Parent unit main menu icons
Alert T one
Y ou c an se t the p arent u nit to b ee p
• th e pare nt uni t ope rates in l ow
batter y conditi on;
• th e link b et wee n th e pare nt uni t
and t he ba by unit is l ost ; or
Yo u c an se le ct a l ang uag e (Engl ish ,
Frenc h or Sp ani sh) to be use d in al l
screen display s.
Yo u c an c han ge th e bri ghtne ss of
the p are nt unit sc ree n, o r turn o n
the Dim Mode to save power.
Yo u can choose a specific name f or
the b aby unit f rom a pr e- defi ne d
name list .
VOX Sen sitivit y
Wit h this fe atu re, you can c ho ose
to hea r sou nds f rom th e baby un it
all th e tim e, or to he ar so und s that
excee d a cer ta in level . Y o u can
use th e pa rent un it to ad jus t the
microphone sensit ivity of y our bab y
unit. The higher the sensitivity lev el,
the m ore se nsi tive the b aby uni t is in
dete ct ing so und s for tra nsm it ti ng to
the p are nt unit.
Sound-ac tiva ted Screen
Whe n the b aby uni t bei ng vi ewed
dete ct s no so und , the p are nt unit
scre en s tays off to s ave power .
On ce a soun d is d etec ted , the
pare nt uni t scre en t urns o n
autom ati call y . It will th en t urn of f
aga in af ter 5 0 sec ond s of no so und
T emp erature
Y ou c an tu rn on t he tem pe rature
ale r t tone s o that t he pa rent
unit b ee ps wh enever t he ro om
temp erat ure de tec ted by th e baby
unit fa lls o uts ide of t he de sire d
temp erat ure ran ge.
Y ou c an c hoo se to dis play th e
temp erat ure in Fah renh eit (o F) or
Cel sius (o C) , or set th e max imu m/
min imum te mp erat ure lim it for a ler t s .
Lull aby on C AM
Y ou c an c hoo se a lul laby or
sooth ing s ound to c omfor t you r
b a b y.
V olu me on C AM
Y ou c an a dju st th e volum e of baby
unit w hic h dete rmi nes t he lul laby
volume and tal kback volu me
tran smit te d fro m pare nt uni t.
Y ou c an tu rn on t he vi bratio n ale r t
so that t he p arent u nit vi brate s
whe n it rec eives L ow bat ter y to ne ,
No link alert or T empera ture alert
tone afte r turn ing o n the re spe c tive
alert tones.
Parent unit warning i cons and
No link to CA M
# *
The selected baby unit is
out of ran ge o r is tur ne d
of f.
Battery low at
Parent Unit
The b at ter y l evel of the
pare nt uni t is ver y l ow and
nee ds to b e rec ha rged .
Battery empty.
Powering off ... The battery is em pt y an d
needs to be recharged.
too high at C AM #
too low at C AM #
The te mpe ratu re dete cte d
by the ba by unit is h igh er /
lower th an th e de sire d
temp erat ure al er t ran ge.
The p are nt unit i s
searching f or the bab y
Aut o Tim er o f
lullaby is reset The a uto tim er for p layin g
lull aby is re set.
* # r epresents the baby unit number .
Using the bab y monitor
Power on or off the baby unit
• Slide the O N /O F F switc h to th e left to turn on
the baby unit. The O N /O F F LED light turns
• Slide the O N /O F F switc h to th e right to turn
off the baby unit. The ON /O F F LED light turns
Power on or off the parent unit
• Press and hold POWER to turn on the parent
unit. The screen turns on.
• Press and hold POWER to turn off the parent
unit. The screen t urns off.
Turn on or off the parent unit screen
You can turn on or off the parent unit screen
without powering off the parent unit. Y ou can
still hear sound fr om the baby unit .
• Press and hold LC D O N /O F F on the parent
unit to turn of f t he sc ree n.
• Press a ny key on the pa rent u nit to tu rn on
the sc ree n ag ain .
Adjust the speaker volume
For pa rent u nit :
• Press / on the parent unit at any
time when v iewing images.
• When the pa rent u nit speaker volume is set to ze ro,
appears on th e sc ree n and the light turns on.
