User’s manual
Safe & Sound®
Pan & Tilt Video
Baby Monitor VM343
You can power up the parent unit by connecting
it to AC power or to the rechargeable battery
provided. Even if the parent unit is connected to
AC power, we recommend you also install the
battery. This guarantees continual operation in
case of a power outage.
Install the battery as shown below.
Press down on the large tab of the battery
com par tme nt cover and pull it out.
With the label THIS SIDE UP facing up,
insert the small tabs of the battery into the
slots inside the battery compartment. Make
sure the metallic contact is correctly oriented
as shown below. Push the battery into the
battery compartment until it clicks securely
into place.
Ali gn the ba tte ry com par tme nt cov er flat
aga ins t t he bat ter y c omp art men t, the n s lid e
it tow ard s t he centre of the pa ren t u nit un til it
cli cks in to pla ce.
Replace the battery
To replace the battery, press down on the large
tab of the battery compartment cover and pull
it out, then follow the steps above to install the
The operating time for using the rechargeable
battery is short. If you want to monitor your baby for
a long time, we recommend you connect the parent
unit to AC power.
If the parent unit will not be used for a long time,
disconnect and remove the battery to prevent
possible leakage.
Use only the battery supplied with this product.
Use only the power ada ptor s supplied with this
Make sure the wall socket is switched on.
The power ada ptor s are intended to be correctly
oriented in a vertical or floor mount position. The
prongs are not designed to hold the plug in place if
they ar e plugged into a ceiling, under-the-table or
cabinet outlet.
Make sure the parent unit, the baby unit and the
power ada ptor cord are out of reach of children.
Connect the baby monitor
Charge the parent unit battery
When you have connected the parent unit
and installed its battery for the first time or
after power outage, the parent unit powers on
automatically. The battery icon indicates the
battery status (see the following table).
The parent unit battery is fully charged after
3 hours of continuous charging.
It takes longer to charge the battery when the
parent unit is turned on. To shorten the charging
time, turn the parent unit off whi lst charging.
The standby time varies depending on the
sensitivity level you set, your actual use and the
age of the battery.
Bat te ry
indi cato rs
Bat te ry
st atus
Acti on
The ba tte ry
ico n i s o ff
dis pla ys.
No battery
is installed
but o perates
usi ng AC
power , or the
bat ter y has
been inst alled
inc orrec tly.
Install the
parent unit
Charge without
(at least
30 minutes).
The screen
Bat ter y low
at Par ent
Unit and .
The lig ht lig ht
flas hes.
The battery
has very little
charge and
may be used
for only a
short time.
30 minutes).
The battery
solid .
The battery is
fully charged.
To keep
the battery
connect it to
AC power
when not in
T est the baby monitor before initial use, and at
regular times thereafter.
To test your baby monitor:
Place the parent unit and the baby unit in the
same room to test the product. Make sure
the baby unit is at least 1 metre / 3 feet away
from the parent unit.
Slide ON/OFF on the baby unit to turn it on.
Upo n init ial use, t he parent u nit power s on
autom atic ally af ter co nnec tin g to A C power .
The screen sh ows ® and Powe ring
If bo th uni ts a re not con nec ted, th e p aren t u nit dis pla ys
No l ink to C AM 1 and Linking... on the screen. The
LINK light first flashes and then turns off. Move the
parent unit closer to the baby unit.
Positioning the baby monitor
This baby monitor is intended as an aid. It is not a
substitute for proper adult supervision and should not
be used as such.
Keep the baby unit out of the reach of your baby.
Never place or mount the baby unit inside the baby’s
cot or playpen.
Place t he baby uni t at leas t 1 metre / 3 feet
away from your baby .
2. Place par ent uni t at least 1 m etre / 3 feet
away from the ba by unit.
If you experience audio feedback on either the parent
unit or baby unit, move the parent unit further away
until there is no more audio feedback.
You can increase the speaker volume of the parent
unit if you cannot hear the sounds transmitted from
the baby unit.
Operating range
The operating range of the baby monitor is up to
30 0 metr es ( 1,000 feet) outdoors or 50 metr es
( 160 feet) indoors. The actual operating range
may vary depending on the environmental
conditions and other interferences such as
walls, doors and other obstructions.
Baby unit overview
1Light s ens or
2Infr are d LED s
3Cam era
4Mic roph one
5Sp eak er
6Ante nna
7Power j ack
8T e mpe ratu re se nsor
9ON /O FF LED li ght
On when the baby unit is turn ed on
and is p aired to t he parent u nit.
Flashes when the baby unit is pairing
to the parent unit.
1 0 ON /OF F switch
Sli de to turn t he baby un it on or of f. •
1 1 -/ VOL /+
Press to adjust the listening v olume . •
1 2 Thre ad ed so cket
For wall mou nt inst allat ion us e. •
Parent unit overview
1Sp eak er
2 Power j ack
3St and
4Ante nna
5LED lig hts
Indicate the differ ent s tatuses of
the pa rent unit. For details , re fer to
Parent un it l ights.
6Mic roph one
7 On /of f
Press to p ower on.
Press an d hold to p ower of f.
