, remove the rechargeable battery from the
parent unit. Store the parent unit, the baby unit and
the adaptors in a cool and dry place.
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Declaration of Conformity
This product is intended for use within Europe and UK.
This equipment complies with the essential
requirements to EU’s Radio Equipment Directive
(2014/53/EU) and the UK’s Radio Regulations 2017
on radio systems and telecommunication equipment.
VT ech T elecommunications Ltd. hereby declares that
this Digital Audio Monitor DM121 1 is in compliance
with the essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of EU’s Radio Equipment Directive
(2014/53/EU) and UK’s Radio Equipment Regulations
The Declaration of Conformity for the DM121 1 is
available from http://www .vtech.com/rtte-directive.
Manufacturer: VT ech T elecommunications Ltd.
23/F ., T ai Ping Industrial Centre, Block 1, 57 Ting Kok
Road, T ai Po, Hong Kong.
Importer: VT ech Electronics Europe Plc
Napier Court, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon,
Oxon, OX14 3YT .
The a ppl ied nam epla te is lo cate d at the b ott om of the
baby u nit’ s base .
When using your equipment, basi c safety prec autions
sho uld al ways be fol lowed t o redu ce the r isk of f ire,
ele ctr ic sh ock a nd injur y , inc ludin g the fol lowin g:
1. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the
2. Adult setup is required.
3. C A UTION: Do no t insta ll the b aby uni t at a hei ght
ab ove 2 metre s.
4. This product is not a substitute for adult supervi sion
of the i nfant . Super v ising t he infa nt is the
responsib ility of the parent or carer . This produc t
could cease op erating, and therefore y ou should not
assume it will continue working properl y for any given
pe riod o f time. Fur ther , thi s is not a m edic al dev ice
and s houl d not be u sed a s such. T his pro duc t is
inte nde d to ass ist you in s uper vi sing you r baby .
5. Do not u se thi s prod uct n ear water, for exampl e, near
to a ba th, sink , swimm ing po ol or sho wer .
6 . CAUTION: Use only the battery provided. There
may be a risk of explosion if a wrong type of battery
is used for the parent unit. The battery cannot be
subjected to high or low extreme temperature and
low air pressure at high altitude during use, storage
or transportation. Disposal of battery into fire or a hot
oven, or mechanically crushing or cutting or the battery
can result in an explosion. Leaving the battery in an
extremely high temperature surrounding environment
can result in an explosion or the leakage of flammable
liquid of gas. Battery subjected to extremely low air
pressure may result in an explosion or the leakage
of flammable liquid or gas. Dispose of used battery
according to the instructions.
7. Use only the ada ptor s included with this product.
Incorrect ada ptor polarity or voltage can seriously
damage the product.
8. Use onl y the ad aptor s and b att ery l iste d belo w .
Power ada ptor in forma tion:
Output: 6 V DC 450mA
T en Pao In dustr ial Co., Ltd.
Model: S003A TV0600045 ( E U) ,
S003 A TB06 00045 ( UK) .
Rechargeable battery information:
NiMH AAA400mAh 2.4V
Model: Corun - Ni-MH AAA400*2-CB
9. The power ad aptor s are intended to be correctly
oriented in a vertical or floor mount position. The
prongs are not designed to hold the plug in place if it is
plugged into a ceiling, under-the-table or cabinet outlet.
10 . For pluggable equipment, the socket-outlet sh ould
be installed near the equipment and sho uld be easily
11 . Unplug this product from the wall outlet before
cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Use a
damp cloth for cleaning.
12 . Do not cut off the power adap tors to replace them with
other plugs, as this causes a hazardous situation.
13 . Do not allow anything to rest on the power cords. Do
not install this product where the cords may be walked
Important safety
on or crimped.
14 . This product should be operated only from the type
of power source indicated on the marking label. If you
are not sure of the type of power supply in your home,
consult your dealer or local power company.
15 . Do not overload wall outlets or use an extension cord.
16 . Do not place this product on an unstable table, shelf,
stand or other unstable surfaces.
17. This product should not be placed in any area where
proper ventilation is not provided. Slots and openings
in the back or bottom of this product are provided for
ventilation. To protect them from overheating, these
openings must not be blocked by placing the product
on a soft surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. This
product should never be placed near or over a radiator
or heat sou rce.