For ba by unit :
The b aby unit s pe aker vol ume c an be a dju ste d
in th e pare nt uni t. The ba by unit s pea ker
volume determines the lullab y volume and
talk bac k volum e tran smi t ted fro m pa rent un it.
Level 1 is th e sof tes t whil e Level 5 is t he lo ude st.
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is ina ct ive.
2. Press or to choose V olu me on C AM,
then press SELECT .
3. Press or to choose t he de sire d volu me
level, th en p ress S ELE CT to co nfirm you r
selectio n.
Adjust LCD brightness
You can change the brightness of the parent
unit screen from Level 1 to Level 5 . The LCD
brig htne ss is p reset to L eve l 3 .
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is ina ct ive.
2. Press or to choose LCD , then press
3. Press S ELE CT a gai n to choose Bright ness .
4. Press or to choose the desired level of
brightness, then press SELECT to confirm your
T urn on or off the dim mode
The d im mo de is p rese t to on to he lp you s ave
the p are nt unit p ower . Y ou r pare nt un it dis play
will d im auto mat ica lly af ter 10 m inu tes of
ina ct ivit y , in whi ch th ere i s nei the r key pres sed
nor a ler t r ece ived fro m the b aby unit.
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is ina ct ive.
2. Press or to choose LCD , then press
3. Press or to choose Dim Mode , then
press SELECT .
4. Press or to choose On or Off , then press
SELECT to confirm your selection.
• Whi le th e sc ree n is d im me d, any key pre ss or
ale r t me ss ag e wil l tri gge r th e sc ree n to ret urn t o
the p res et b rig htne ss l evel . Af ter 10 m in ute s of
ina c tiv it y , it wi ll be d im me d ag ain .
P an, tilt, zoom
Y ou c an re mote ly pan a nd ti lt your b aby unit
cam era o r zoom in wh ile v iewin g im age s from
the b aby unit.
• Press and hold , , or to tilt t he ba by
unit c am era downwa rd, upwar d, lef t wa rd or
• Press to zoom in. Press again to zoom out.
• Press and hold , , or to move
the z oomed image do wnw ard, u pwar d,
lef t ward o r rig ht ward.
T alk
You can use th e TA L K f unc tio n of the parent unit
to comfor t yo ur ba by
1 . Press and hold TALK on th e pare nt uni t. The
TALK light turn s on.
2. Speak towards the microphone on the parent
unit. Your voice is broadcast to the baby unit.
3. Release TALK to stop the broadcast. The TALK
light goe s of f. The spe ake r is the n tu rne d on
for aro und 2 0 seco nds , so you ca n he ar your
b a b y.
• The parent unit speaker is muted during voic e
broadcast . Sound transmission fr om the bab y unit
resumes after TALK is r eleased.
• After around 20 sec onds of sound r e-transmission,
the speaker returns to mute if y ou had set it to mute
befor e pressing T ALK.
Lullab y
The baby monitor has five lullabies and f our
soothing sounds for you to comf ort your baby .
Y ou can pla y the lullabies or soothing sounds on
the baby unit using the parent unit .
T o p lay lu lla by usi ng th e par ent u nit:
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is i nac ti ve.
2. Press or to choose Lull aby on C AM , then
press SE LECT .
3. Press or to c ho ose Play M elo die s , then
press SE LECT .
4. Press or to choose a lul laby , or ch oose
Play Al l, the n pre ss SE LEC T .
• If Play Al l is se lec te d, the l ulla bie s wil l
be pl ayed one af te r the ot her, until all
lullabies are pla yed.
5. Wh en t he de sire d lul laby is se le cte d, pre ss
or to cho ose P lay , then p ress S ELE CT .
T o play s oothing sound using the parent unit:
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is i nac ti ve.
2. Press or to choose Lull aby on C AM , then
press SE LECT .
3. Press or to c ho ose Play Soothing
Sounds, then press SE LEC T.
4. Press or to choose a so othin g soun d,
the n pre ss SE LEC T.
5. Pr ess or to choose P lay , then p ress
• The l ull aby p layb ac k on t he ba by uni t wil l be
pau se d wh en re ce ivi ng ta lkb ac k fro m th e pa rent
T o stop pla ying lullab y or s oothing sound:
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is i nac ti ve.