Whil st viewi ng an imag e,
pres s and hol d to tal k to the
baby uni t.
9 Zoo m
Whil st viewi ng an imag e, press to
zoom in o r out.
Install the battery
Connect and charge the
1 0
Whil st in a me nu, press to s elec t a
Whil st viewi ng an imag e,
pres s and hol d to move the imag e to
the r ight .
1 1
Whil st in a me nu, press to r eturn to
the m ain menu o r idle s cree n.
Whil st viewi ng an imag e,
pres s and hol d to move the imag e to
the l eft .
1 2
Press an d hold to t urn the p arent
unit s cree n of f .
Press to sk ip to th e next l ullaby .
Press to pl ay or stop th e lulla by .
1 3 +/ VOL
Press to in crea se the s peaker
1 4 - / VOL
Press to d ecrea se the s peaker
Press to en ter the me nu.
Whil st in a me nu, press to c hoo se
an item o r save a sett ing.
1 6
Whil st in a me nu, press to s crol l up.
Whil st viewi ng an imag e,
pres s and hol d to move the imag e
upward s.
1 7
Whil st in a me nu, press to s crol l
Whil st viewi ng an imag e,
pres s and hol d to move the imag e
downwar ds.
Parent unit lights
LI NK On when mod erate or hi gh sig nal
stre ngth i s detec ted bet ween t he
parent u nit and t he baby un it.
Flashes when low sig nal st rengt h is
detec ted bet wee n the pare nt unit an d
the ba by unit.
Off when the parent unit is turned off,
or the l ink to th e baby unit i s lost .
On when the parent unit is connected
to A C pow er , or the battery is charging.
Flashes when the pa rent unit battery is
low and n eeds charging .
Of f when the pa rent unit is
disconnected from A C powe r .
T ALK On when the parent unit is talking to
the baby unit.
On wh en the s peaker volu me of the
parent u nit is tur ned of f.
Parent unit display icons
Co nne c t i o n s t a t us
dis plays when s trong s igna l
stre ngth i s detec ted bet ween t he
baby uni t and th e parent un it.
or dis plays when mo derate
or low si gnal s treng th is d etecte d
bet ween t he baby uni t and the
parent u nit.
dis plays when t he lin k bet ween
the ba by unit an d the pare nt unit
is lo st.
Pa tro l m o de
Dis plays when t he paren t unit is i n
P A TRO L mod e.
Ni gh t v ie w in g
Dis plays when t he ca mera has
act ivated th e night v iewing feat ure.
Zo om
Dis plays when t he ca mera at th e
baby uni t has zoom ed in.
Te mpe r a t u re a l e rt
Dis plays when t he temp erature
aler t i s set on.
57 oF
1 4 o C
Re al- t i m e t e m p e ra t u r e
Dis plays the re al-t ime tem peratur e
of the b aby unit .
Mu te al ert
Dis plays when th e speaker volume
is set to of f.
So und l e v el i n d ic a t o r s
Dis plays the so und level acc ord ing
to the s cale s of lou dnes s when
ther e is soun d trans mit ted fro m
the ba by unit.
Sp eak e r v ol u m e
Dis plays the s peaker volu me level
whil st adju stin g.
Ba tte r y s ta t u s
anim ates
when t he bat ter y is c hargi ng.
dis plays sol id when t he bat ter y
is ful ly char ged.
dis plays when t he bat ter y is
low and n eeds c harg ing.
A C po we r
Dis plays when t he paren t unit is
con nec ted to AC power with out
the bat ter y .
Parent unit main menu icons
Al ert tone
Y ou can set the paren t uni t to beep
the par ent uni t batter y i s low ;
the li nk bet ween t he parent u nit
and t he baby uni t is lost .
Se ns i ti vi ty
With this fea ture , you can choose
to hear sounds f rom the bab y unit
all the time , o r t o he ar s ounds tha t
ex ceed a certain le vel . Y ou can
use the par ent unit t o a djust the
microphone sensitivity o f y our bab y
unit. The higher the sensitivity le vel ,
the mor e sensitiv e the b aby unit is in
detecting sounds f or t ransmitting to
the pa rent unit.
T em per at ur e
Y ou ca n turn t he tempe rature
aler t featu re on so th at the pare nt
unit b eeps w henever the r oom
temp erature d etecte d by the
baby uni t falls o ut of the d esire d
temp erature ra nge.
Vi br at io n
Y ou ca n turn t he vibr ation a ler t on so
that t he parent u nit vi brates wh en
the li nk bet ween t he parent u nit
and t he baby uni t is lost ;
the te mperat ure detec ted by the
baby uni t falls o ut of the p reset
temp erature ra nge.
Sou n d-act iv ated sc reen
Automat ica lly tur ns on th e parent
unit s cree n when a so und is
detec ted in your b aby’s room. Wh en
no sou nd is dete cted , the sc reen i s
of f to save power .
Br ig h tne ss
Y ou ca n chan ge the b righ tnes s of
the par ent uni t scree n.
Ren am e
Y ou ca n cho ose a sp eci fic nam e
for the b aby unit fr om a pre -d efine d
name l ist.
