WD Elements
USB 3.0
USB 3.0 or USB 2.0
Knowledge Base ID# 3865
T echnical Supp ort Services
http://supp ort.wd.com
www .wd.com
North America 800.ASK.4WDC (800.275.4 932) Asia Pacific +86.21.2603.7560 or http://support.wd.co m/contact
Spanish 800.832.4778 Japan 0800.805.7293
Europe (toll fr ee wher e available) 00800.27549338 Australia & New Zealand +800.2275.4932
Europe/Middl e East/Africa +31.880062100 Russia 8.10.8002.335501 1
1. Disputes. The terms of this Agreement shall apply to a ll Disputes betwee n you and
Western Digital Technol ogies, Inc. and its affili ates (collectively, “WDT”). F or the purposes of
this Agreement and sub ject to the exceptions set forth in this Section 1, “Disp ute” shall mean
any dispute, claim, or actio n between you and WDT arising out of or relating to all WDT
products and services, including without limitation hardware and software products, this
Agreement, or other transa ction involving you and WDT, whether in con tract, warranty,
misrepresentat ion, fraud, tort, intent ional tort, statute, re gulation, ordinance, or any other legal
or equitable basis, and shall be interpreted to be given the broadest meaning allowable under
2. Binding Arbitration. You and WDT furthe r agree: (a) to arbi trate al l Disput es betwee n the
parties pursuant to the provisi ons in this agreement; (b) th is Agreement me morializes a
transact ion in int erstate co mmerce; and (c) th e Federal A rbitrat ion Act (9 U. S.C. §1, et seq.)
governs the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. ARBITRATION MEANS
may award you t he same damages as a court si tting in proper jur isdiction co uld, and may
award declaratory or injunctive relief only in favor of the individ ual party seeking relief and only
to the extent necessary to p rovide relief w arranted by tha t party’s indi vidual claim. In a ddition,
in some instanc es, the costs of arbitration c ould exceed t he costs of l itigation and the right to
discovery may be more limited in arb itration than in court.The deci sion of the ar bitrator shall
be final and en forceable by a ny court with juris diction over t he parties.
3. Small Claims Court. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may bring an individual action
in the small clai ms court of yo ur state or m unicipality if th e action is within that court’s
jurisdiction and is pending only in that court.
4. Dispute Notice. In the eve nt of a Dispute, you or WDT must firs t send to the other party a
notice of th e Dispute tha t shall inclu de a written st atement that s ets forth the name, addr ess
and conta ct infor mation o f the par ty giving it, the fac ts givi ng rise to the Dispu te, and the relie f
requested (th e “Dispute Notice ”). The Dispute Noti ce to WDT must be address ed to:
Western Digital Technol ogies, Inc., ATTN: Legal Department, 33 55 Michelson Drive , Suite
100, Irvine, CA 92612, U.S.A. (the “WDT Notice Address”). The Dis pute Notice to you will be
sent by certifie d mail to the most recent address WDT on file or otherw ise in our recor ds for
you. If WDT and you do not rea ch an agreement to res olve the Dispute with in sixty (60) days
after the Di spute Notice i s received, you o r WDT may comme nce an arbitrat ion proceeding
pursuant to this Agreement. Following submission and receipt of the Dispute Notice, each of
the parties a grees to act i n good faith t o seek to res olve the Disput e before commen cing
arbitra tion.