2. Press or to choose Lull aby on C AM , then
press SE LECT .
3. Press or to c ho ose Stop , then press
T o s et au to tim er fo r lul la by:
While the baby unit is playing lullaby or
soothing sound, the aut o timer featur e helps you
automatically stop the lullaby or soothing sound
after playing f or 15/30/ 45/60 minutes. Y ou can
set auto timer f or lullaby with the paren t unit.
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is i nac ti ve.
2. Press or to choose Lull aby on C AM , then
press SE LECT .
3. Press or to c ho ose Auto Timer, then
press SE LECT .
4. Press or to choose th e des ire d lull abi es
durat ion, t hen p res s SE LECT .
Af ter 1 5/30/ 45/ 60 min utes , the lu lla by or
sooth ing s ound w ill s top auto mati cal ly .
Adjust the sound sensit ivity of the
baby uni t
Y ou c an c hoo se to he ar sou nd s from th e ba by
unit a ll th e tim e, or to he ar sou nd s that exce ed
a cer ta in level . Y o u can u se the p are nt uni t to
adjust the micr ophone sensiti vity of y our bab y
unit f rom Low est to Highest . The h igh er th e
sen siti vit y leve l, the m ore se nsi tive the b aby uni t
is in d etec tin g sou nds fo r tran smi t tin g to the
pare nt uni t. The VOX sound s ens itiv it y level i s
pres et to Highe st .
Leve l
Highest VO X sensitivity
The parent unit speaker is
constantly on, and you will
hear all sounds (including
background noises ) from
your baby’s r oom.
High V OX sensitivity lev el
The parent unit speaker turns
on for soft babbling and
louder sounds fr om y our
baby . It remains quiet when
your baby sleeps soundly .
Medium VO X sensitivity
The parent unit speaker
turns on for loud babbling
and louder sounds fr om
your baby . It remains quiet
when y our bab y mak es soft
Low V OX sensitivity lev el
The parent unit speaker
turns on for crying and
louder sounds fr om y our
baby . It remains quiet
when y our bab y mak es soft
Lowest VOX sensitivity lev el
The parent unit speaker
turns on for loud crying or
screeching sounds fr om
your baby . It remains quiet
when y our bab y mak es soft
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is ina ct ive.
2. Press or to choose VO X Sensitivit y, then
press SE LECT .
3. Press or to choose the desired s ens itiv it y
level, then press SELECT to confirm your
• You can adjust the baby unit placement to improve
the sound detection.
T urn on or off the sound activa tion
Whe n sou nd ac tivat ion i s on, a s lon g as no
soun d is de tec ted wi thin 5 0 sec ond s, th e par ent
unit s cre en wi ll tur n off a utom atic ally to s ave
p o w e r.
Whe n your ba by unit d etec ts a s oun d, which
excee ds th e sel ec ted se ns itiv it y level, t he sou nd
ac tivati on tri gge rs t he pa rent u nit sc ree n to tur n
on auto mat ica lly . Whe n no so und i s dete cte d
with in 50 se con ds, t he sc ree n will b e of f aga in .
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is ina ct ive.
2. Press or to ch oose S oun d- act ivate d
Screen, then p ress S ELE CT .
3. Pre ss or to c hoo se On or Off, the n pre ss
SE LECT to c onfi rm your se le cti on .
• If th e sou nd se ns iti vit y is se t to Highest , or l ull aby
is pl ayi ng, t he p are nt un it sc ree n may re ma in o n
continuously ev en though sound activ ation is on.
Thi s de pe nd s on wh eth er t he b aby un it de tec t s any
sounds .
Set alert tone
Low battery tone
You can set the parent unit to beep when the
parent unit operates in low battery condition.
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is ina ct ive.
2. Press or to choose Alert T one, then
press SELECT .
3. Press SELECT a gai n to choose
Low Battery Tone.
4. Press or to choose On or Off , then press
SELECT to confirm your selection.
No link alert
You can set the parent unit to beep when the
link between the parent unit and the baby unit
is lost.
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is ina ct ive.