18 . Never push objects of any kind into this product
through the slots because they may touch dangerous
voltage points or create a short circuit. Never spill liquid
of any kind on the product.
19 . To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not
disassemble this product, but take it to an
authorized service facility. Opening or removing
parts of the product other than specified access
doors may expose you to dangerous voltages
or other risks. Incorrect reassembling can cause
electric shock when the product is subsequently
20. You should test the sound reception every time you
turn on the units or move one of the components.
2 1. Periodically examine all components for damage.
22. The re is a ver y low ri sk of pr ivacy l oss w hen usi ng
cer tain electronic devic es, such as baby monitors,
co rdle ss tele pho nes, etc . T o pro tec t you r p rivacy,
mak e su re th e p rodu ct has never be en us ed
be fore purc hase , r eset the baby moni tor
pe riodi cally by powe ring off and then powe ring
on the units , and power of f t he baby mon itor if
you will not use it for some time .
23. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the product.
24. The product is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
1. Use and store the product at a temperature between
0oC and 40oC.
2. Do not expose the product to extreme cold, heat
or direct sunlight. Do not put the product close to a
heating source.
3. Batteries should not be exposed to excessive heat
such as bright sunshine or fire.
4. Warning— Strangulation Hazard — Children
have STRAN GLED in cor ds. Keep th is
co rd out of t he reac h of ch ildre n ( m ore
tha n 3 ft (0.9 m ) away) . Do no t remove
this tag.
5. Never place the baby unit(s) inside the
baby’s cot or playpen. Never cover the baby unit(s) or
parent unit with anything such as a towel or a blanket.
6. Other electronic products may cause interference
with your baby monitor. Try installing your baby
monitor as far away from these electronic devices
as possible: wireless routers, radios, cellular
telephones, intercoms, room monitors, televisions,
personal computers, kitchen appliances and
cordless telephones.
Pre caut ions for user s of imp lante d c ardi ac
Cardiac pacemakers (applies only to digital cordless
Wireless Technology Research, LLC (WTR), an
independent research entity, led a multidisciplinary
evaluation of the interference between portable wireless
devices and implanted cardiac pacemakers. Supported
by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, WTR
recommends to physicians that:
Pacemaker patients
• Should keep wireless devices at least six inches from
the pacemaker.
• Should NOT place wireless devices directly over the
pacemaker, such as in a breast pocket, when it is turned
WTR’s evaluation did not identify any risk to bystanders
with pacemakers from other persons using wireless
Electromagnet ic fields (EMF)
This VTech product complies with all standards regarding
electromagnetic fields (EMF). If handled properly and
according to the instructions in this user’s manual, the
product is safe to be used based on scientific evidence
available today.
This warranty is valid for the UK and Ireland only. For products purchased outside
the UK and Ireland , please contact your local distributor or place of purchase.
Thank you for choosing this quality product from VTech.
1.The product detailed above is covered by a one year warranty from the date of purchase,
against any defects in materials or workmanship.
2.The product may be returned to the place of purchase. Alternatively the product can be
returned to VT ech Electronics Europe Plc (see address below), with proof of purchase,
without proof of purchase no replacement will be provided.
3.VT ech Electronics Europe Plc will examine the product and if it is found to be defective
due to faulty materials or workmanship, will replace the product at their discretion.
4.If the product covered by this warranty is damaged due to misuse, modification or
unauthoriz ed repair, or because of faulty batteries, battery discharge or incorrect
electrical connections, then this warranty becomes void.
5.This warranty is personal to the original purchaser and is not transferable.
6.Breakages to the LCD screen are not covered by the warranty.
7.Products returned to VT ech Electronics Europe Plc , should be sent to the address shown
below and packed carefully to avoid damage in transit . Please do not include batteries or
adaptors . Please include details of the fault together with your name and address,
contact phone number and/or email address.
8.To keep an online record of your warranty, please register your product online at
VT ech Electronics Europe Plc , c/o XPO Logistics, Warehouse 350, Cat & Fiddle Lane,
West Hallam, DE7 6HE
Visit www.vtech.co.uk/clubvtech/login
to register your VT ech product
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find out about news and events, seek expert advice for parents
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