Demark, Sweden, Norwa y , Finland,
England, Netherlands, United King-
dom, F rance, Spain, P ortugal, Belgium,
Ireland, Gr eece, Luxembour g, Ital y ,
Germany , Austria
I3B/P - 29mbar
Lighting Burner. Max
P ropane/
butane mix
kW(Hs) gm(Hs)
2.6 19 2
Handle and st or e hot electr ic star t er s car efull y .
K eep electr ical wir es and cor ds a w a y fr om the hot surfaces of the barbecue and a w a y fr om high tr af f ic ar eas.
Af t er a per iod of st or a g e and/or non use , c hec k f or gas leaks and b ur ner obstr uctions bef or e using. See instr uctions in this
man ual f or cor r ect pr ocedur es.
The con v er sion or at t empt ed use of nat ur al gas in this barbecue is dang er ous and will v oid y our w ar r anty .
A dent ed or r usty LP disposab le car tr idg e ma y be hazar dous and should be c hec k ed b y y our liquid pr opane supplier . Do not
use an LP disposab le car tr idg e with a dama g ed v alv e .
Although y our LP disposab le car tr idg e ma y appear t o be empty , it ma y still contain gas. The LP disposab le car tr idg e should be
tr anspor t ed and st or ed accor dingl y .
If y ou see , smell or hear gas escaping fr om the LP disposab le car tr idg e:
1 . Get a w a y fr om the LP disposab le car tr idg e .
2. Do not at t empt t o cor r ect the pr ob lem y our self .
3. Call y our f ir e depar tment.
Lining the bo wl with alumin um f oil will obstr uct the air f lo w . Inst ead, use a dr ip pan t o catc h dr ippings fr om meat when cooking
b y the indir ect method.
Using shar p objects t o c lean the cooking gr at e or r emo v e ashes will dama g e the f inish.
Using abr asiv e c leaner s on the cooking gr at es or the barbecue itself will dama g e the f inish.
The barbecue should be thor oughl y c leaned on a r egular basis.
W eber -St ephen P r oducts C o . (W eber) her eb y w arr ants t o the ORIGINAL PURCHA SER of this W eber ®
g as g r ill that it will be fr ee of def ects in mat er ial and w or kmanship fr om the dat e of pur chase as f ollo ws:
Cooking / Char coal gr at es 2 y ear s
Stainless St eel One-T ouc h ® Cleaning S y st em 1 0 y ear s
Bo wl and lid a gainst r ust / b ur n-thr ough 1 0 y ear s
Nylon handles 1 0 y ear s
Ther moplastic/Ther moset P ar ts(P erf or mer ® ) 1 0 y ear s
e x c luding fading
All r emaining par ts 2 y ear s
when assembled and operated in accordance with the printed instructions accompanying it.
Weber may require reasonable proof of your date of purchase. THEREFORE, YOU SHOULD RETAIN
This Limited Warranty shall be limited to the repair or replacement of parts that prove defective under
normal use and service and which on examination shall indicate, to Weber’s satisfaction, they are
defective. Before returning any parts, contact the Customer Service Representative in your area
using the contact information on our website. If Weber confirms the defect and approves the claim,
Weber will elect to replace such parts without charge. If you are required to return defective parts,
transportation charges must be prepaid. Weber will return parts to the purchaser, freight or postage
This Limited Warranty does not cover any failures or operating difficulties due to accident, abuse,
misuse, alteration, misapplication, vandalism, improper installation or improper maintenance or
service, or failure to perform normal and routine maintenance, including but not limited to damage
caused by insects within the burner tubes, as set out in this owner’s manual.
Deterioration or damage due to severe weather conditions such as hail, hurricanes, earthquakes or
tornadoes, discolouration due to exposure to chemicals either directly or in the atmosphere, is not
covered by this Limited Warranty.
There are no other express warrants except as set forth herein and any applicable implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness are limited in duration to the period of coverage of this express written
Limited Warranty. Some regions do not allow limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, so this
limitation may not apply to you.
Weber is not liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages. Some regions do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so this limitation or exclusion may not
apply to you.
Weber does not authorise any person or company to assume for it any other obligation or liability in
connection with the sale, installation, use, removal, return, or replacement of its equipment; and no
such representations are binding on Weber.
This Warranty applies only to products sold at retail.
Cust omer Ser vice Cent er
1 890 R oselle R oad, Suit e 308
Sc haumb ur g, IL 60 1 95
F or r eplacement par ts call:
1 -80 0-446-1 071
Visit www .w eber .com ® , select y our countr y of or igin, and r egist er y our
gr ill t oda y .