6. Arbitration Procedure.
If a party elects to comm ence arbitration, the arbitration shall be
governed by the rules of JAMS that are in effect a t the time the arbitration is initiated (the “J AMS
Rules”), available at http://www .jamsadr.com or by calling 1-8 00-352-5267, and under the rules
set forth in this Agreemen t. If there is a conflict between the JAMS Rules and the rules set forth in
this Agreement, the rules set forth in this Agreement sh all govern. You may, in arbitration, see k
any and all remedies oth erwise available to you pu rsuant to federal, state, or local laws. All
Disputes shall be resolv ed by a single neutral arbitr ator, and both parties shall hav e a reasonable
opportunity to participate in th e selection of the arbitrator. The a rbitrator is bound by the ter ms of
this Agreement. The arb itrator, and not any federal, state or local court or agency, sh all have
exclusive authority to resolve all d isputes arising out of or relating to the interpretation, applicability,
enforceability or formation of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any claim that all or any
part of this Agreement is void or voidable. Notwithstan ding this broad delegation of a uthority to
the arbitrator, a court m ay determine the limited question of whether a claim or caus e of action is
for trade secret misappropr iation, patent infringement, copyright infringement o r misuse, or
trademark infringement or dilution, all of which are excluded fro m the definition of “Disputes” in
Section 1. The arbitrator shall be empowere d to grant whatever relief would be available in a court
under law or in equity. The arbitrato r’s award shall be binding on the part ies and may be entered
as a judgment in an y court of competent jurisd iction. You may choose to en gage in arbitration
hearings by telephone. Arbitration hearings not condu cted by telephone shall take place in a
location reasonably acces sible from your primary residenc e, or in Orange County, California, at
your option.
a Initiation of Arbitration Pr oceeding. If either you or WDT decides to arbitrate a D ispute,
both parti es agre e to the fol lowing pr ocedure:
(i) Write a Demand for Arbitrat ion. The demand must include a description of the
Dispute and the amount of damages sought to be recovered. You can find a copy of a
Demand for Arbitration at
www.jamsadr.com (“De mand for Arbitr ation”).
(ii) Send three copies of the Demand for Arbitration, plus the appropriate filing fee, to:
500 North Sta te Colleg e Blvd., Sui te 600
Orange, CA 92868, U.S.A.
(iii) Send one copy of the Demand for Arbitration to the o ther party at the same
address as the Dispute Notice, or as otherwise agreed to by the pa rties.
b Hearing Format. In all hearing formats, the arbitrator shall issue a written decision that
explains the essential findings and conclusions on which an award, if any, is based. During
the arbitration, the amount of any settlement offer made by WDT or you shall not be
disclosed to the arbitrator until after the arbitrator determines the amount, if any, to which
you or WDT is entitled. The discovery or exchange of non-privileged information relevant to
the Dispute may be allowed during the arbitration.
c Arb itration F ees. WDT s hall pa y, or (if a pplicab le) rei mburse yo u for, a ll JAMS f iling,
administra tion, and arb itrator fee s for any arbitrati on commenced (by you or WDT)
pursuant to provisions of this Agreement.
d Award in Your Favor. For Dispute s in which you or WDT seeks $75,000 or less in
damages, exclusive o f attorney ’s fees and c osts, if the arbit rator’s de cision re sults in an
award to you in an amount greater than WDT’s last written offer, if any, to settle the
Dispute, WDT will: (i) pay you $1,000 or the amount of the award, whichever is greater; (ii)
pay you twice the amount of your reasonable attorney’s fees, if any; and (iii ) reimburse you
for any expenses (including expert witness fees and costs) that your attorney reasonably
accrues for investigating, preparing, and pursuing the Dispute in arbitration. Except as
agreed upon by you and WDT in writing, the arbitrator shall determine the amount of fees,
costs, and expenses to be paid by WDT pursuant to this Section 6(d).
e Att orney’s Fees. WDT will n ot seek it s attorney ’s fees and expen ses for a ny arbi tration
commenced involving a Dispute underthis Agreement. Your right to attorney’s fees and
expenses under Section 6(d) above does not limit your rights to a ttorney’s fees and
expenses under applicable law; notwithstanding the foregoing, the arbitrator may not
award duplic ative awards of attorney’s fees and expens es.
f Opt-out. You m ay elect to opt-out (exclude yourself) from the final, binding indivi dual
arbitration procedure and waiver of c lassand representative proceedings specified in this
Agreement by sending a written letter to the WDT Notice Address within thir ty (30) days of
your assent to this Agreement (including the purchase, download, installation or ot her use
of WDT products and servic es) that specifi es (i) your name, (ii) your mailing address, and (iii)
your request to be excluded from the final, binding individual arbitration procedure and
waiver of class and representative proceedings specified in this Agreement. In the event
that you opt-out consistent with the procedure set forth above, all other terms shall
continue to apply, including the requirement to provide notice prior to arbitration.