Pa i r/ u np ai r
The ba by unit and p arent uni t
provid ed are alr eady pair ed.
Parent unit display messages
No link to
CAM 1.
The baby uni t is out of
rang e or is tur ned of f.
Battery low at
Par ent U nit
The bat ter y level of
the par ent uni t is ver y
low and n eeds t o be
rec harge d.
Battery empty.
Powering off ... The battery is em pty a nd
needs to be recharged.
Te mp er at ur e to o
lo w a t C AM 1.
The temperature detected
from the baby uni t is
below the sele cte d
minimum temperature.
T e m pe ra t ur e to o
h i g h at C AM 1.
The temperature detected
from the baby uni t is
above the sele cte d
maximum temperature.
Powe ring o n.. . The par ent unit i s turni ng
Link ing .. . The par ent unit i s
searc hing fo r baby unit
when t he lin k is lost .
Using the baby monitor
Power the baby unit on or off
Slide ON/OFF to the left to turn the baby unit
on. The ON/OFF LED light turns on.
Slide ON/OFF to the right to turn the baby
unit off. The ON/OFF LED light turns off.
Power the parent unit on or off
Press to turn t he parent u nit on. The
LINK light turns on.
Press and ho ld again to turn the parent
unit off. The LINK light turns off.
Turn the parent unit screen on or
You can turn the parent unit screen on or off
without powering off the parent unit. You can
still hear sound from the baby unit.
Press and ho ld VI EW on the parent unit to
turn t he scr een of f.
Press any key on the p arent uni t to turn t he
scr een on ag ain.
Adjust speaker volume
For parent unit :
Press VOL+ or VOL- on the parent unit at
any time w hen vi ewing imag es.
When the pare nt uni t speaker volume is set to zero,
appears on t he scr een and the light turns on.
For baby unit:
Press VOL+ or VOL- o n the baby un it at
any time.
Adjust screen brightness
You can change the brightness of the parent
unit screen from Level 1 to Level 5 .
Press MENU when the parent unit is not in
Press or to choose BRI GH TNE SS , then
press SELECT .
Press or to choose the desired level of
brightness, then press SELECT to confirm
your selection.
Adjust the sound sensitivity of
the baby unit
You can choose to hear sounds from the baby
unit all the time, or to hear sounds that exceed
a certain level. You can use the parent unit to
adjust the microphone sensitivity of your baby
unit from L evel 1 to Level 5 . The higher the
sensitivity level, the more sensitive the baby
unit is in detecting sounds for transmitting to the
parent unit. The so und se nsit ivit y is pr eset to
Level 3.
Sou nd se nsitiv it y tab le for r efe ren ce
Sensitivity Description
Level 5 High
High sensitivity level
The parent unit speaker is
constantly on, and you will
hear all sounds (including
background noises) from
your bab y’ s room.
Level 4 Medium high
sensitivity level
The parent unit speaker
turns on for soft babb ling
and louder sounds from your
baby . It remains quiet when
your bab y sleeps soundly .
Level 3 Medium sensitivity level
The parent unit speaker
turns on for loud babb ling
and louder sounds from
your bab y . It remains quiet
when your bab y makes soft
Level 2 Medium low
sensitivity level
The parent unit speaker
turns on for crying and louder
sounds from your bab y . It
remains quiet when your
baby mak es soft sounds.
Level 1 Low sensitivity level
The parent unit speaker
turns on for loud crying or
screeching sounds from
your bab y . It remains quiet
when your bab y makes soft
Press MENU when the parent unit is not in
Press or to choose SENSITIVITY , then
press SELECT .
Press or to choose the desired
sensitivity level, then press SELECT to
confirm your selection.
You can adjust the baby unit placement to improve
the sound detection.
Tur n th e sou nd a ct iva ti on o n o r
The parent unit continuously monitors the sound
level in your baby’s room. When the sound
activation mode is on, the parent unit screen
turns on when the baby unit detects a sound.
As long as no sound is detected within
50 seconds, the parent unit screen is off to
save power. When your baby starts to cry, the
sound activation triggers the parent unit screen
automatically turns on.
Press MENU when the parent unit is not in
Press or to choose
then press SELECT .
Press or to choose On or Off , then
press SELECT to confirm your selection.
If you mu te the s pea ker whi lst so und a cti vatio n
is on , then yo u hear a b eep s ound w hen ever the
scr een tu rns o n.
If you wa nt to tur n the p arent u nit s cree n on
co ntin uou sly wh ils t the s ound a cti vati on is o n, the n
set t he sou nd se nsit ivi t y to Leve l 5 .
You can zoom in or out whil st viewing an image
from the baby unit.
Press to zoom in.
Press and ho ld , , or to move the
zoomed image upward s, downwar ds,
lef t wards or r ight ward s correspondingly.
Press again to zoom out.
You can use t he T ALK f unc tion o f the parent
unit to com for t your baby .
Press and hold TALK on th e parent un it. The
TALK light turn s on.
Speak towards the microphone on the parent
unit. Your voice is broadcast to the baby unit.
Release the TALK key to stop the broadcast.
The TALK light goe s off.
What’s in the box Before use Overview