Mount the bab y unit on dr y w all ( optional)
Place the wall mount brack et on a wall
and then use a pencil t o mark two holes in
• Check for rec eption str ength and camera
angle befor e drilling the holes.
Drill two holes in the wall (5.5mm drill bit). If
you drill the holes into a stud, go to step 3.
If you drill the holes int o an object other than
a stud, insert the wall anchors into the holes.
T ap gently on the ends with a hammer un til
the wall anchors are flush with the wall.
Align the wall mount br acket and scr ews
with the holes in the wall as shown.
Tighten the scr ew in the middle hole
first, so tha t the wall mount brack et
position is fixed. Y ou can tighten the
other screw in the top hole.
Place the c amera unit on the w all mount
bracke t, and then slide it forwar d until
it locks into plac e. Connect the power
adaptor to the camera unit and a power
supply no t controlled b y a w all switch.
• Check for reception str ength and camera
angle befor e drilling the holes.
• The types of scr ews and anchors y ou
need depend on the composition of
the w all. Y ou may need t o purchase the
screws and anchors separ ately to mount
your camera unit.
Below are the questions most frequently asked about the baby monitor.
Why does the
baby monitor
not r espond
T ry the follo wing (in the order listed) for a c ommon cure:
1. Disconnect the power to the baby unit and the parent unit.
2 . Wait a few seco nd s before connecting power back to the baby unit and the parent unit.
3. Turn on the baby unit and the parent unit.
4. Wait for the parent unit to synchronize with the baby unit. Allow up to one minute
for this to take place.
Why doesn’t the
baby unit and parent
unit power -on light
illuminate when the units
are switched on ?
Perhaps the parent unit is not connected t o power . Insert the appliance plug into the
parent unit and insert the adap tor in a wall sock et. Then, pr ess and hold POWER to
switch on the par ent unit and to establish connection with the bab y unit.
Perhaps the baby unit is not connected to power . Insert the appliance plug int o the
baby unit and insert the adaptor in a wall socket . Then, slide the ON/OFF switch to
ON to switch on the bab y unit and to est ablish connection with the parent unit.
Why doesn’t my par ent
unit charge while
connected to AC power?
Make sur e the power is not controlled by an electronic wall swit ch.
Y ou may ha ve used the ba ttery for a long time. See W arranty for r epair/r eplacement.
Why is my screen in
black and white?
The screen is in black and white during night-time or in a dark r oom when the night
vision featur e is activated. This is normal.
Why do I get glare or
blurry displa y on m y
screen when viewing my
baby at night?
During night-time or in a dark room, the surrounding and other interfering factors, lik e
lighting, objects, colours and backgr ounds may aff ect the image quality on your parent
unit screen. Adjust the bab y unit angle or plac e the baby unit at a higher ele vation to
prev ent glare and a blurry display .
Why does the baby
monitor pr oduce
feedback noise?
The parent unit and baby unit may be too close to each other .
• Move the par ent unit away from the baby unit until the noise stops; OR
• Turn down the volume o f your paren t unit.
Why does the parent
unit beep?
The baby unit may be out o f range. M ove the paren t unit closer to the baby unit (but
not less than 1 me tre ).
The parent unit may not have enough batt ery for the parent unit t o perform normally .
Charge the ba ttery in the paren t unit until the battery icon becomes solid .
The tempera ture of your baby’s room may be too high or too low .
Why does the parent
unit react t oo quickly to
other sounds ?
The baby unit also picks up other sounds than those of your bab y . Adjust the V OX
sensitivity le vel t o a lower lev el or low er the parent unit speaker volume. See Adjust the
sound sensitivity of the baby unit.
Why don’t I hear a
sound/Why can’t I hear
my baby cry?
The parent unit speaker volume may be too low . See Adjust paren t unit speaker
volume to incr ease the volume.
Y ou may ha ve set a low VOX sensitivity le vel. See Adjust the sound sensitivity o f the
baby unit to set to a higher level.
Why can’t I establish a
connection? Wh y is the
connection lost e very now
and then? Wh y are there
sound interruptions ?
The baby unit may be out o f range. M ove the paren t unit closer to the baby unit (but
not less than 1 me tre ).
Other electr onic products and wireless pr oducts may cause int erferenc e with y our
baby monitor. Try installing your baby monitor as far away from these devic es as
Fre quentl y asked questions Cust omer service and product w arranty
The crossed-out whe el ie bi n sym bo ls on p rod uc ts a nd bat t eri es, o r on th ei r resp ec ti ve pac kag ing ,
ind ic ates t hey mu st no t be di spo sed of i n do mes tic wa ste a s they c onta in sub sta nce s tha t can b e
damaging to the en vironment and human health.
The c he mic al s ymb ol s Hg, Cd o r Pb, whe re ma rke d, in dic ate th at the b at te ry c onta ins m ore t han t he
spe ci fie d valu e of me rcur y ( Hg), ca dmi um (Cd) o r le ad (Pn) set o ut in B at ter y D ire ct ive (2 00 6/ 6 6/EC).