2. Press or to choose Alert T one, then
press SELECT .
3. Press or to choose No Link Alert , then
press SELECT .
4. Press or to choose On or Off , then press
SELECT to confirm your selection.
Monitor the temperature
Y ou r baby un it mo nitor s th e temp erat ure of your
baby ’s roo m with it s bu ilt-in tem perat ure se nso r .
If the d etec te d temp erat ure is o uts ide of t he
pres et tem pe rature ra nge, th e pa rent un it wil l
display alert message.
Set tempera ture r ange
You can set the desired room te mp eratu re ale r t
rang e. The minimum temperature can be set
between 11 o C (52 o F ) and 20 o C (69 o F) .
The maximum temperature can be set between
21 o C (70 o F) and 30 o C (86 o F) .
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is ina ct ive.
2. Press or to choose Temperature , then
press SELECT .
3. Press or to choose Minimum or
Maximum, then press SELECT .
4. Press or to choose the desired mi nim um
or ma xim um temperature, then press SELECT
to confirm your selection.
Temperature alert tone
You can turn o n the te mp eratu re ale r t ton e so
that t he pa rent u nit wil l emi t an al er t ton e if th e
dete cte d tem pera ture i s out of ran ge.
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is ina ct ive.
2. Press or to choose Temperature , then
press SELECT .
3. Press or to choose Alert Tone , then
press SELECT .
4. Press or to choose On or Off , then press
SELECT to confirm your selection.
Temperature format
You can cho ose to d isp lay the te mpe ratu re in
Fahr enheit (oF) or Cel siu s ( oC).
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is ina ct ive.
2. Press or to choose Temperature , then
press SELECT .
3. Press or to choose Format , then press
4. Press or to choose o F or o C , then press
SELECT to confirm your selection.
T urn on or off the vibration
Y ou c an tu rn on t he vi bratio n feat ure so th at the
pare nt uni t vibra tes whe n it re ceives a ny of No link
alert, S oun d al er t in sp lit- view or T emperature
alert tone afte r turn ing o n the re spe c tive ale r t
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is ina ct ive.
2. Press or to ch oose V ibration , then pre ss
3. Pre ss or to c hoo se On or Of f .
4. Pres s SE LEC T to confi rm your se le ct ion .
• If th e vib rat ion fe at ure is t ur ne d on, t he p are nt un it
may vi brat e as it re ce ives s ou nd br oa dca st f rom t he
baby unit .
Set the language
You can select a language (English, French or
Spanish) to be used in all screen displays.
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is ina ct ive.
2. Press or to choose Language , then press
3. Press or to choose English , Français or
Español, then press SELECT to confirm your
Rename the baby unit
You can ren ame e ac h baby un it. Onc e the b aby
unit i s ren ame d, it s new n ame to get her w ith th e
baby un it num be r will a ppe ar i n the su b-m enu
of bel ow opti ons:
• VO X Sensitivit y • Rename
• T empe rature
1 . Press MENU when the parent unit is ina ct ive.
2. Press or to choose Rename , then press
3. Press or to choo se the d es ired b aby uni t,
then press SELECT.
4. Press or to choose th e des ire d nam e for
the b aby unit, then press SELECT to confirm
your selection.
Night vision
The b aby unit h as inf rare d LEDs th at all ow you
to see you r baby c lea rly at ni ght or i n a dar k
room . Wh en th e baby un it be ing v iewed
dete ct s low li ght level s, th e infrar ed LED s are
switc he d on auto mat ica lly . The i mag es fro m thi s
baby un it are i n bla ck an d white, a nd
appears on screen.
• It is n orm al i f you se e a sh or t wh ite gl ar e on you r
pa rent u nit s cre en a s th e ba by unit i s ad apt in g to
the d ar k envi ron me nt.
• Whe n th e inf rare d LED s are o n, t he im ag es a re in
bl ack a nd w hite . Thi s is n orm al .
• Depending on the surroundings and other
interfering factors, like lightings, objects, colours
and backgrounds, the display resolution may vary.
Adjust the baby unit’s angle or place the baby unit
at a higher level to prevent glare and blurry display.
