Appendix: other vacuum-
packaging applications
You can also use the vacuum device
for domestic applications other than
food packaging.
Vacuum-packaging is quite suitable
for camping and outdoor activities
Reusable cooling packs you can make
yourself, by half lling a vacuum bag
with water to which a few spoons of
methylated spirit were added. Seal the
vacuum bag, without a vacuum, and
place it in the freezer. The methylated spirit
prevents the water from freezing entirely.
You can use the vacuum bag for treatment
of aching joints and small injuries.
You can prepare vacuum-packed meals
before you go camping. This way it is easy
to prepare meals while camping.
Vacuum packaging of meat and other smelly
products prevents undesired odours.
Make your own dry packs by keeping essential
items, such as matches, socks and a map in a
sealed bag.
Domestic applications
Reorganise untidy cabinet drawers by vacuum-
packaging small stuff that might otherwise be lost,
such as screws and nails, into vacuum bags.
The content of the bags will remain easily
visible due to the transparent vacuum bag.
Hardly used silverware can also be vacuum
packed. This will prevent discolouration of the
silver as a result of oxidation. Sharp corners can
be packed by use of a paper towel, preventing
the vacuum bag from being punctured.
Foods Vacuum + Deep-freeze Vacuum + Cooling Normally
Beef and veal 1½ years 2 weeks 2 days
Minced meat 1 years 1 week 1 to 2 days
Pork 1 years 1 to 2 weeks 2 days
Fish 1½ years 1 week 2 days
Poultry 1½ years 1 to 2 weeks 2 days
Smoked meat 2 years 3 months 2 to 4 weeks
Blanched vegetables 2 to 3 years 4 weeks 1 week
Fresh fruit 2 to 3 years 2 weeks 3 to 7 days
Hard cheeses 6 months 2 months 2 weeks
Unboiled pasta 1 years ½ years
Abovementioned times are indicative and may vary per product and quantity.