The s oli d bar i nd icat es th at th e pro duc t was p lac ed on t he m arke t af ter 1 3th A ugu st, 20 05.
He lp prot ec t the e nvir onm ent by di sp osin g of you r pro duc t or b at teri es re sp ons ibl y .
Disposal of ba tteries and product
Please ret ain this booklet with your sales receipt as pr oof o f the da te of purchase.
Customer Servic e
Please call our C onsumer Services Department on 03306 780149 (fr om UK) or
+44 3306 780149 ( outside UK) and a service repr esentative will be happy to help y ou.
Manufactur er: VT ech T elecommunications Ltd.
23/F ., T ai Ping Industrial Centre, Block 1, 57 Ting Kok Road, Tai P o, Hong Kong.
Importer: VT ech Electronics E urope Plc.
Napier C ourt, Abingdon Science P ark, Abingdon, Oxon, O X14 3YT .
To keep this product working well and looking good, follow these guidelines:
• Avoid placing it near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical noise (for example, motors or
fluorescent lamps).
• DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture.
• Avoid dropping the product or treating it roughly.
• Clean with a soft damp cloth.
• DO NOT immerse the parent unit and the baby unit in water and do not clean them under running wa ter .
• DO NOT use cleaning spray or liquid cleaners.
• Make sure the baby unit and parent unit are dry before you connect them to the mains again.
General product care
When you are not going to use the baby monitor for some time, store the parent unit, the baby unit and the
adaptors in a cool and dry place.
St ora ge
Adul t super vision
• Thi s baby m onito r sho uld b e for us e by adul ts o nly.
• Do n ot pla ce the b aby un it ins ide t he cot o r playp en .
• T o e nsu re your c hild ren’s s afet y , d o not al low th em to tou ch o r play wit h the b aby mo nito r and it s
acce sso ries . THI S IS N OT A T OY .
Night vision
Sound sensitivity and sound a ctiv a tion Dim mode
P arent unit icons ( cont’d )
The baby unit has infrared LEDs that
allow you to see your baby clearly
at night or in a dark room. When the
baby unit being vie wed detects low
light levels, the infrared LEDs are
switched on automatically. The images
from the baby unit are in black and
white, and appears on the screen.
• It is n orm al to se e a sho r t white g lare o n
your p arent u nit sc ree n as t he ba by unit
ad apts to t he da rk e nviron me nt.
• Whe n the i nfra red LED s are o n, it is
nor mal fo r the i ma ges to b e in bl ack a nd
The dim mode helps save par ent unit pow er . Y our parent unit displa y will turn off
automatically after 10 minut es of inactivity , when no key s are pressed or alerts are r eceived
from the baby unit.
• Whi le th e scre en i s turn ed of f, any keypre ss or a ler t m ess age w ill tr igg er th e scre en to re turn t o
the p rese t brig htne ss leve l. Af ter 10 m inu tes of in ac tivi t y , it wi ll res ume to d im mo de.
Sound activat ed screen
With so und ac tivati on turn ed on, t he pa rent unit sc ree n remai ns of f to save power when t he
baby unit d etec ts no s ound . Once t he baby uni t detec ts so unds t hat are lo ude r than th e cho sen
soun d sensi tivit y level, t he pare nt unit sc reen t urns on a utomat icall y . It wil l then t urn of f agai n
af ter 50 se cond s of no soun d detec tion .
W arning icons and messages
Bat ter y low at
Parent U nit
The battery is em pty a nd needs to be recharged.
Ope ration i s in prog ress .
T emperature
too high
The tem perat ure dete cted by th e baby unit is h ighe r than t he
des ired tem perat ure ale rt ra nge.
T emperature
too l ow
The tem perat ure dete cted by th e baby unit is l ower than t he
des ired tem perat ure ale rt ra nge.
No Lin k to Cam era
The pare nt unit is se arch ing for b aby unit or the l ink be twe en the
baby unit a nd the p arent un it is los t, for example, du e to out of
The p arent uni t is conn ec ted to AC power .
LINK • On when th e pare nt unit is li nked to th e baby unit.
• Flashe s when th e link to t he baby uni t bein g viewed i s lost.
• On whe n the pa rent unit i s conn ecte d to AC power , or th e bat ter y is
• Flashe s when th e pare nt unit bat te r y is low and n eed s cha rging .
• Of f when t he pare nt unit is d iscon nec ted from AC power.
P arent Unit Indication L ights
menu Sub-menu
Sound Detection
VO X ( V oice Activated Alert) Sensitivity
• Y ou ca n cho ose to hea r sound s from th e baby unit a ll the ti me, or to onl y
hea r sound s that excee d a cer tai n level. Adj ust th e micro pho ne sen sitivit y
of your baby unit, whe re the hi gher t he sen sitivi t y level, the mo re sens itive
the b aby unit is in d etec ting so unds t hat will t ransmi t to the pa rent unit. Se e
Sound sensitivity and sound activation section .