General pr oduct care
To keep this product working well and looking good,
follow these guidelines:
• Avoid putting it near heating appliances and devices
that generate electrical noise (for example, motors or
fluorescent lamps).
• DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture.
• Avoid dropping the product or treating it roughly.
• Clean with a soft cloth.
• DO NOT immerse the parent unit and the baby unit
in water and do not clean them under the tap.
• DO NOT use cleaning spray or liquid cleaners.
• Make sure the baby unit and parent unit are dry
before you connect them to the mains again.
Stor age
When you are not going to use the baby monitor for
some time, remove the rechargeable battery from the
parent unit. Store the parent unit, the baby unit and
the adaptors in a cool and dry place.
Fr equently asked questions
Below are the questions most frequently asked about the
baby monitor.
Why does the
baby monitor
not r espond
T ry the following (in the order listed)
for common cure:
1. Disconnect the power to the baby
uni t and the parent unit.
2. Remove the batteries in the parent
unit. Then, install the batteries
3. Wait a few sec on ds before
connecting power back to the
baby uni t and the parent unit.
4. Turn on the baby uni t and the
parent unit.
5. W ait for the parent unit to
synchronize with t he b aby unit.
Allow up to one minute for this to
take place.
Why don’t
the power -on
light of the
baby unit and
parent unit
go on when I
switch on the
Perhaps the parent unit is not
connected to the pow er . Insert the
appliance plug into the parent unit and
put the adapt or in a wall sock et. Then,
press and hold POWER to switch
on the paren t unit and t o establish
connection with the baby unit.
Perhaps the baby unit is not
connected to the pow er . Inse rt th e
appliance plug into the baby unit
and put the adapt or in a wall sock et.
Then, slide the ON/OFF switch to
ON to switch on the bab y unit and
to establish connection with the
parent unit.
Why doesn’t
my parent
unit charge
connected to
AC pow er?
Make sur e the pow er is not
contr olled by a w all switch. If it
does, make sur e the contr olled
switch is on.
Make sur e the batt ery is installed.
Y ou may have used the battery for a
long time. Replac e a new batt ery .
Why is my
screen in
black and
The screen is in black and white
during night-time or in a dark room
when the night vision feature is
activated. This is normal.
Why do I get
glare or blurry
display on my
screen when
viewing my
baby at night?
During night-time or in a dark
room, the surr oundings and other
interfering f actors, like ligh tings,
objects, colours and backgr ounds
may affect the image quality on
your parent unit screen. Adjust the
baby unit’s angle or place the bab y
unit at a higher lev el to pr ev ent
glare and blurry display .
Why does the
baby monitor
produce a
The parent unit and baby unit may
be too close t o each other .
• Move the paren t unit awa y fr om
the baby unit until the noise stops;
• T urn down the volume of your
parent unit.
Why does the
parent unit
The baby unit may be out of range.
Mov e the parent unit closer to the
baby unit (but no t less than 3 f eet or
1 metre ).
If the parent unit is power ed by the
pro vided battery , it may no t hav e
enough charge f or the par ent unit to
perform normally . Charge the battery
in the paren t unit f or up t o 3 hours.
The tempera ture of your baby’s
room may be too high or t oo low .
Why does
the parent
unit react t oo
quickly t o
other sounds ?
The baby unit also picks up other
sounds than those of y our baby .
Adjust the sensitivity le vel t o a
lower level or lower the par ent unit
speaker volume.
Why don’t I
hear a sound/
Why can’t I
hear m y bab y
The parent unit speaker volume may
be too low or off. Pr ess to
increase the volume.
Y ou may have set a low sound
sensitivity le vel. See Adjus t the
sound sensitivity of the baby unit to
set t o a higher le vel.
Why can’t I
establish a
Why is the
lost ev ery
now and
then? Why are
there sound
interruptions ?
The baby unit may be out of range.
Mov e the parent unit closer to the
baby unit (but no t less than 3 f eet or
1 metre ).
Other electr onic products ma y
cause interf erence with your baby
monitor . T ry installing y our baby
monitor as f ar aw ay from these
electronic devic es as possible.