7. Severa bility. If any provision in this Agr eement is found to be unenfor ceable, that provision
shal l be s ever ed with the r em ainde r of this Agreem ent remaining in full force and effec t. The
foregoing s hall not apply to t he prohibition against class or repr esentative actions as pro-
vided in Section 5; if Section 5 (but only Section 5) is found to be unenforceable, this entire
Agreement shall be null and void.
Regulatory Compliance
FCC Class B Infor mation
Operation of this device is subject to the f ollowing two condit ions: (1) This device m ay
not cause harmful interf erence, and (2) this device must accept any interference
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits of a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are de signed to provide r easonable
protection against harmful interfer ence in a residentia l installation. This unit generates, uses,
and can radiate radio freque ncy ene rgy and, i f not in stalled a nd used in accorda nce with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio or television reception. However ,
there is no guarantee that i nterference will not occur in a par ticul ar i nstal lation . If thi s
equipment does c ause harmful int erference to radio or television re ception, which can be
determ ined by turning the equipment off and on, you are encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measure s:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving a ntenna.
• Increase the separation between t he equipment and the receiver .
• Connect the equipm ent into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which th e
receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio /television technician for help.
Any changes or modific ations not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void
the user’ s authority to operate this equi pment.
CAN ICES-3 (B) / NMB-3 (B) Statem ent
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-3 (B ) du Canada.
This device complies w ith Canadian ICES-3 (B).
Safety Co mplia nce
Approved for US and C anada. CAN/CSA- C22.2 No. 60950-1 , UL 60950-1: Safety of
Information T echnology Equipmen t. For use only wi th a UL Listed PC .
Approuvé pour les Etats-Unis et le Canada. CAN/CSA-C22. 2 No. 60950-1, UL
60950-1: Sûreté d’é quipement de techno logie de l’info rmation.
CE Compliance For Europe
Marking by the CE symbol indicates compli ance of this system to the applicable
Council Directives of th e European Union, including t he EMC Directive (2004/108 /EC)
and the Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC). A “Declaratio n of Conformity” i n
accordance with the applicable directives has been made and is on file at Western
Digital Europe.
Die Markierung mi t dem CE-Symbol zei gt an, dass dieses Gerä t mit den anwendbaren
Richtlinien der E uropäischen Union übereinstimmt. H ierzu zählen auch die EMV-
Richtlinie (2004/1 08/EG) sowie die Nied erspannungsrichtlini e (2006/95/EG). Eine
„Konformitätser klärung“ in Über einstimmung mit den anwendba ren Rich tlinien ist
erstellt worden und kann bei Western Di gital Europe eingesehen werden.
Le symbole CE in dique que ce système est co nforme aux directives du Conseil de
l’Union Européenne, notamment à l a Directive CEM (2004/108/CE) et la Directive
Basse tension (2006/ 95/CE). Une « déclaratio n de conformité » aux d irectives
applicables a été déposée au près de Western Digital Europe.
I marchi con il simbolo CE de notano la conformità di questo sistema alle direttive del
Consiglio dell'Unione e uropea, ivi compresa la Direttiva EMC (2004/108/C E) e la
Direttiva Bassa T ensi one (2006/95/CE). I n adempimento con l e vigenti direttive è stata
rilasciata una “Dichiaraz ione di conformità”, deposit ata presso Western Digital Europe.