Country Part#
Hose Belgium 41 421
Hose/Reg Holland 41 421
Hose/Reg Gr eece/Italy 41 421
Hose/Reg Germany/A ustria 41 421
Hose/Reg Spain/Denmark/P or tugal 41 421
Hose/Reg S weden 41 421
Hose/Reg S witzerland 41 421
Hose/Reg Ir eland 41 421
Hose/Reg England 41 421
Hose/Reg A ustralia 41 421
Hose/Reg Norwa y/F inland 41 421
Demar k, S w eden, Norw a y , F inland,
England, Nether lands , Unit ed King-
dom, F r ance , Spain, P or tug al, Belgium,
Ir eland, Gr eece , Lux embour g , It al y ,
Ger man y , A ustr ia
I 3B/P - 29mbar
Lighting Bur ner . Max
P r opane/
b ut ane mix
kW(Hs) gm(Hs)
2.6 19 2
Handle and stor e hot electric starters car efully .
Keep electr ical wires and cor ds awa y from the hot surfaces of the barbecue and a wa y from high tr af f ic areas.
Af ter a period of st ora ge and/or nonuse, c heck f or gas leaks and bur ner obstructions befor e using. See instructions in this
manual f or correct pr ocedures.
The con ver sion or att empted use of nat ural gas in this barbecue is danger ous and will void y our war ranty .
A dented or r usty LP disposable cartridge may be hazardous and should be c heck ed by y our liquid propane supplier . Do not
use an LP disposable cartridge with a damaged valv e.
Although your LP disposab le cartridge may appear to be empty , it may still contain gas. The LP disposable cartridge should be
transported and st ored accor dingly .
If you see, smell or hear gas escaping fr om the LP disposable cartridge:
1 . Get aw ay fr om the LP disposable cartridge .
2. Do not at tempt to cor rect the pr oblem y ourself.
3. Call your f ir e depar tment.
Lining the bowl with aluminum f oil will obstruct the air f low . Inst ead, use a drip pan t o catch drippings fr om meat when cooking
by the indir ect method.
Using sharp objects t o clean the cooking gr ate or r emov e ashes will damage the finish.
Using abrasiv e cleaner s on the cooking grat es or the barbecue itself will damage the finish.
The barbecue should be thoroughl y cleaned on a r egular basis.
W eber -St ephen P r oducts C o . (W eber) her eb y w arr ants t o the ORIGINAL PURCHA SER of this W eber ®
g as g r ill that it will be fr ee of def ects in mat er ial and w or kmanship fr om the dat e of pur chase as f ollo ws:
Cooking / Char coal gr at es 2 y ear s
Stainless St eel One-T ouc h ® Cleaning S y st em 1 0 y ear s
Bo wl and lid a gainst r ust / b ur n-thr ough 1 0 y ear s
Nylon handles 1 0 y ear s
Ther moplastic/Ther moset P ar ts(P erf or mer ® ) 1 0 y ear s
e x c luding fading
All r emaining par ts 2 y ear s
when assembled and operated in accordance with the printed instructions accompanying it.
Weber may require reasonable proof of your date of purchase. THEREFORE, YOU SHOULD RETAIN
This Limited Warranty shall be limited to the repair or replacement of parts that prove defective under
normal use and service and which on examination shall indicate, to Weber’s satisfaction, they are
defective. Before returning any parts, contact the Customer Service Representative in your area
using the contact information on our website. If Weber confirms the defect and approves the claim,
Weber will elect to replace such parts without charge. If you are required to return defective parts,
transportation charges must be prepaid. Weber will return parts to the purchaser, freight or postage
This Limited Warranty does not cover any failures or operating difficulties due to accident, abuse,
misuse, alteration, misapplication, vandalism, improper installation or improper maintenance or
service, or failure to perform normal and routine maintenance, including but not limited to damage
caused by insects within the burner tubes, as set out in this owner’s manual.
Deterioration or damage due to severe weather conditions such as hail, hurricanes, earthquakes or
tornadoes, discolouration due to exposure to chemicals either directly or in the atmosphere, is not
covered by this Limited Warranty.
There are no other express warrants except as set forth herein and any applicable implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness are limited in duration to the period of coverage of this express written
Limited Warranty. Some regions do not allow limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, so this
limitation may not apply to you.
Weber is not liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages. Some regions do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so this limitation or exclusion may not
apply to you.
Weber does not authorise any person or company to assume for it any other obligation or liability in
connection with the sale, installation, use, removal, return, or replacement of its equipment; and no
such representations are binding on Weber.
This Warranty applies only to products sold at retail.
Cust omer Ser vice Cent er
1 890 R oselle R oad, Suit e 308
Sc haumb ur g, IL 60 1 95
F or r eplacement par ts call:
1 -80 0-446-1 071
Visit www .w eber .com ® , select y our countr y of or igin, and r egist er y our
gr ill t oda y .
Countr y P ar t#
Hose Belgium 41 421
Hose/R eg Holland 41 421
Hose/R eg Gr eece/It al y 41 421
Hose/R eg Ger man y/A ustr ia 41 421
Hose/R eg Spain/Denmar k/P or tug al 41 421
Hose/R eg S w eden 41 421
Hose/R eg S witz er land 41 421
Hose/R eg Ir eland 41 421
Hose/R eg England 41 421
Hose/R eg A ustr alia 41 421
Hose/R eg Norw a y/F inland 41 421