Sound-activated screen
• Whe n it is on, a nd the b aby unit dete ct s no sou nd, the p arent un it scre en
stays off to s ave power . On ce a sound i s detec ted, t he pare nt unit sc reen
and speaker t urns on au tomatical ly , and you can see and hear y our bab y .
The p arent uni t will the n turn of f ag ain af ter 50 s econ ds of no sou nd
dete ct ion .
• Whe n the pa rent unit sc ree n is of f and it re ceives al er ts , for exampl e, link
lost b et ween p arent uni t and ba by unit or bat te r y is low , the pa rent unit
scre en and s pea ker will t urn on for 10 se cond s.
Lullaby volume
• Adjust the baby unit’s speaker v olume when playing the lullaby .
• Se lec t one of t he four me lod ies to pl ay , or s top a lull aby .
Main menu icons
Adjust the sound sensitivi ty of the baby unit
You can c hoos e to hear so unds f rom the b aby unit all t he tim e,
or to onl y hear s ound s that excee d a cer tain l evel. Use th e
pare nt unit to ad just th e baby unit ’s mic ropho ne sen sitivi t y . The
high er the se nsit ivit y level, th e more se nsiti ve the baby unit w ill
be in d etect ing so unds th at trans mit to the p arent un it. The VOX
sens itivit y l evel is prese t to the high est level .
level Highest High Medium Low Lowest
Description The paren t
unit speaker
is constantly
on, and you
will hear
all sounds
backgr ound
noises) f r om
your baby’s
The parent
unit speaker
turns on
for soft
and louder
sounds from
your baby .
It r emains
quiet when
your baby
soundly .
The parent
unit speaker
turns on
for loud
and louder
sounds from
your baby .
It r emains
quiet when
your baby
makes soft
The parent
unit speaker
turns on
for crying
and louder
sounds from
your baby .
It r emains
quiet when
your baby
makes soft
The parent
unit speaker
turns on
for loud
crying or
sounds from
your baby .
It r emains
quiet when
your baby
makes soft
Main menu icons
Sub-menu icons
The B ackground N oise sound file was creat ed by Caroline Ford, and is used under the Creative C ommons license.
The S tream Noise sound file was cr eated by Caroline For d, and is used under the Cr eative Commons lic ense.
The Crick ets At Night sound file was cr eated by Mik e Koenig, and is used under the C reativ e Commons license.
The H eart Beat sound file was crea ted by Zarabadeu, and is used under the C reativ e Commons license.
• Depending on the surrounding and other interfering factors, like lighting, objects, colours and
backgrounds, the display resolution may vary. Adjust the baby unit angle or place the baby unit
at a higher elevation to prevent glare and a blurry display.
Declara tion of Conformity
This product is in tended for use within Eur ope and UK.
This equipment complies with the essential requiremen ts to EU’s R adio Equipment Directiv e
(2014/53/EU) and the UK’s Radio R egulations 2017 on radio systems and t elecommunication
VT ech T elecommunications Ltd. her eby declar es that 2.8” Pan & Tilt Video Baby Monitor VM923 is in
compliance with the essential requirements and o ther relev ant pr ovisions of EU’s Radio Equipment
Directiv e (2014/53/EU) and UK’s Radio Equipment R egulations 2017.
The Declaration of Conformity f or the VM923 is a vailable from
http:/ /www. e-directiv e.
This warranty is valid for the UK and Ireland only. For products purchased outside
the UK and Ireland , please contact your local distributor or place of purchase.
Thank you for choosing this quality product from VTech.
1.The product detailed above is covered by a one year warranty from the date of purchase,
against any defects in materials or workmanship.
2.The product may be returned to the place of purchase. Alternatively the product can be
returned to VT ech Electronics Europe Plc (see address below), with proof of purchase,
without proof of purchase no replacement will be provided.
3.VT ech Electronics Europe Plc will examine the product and if it is found to be defective
due to faulty materials or workmanship, will replace the product at their discretion.
4.If the product covered by this warranty is damaged due to misuse, modification or
unauthoriz ed repair, or because of faulty batteries, battery discharge or incorrect
electrical connections, then this warranty becomes void.
5.This warranty is personal to the original purchaser and is not transferable.
6.Breakages to the LCD screen are not covered by the warranty.
7.Products returned to VT ech Electronics Europe Plc , should be sent to the address shown
below and packed carefully to avoid damage in transit . Please do not include batteries or
adaptors . Please include details of the fault together with your name and address,
contact phone number and/or email address.
8.To keep an online record of your warranty, please register your product online at
VT ech Electronics Europe Plc , c/o XPO Logistics, Warehouse 350, Cat & Fiddle Lane,
West Hallam, DE7 6HE
to register your VT ech product
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and let your kids play fun learning games and activities.
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