Important saf ety instructions
Whe n us in g your e qu ipm en t, bas ic sa fet y
pre ca uti ons s ho ul d always b e fol lowe d to re duc e the
ris k of fire , el ec tri c sh oc k and i nj ur y , inc lu di ng th e
follow ing:
1 . Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the
2 . Adult setup is required.
3. This product is intended as an aid. It is not a
substitute for responsible and proper adult
supervision and should not be used as such.
4. This product is not intended for use as a medical
5. Do not use this product near water. For example,
do not use it next to a bath tub, wash bowl,
kitchen sink, laundry tub or swimming pool, or in a
wet basement or shower.
6. CAUTION: Use only the batteries indicated in this
manual. There may be a risk of explosion if a wrong
type of battery is used for the parent unit. Use only
the supplied rechargeable battery or replacement
battery pack for the parent unit. Do not dispose of
batteries in a fire. They may explode.
7. Use only the ad apto rs included with this product.
Incorrect ad apto r polarity or voltage can seriously
damage the product.
Baby unit power ad apto r: O utput: 5V DC 8 0 0m A
Parent unit power ad apto r: O utput: 5V DC 1 A
8. The power ad apto rs are intended to be correctly
oriented in a vertical or floor mount position. The
tip s are not designed to hold the plug in place
if it is plugged into a ceiling, under-the-table or
cabinet outlet.
9. For pluggable equipment, the socket-outlet shall
be installed near the equipment and shall be easily
10. Unplug this product from the wall outlet before
cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners.
Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
11 . Unplug the power cords before replacing batteries.
12 . Do not cut off the power ad apto r s to replace
them with other plugs, as this causes a hazardous
13. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cords.
Do not install this product where the cords may be
walked on or crimped.
14 . This product should be operated only from the
type of power source indicated on the marking
label. If you are not sure of the type of power
supply in your home, consult your dealer or local
power company.
15 . Do not overload wall outlets or use an extension
16 . Do not place this product on an unstable table,
shelf, stand or other unstable surfaces.
1 7. This product should not be placed in any area
where proper ventilation is not provided. Slots
and openings in the back or bottom of this
product are provided for ventilation. To protect
them from overheating, these openings must
not be blocked by placing the product on a soft
surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. This product
should never be placed near or over a radiator or
heat register.
18 . Never push objects of any kind into this product
through the slots because they may touch
dangerous voltage points or create a short circuit.
Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.
19. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not
disassemble this product, but take it to
an authorized service facility. Opening or
removing parts of the product other than
specified access doors may expose you to
dangerous voltages or other risks. Incorrect
reassembling can cause electric shock when the
product is subsequently used.
20. You should test the sound reception every
time you turn on the units or move one of the
21 . Periodically examine all components for damage.
22 . Be aware of possible loss of privacy while using
public airwaves. Conversations may be picked
up by other nursery monitors, cordless phones,
scanners, etc.
23 . Children should be supervised to ensure that they
do not play with the product.
24. The product is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience
and knowledge, unless they have been given
supervision or instruction concerning use of the
appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
25 . W ARNING! Strangula tion Hazar d! K eep adapt or
cord a t le ast 3 f eet ( 1 me tre) away fro m th e chi ld
at al l tim es .
1 . Use and store the product at a temperature
between 0o C and 40o C.
2 . Do not expose the product to extreme cold, heat
or direct sunlight. Do not put the product close to
a heating source.
3. Batteries should not be exposed to excessive heat
such as bright sunshine or fire.
4. M ake s ure th e ba by uni t and t he a da ptor c ord
are a lways ou t of re ac h of the b aby, at leas t 3
fee t (1 m etre) away fr om th e ba by or cot, to
av oid a possible strangulation hazard.
5. Never place the baby unit inside the baby’s cot or
playpen. Never cover the baby unit or parent unit
with anything such as a towel or a blanket.
6 . Other electronic products may cause
interference with your baby monitor. Try
installing your baby monitor as far away from
these electronic devices as possible: wireless
routers, radios, cellular telephones, intercoms,
room monitors, televisions, personal computers,
kitchen appliances and cordless telephones.
Customer service and product
warr anty
Ple ase r etai n th is bo ok let w ith yo ur sa le s rec ei pt as
pro of of th e date o f pur ch ase .
Customer Ser vice
Please call our C onsumer Services Department on
012 35 5 46 810 (fro m UK ) o r +4 4 1 23 5 54 681 0
(outs id e UK ) a nd a se r vi ce re pre sen tati ve will b e
hap py to he lp you .
Declaration o f C onformity
This product is in tended for use within E urope.
This equipment complies with the essential
requir ements to EU D irectiv e 2014/53/EU on radio
systems and telecommunication equipmen t.
Vtech T elecommunications L td. hereb y declares tha t
this Video M onitor VM5261 is in compliance with the
essential requir ements and other relevant pr ovisions of
Directiv e 2014/53/EU.
The Declaration of Conf ormity f or the VM5261 is
available fr om http:/ /www. ective.
Crystal controlled PLL synthesizer
Baby unit: 2405 - 2475 MHz
Parent unit: 2405 - 2475 MHz
Channels 32
LC D 5” Col our LCD
( WQVGA 480 x2 72 p ixe l)
Actual operating range may
vary according to environmental
conditions at the time of use.
Parent unit: 3.7 V Li- po lym er battery
Baby unit power ad apto r: Output:
5V DC @ 8 0 0m A
Parent unit power ad apto r: Output:
5V DC @ 1 A
Disposal of batteries and
The crossed-out wh ee lie b in s ymb ol s
on pr od uc ts a nd b at ter ie s, or o n th ei r
respective packaging, indicat es the y
mus t not b e di sp ose d of in d om est ic
was te as th ey co ntai n sub sta nce s th at
ca n be da ma gi ng to t he env iro nm ent
and human health.
The c he mi ca l sym bo ls H g, Cd o r
Pb, whe re m arke d, i ndi ca te tha t
the b at te r y con tai ns mo re th an t he
spe ci fie d val ue of m erc ur y (H g),
ca dmi um (Cd ) or le ad ( Pn) set ou t in
Battery Directi ve (2006 / 66/E C ).
The s ol id ba r in dic ate s tha t the p ro duc t
was p lac ed o n the m ar ket af te r 1 3th
August, 2005.
He lp pr otec t th e env iro nme nt by
dis po sin g of you r pro duc t o r bat te ri es
responsibly .
T echnical specifications
This warranty is valid for the UK and Eire only . For products purchased outside
the UK and Eire, please contact your local distributor or place of purchase.
YEAR Thank you for choosing this quality product from VT ech.
We hope it will bring many hours of entertainment,
imaginative pla y and learning.
1. The product detailed abo ve is cov ered by a one year w arranty from the date of purchase,
against any defects in materials or workmanship .
2. The product ma y be returned to the place of purchase. Alternatively the product can be
returned to VT ech Electronics Europe plc (see address below), with proof of purchase,
without proof of purchase no replacement will be provided.
3. VT ech Electronics Europe plc will examine the product and if it is found to be def ective
due to faulty materials or workmanship, will replace the product at their discretion.
4. If the product covered b y this warranty is damaged due to misuse, modification or
unauthorised repair, or because of f aulty batteries, battery discharge or incorrect
electrical connections, then this warranty becomes void.
5. This w arranty is personal to the original purchaser and is not transferab le.
6. Breakages to the LCD screen are not covered b y the warranty .
7. Returns to VT ech Electronics Europe plc should include a cheque or postal order for
£1.50 towards the cost of return postage and packaging.
8. Products returned to VT ech Electronics Europe plc, should be addressed as follows and
packed carefully to a void damage in transit (Please do not include batteries or adaptor).
Please include details of the fault together with your name and address.
9. T o keep an online record of your w arranty , please register your product online at www. anty
Vtech Electronics EU PLC, c/o XPO Logistics, Warehouse 350, Cat & Fiddle Lane, W est
Hallam, DE7 6HE
to register your VT ech product
By joining the VT ech Club you can also enter competitions, find
out about news and events, seek expert advice for parents and
let your kids play fun learning games and activities.
Specifications ar e subj ect to change without notice.
© 2019 VTech T elecommunications Ltd.
All rights reserved. 10/19 . VM 5261 _UK _C IB _ V1 .0