La marca con el símbolo CE indica el cumplimie nto de este sistema con l as
correspondientes directivas del Con sejo de la Unión Eu ropea, que incluye la Directiva
CEM (2004/108/CE) y la Directiva de bajo vol taje (2006/95/CE). Se h a realizado una
“Declaración de conformida d” de acuerdo con las directivas correspondien tes y se
encuentra documentada e n las instalaciones de Wester n Digital en Europa.
Märkning av CE-symbo len anger att detta systemet uppfyller kraven en ligt det
Europeiska Parlamen tet och Rådets di rektiv , inklusive EMC-direktiv et (2004/108/EC)
och Direktivet om Lågspän ning (2006/95/EC). En ” Försäkran om Överensstämmelse”
har gjorts enlig t de gällande direktive n och har r egistrera ts hos West ern Digital Eur opa.
Merking med CE-symbol et indikerer dette systemets ove rholdelse av gjeldende
direktiver for EU, inklud ert EMC-direktivet (2004/1 08/EC) og lavspennin gsdirektivet
(2006/95/EC). En “sam svarserklæring” i henh old til gjeldende d irektiver har blitt skrevet
og finnes arkivert hos Wester n Digital Europe.
CE-merkintä osoittaa täm än järjestelmän yhdenmuka isuuden sovellettavissa olevien
Euroopan unionin neuv oston direktiivien kan ssa, mukaan lukien EMC-direktiivi (2004 /
108/EC), sekä ali jännitedirektiivi (2006 /95/EC). "Yhd enmukaisuusvakuutu s"
sovellettavien direktiivien kanssa on tehty ja se on arkistoituna Wester n Digital
Маркировк а символом CE свиде тельств уе т о соо твет ствии настоящей си стемы
положениям применим ых директив Совет а Европейского Союза, в том числ е
Директивы об электромагнитной совместимос ти (2004/108/EC) и Дирек тивы о
низковоль тном об орудовании (2006/95/EC).
Заявление о соотве тствии
положениям применим ых директив, сделанное ко мпанией Western Digital,
находитс я в архиве её европей ского по дразделения.
KC Notic e (Repu blic o f Korea only)
Australia/New Zealand
Nothing in this war ranty modifies or exclude s your legal rights u nder the Australian
Competition and Co nsumer Act or the N ew Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act. This
warranty identifies W D's preferred approach to resolving warranty claims which is likely
to be quick and simp le for all parties.
기종별 사용자 안내문
B 급기기(가정용방송통신
이기기는가정용(B 급) 전자파적합기기로서주로가정에서사용하는
것을목적으로하며, 모든지역에서사용할수있 습니다
No other warrantie s either expr ess or implied by l aw , including but not limited to th ose
contained in the Sale of Goods Act, are made with respect to the Product. I f you
purchased your Product in New Zealan d for the purposes of a bu siness, you
acknowledge and agree that the N ew Zealand Consumer G uarantees Act does not
apply .
In Australia, our goo ds come with guarant ees that cannot be excluded u nder the
Australian Consumer Law. Y ou are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major
failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. Y ou
are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if goods fail to be of
acceptable quality and the failure does n ot amount to a maj or failure. What constitute s
a major failure is set out in th e Australian Con sumer Law.
WD warrants that the Product, in the course of its normal use, will for the term defined
below, be free fr om defects in material an d workmanship and will conform to WD’ s
specifications. The t erm of your warranty is 3 years in Australi a and New Zealand,
unless otherwise required by law. The term of your warranty period shall commence on
the purchase date appearing on your purchase receipt from an authorized distrib utor
or authorized reseller . Proof of purchase shall be required to be eligible for this warranty
and to establish th e commencement d ate of this warra nty . Warranty ser vice will not be
provided unless the Prod uct is returned to an aut horized distribut or , authorized re seller
or regional WD return center w here the Product was first shipped by WD. WD may at
its discretion make extended warra nties available for purchase. WD shall have no
liability fo r any Pro duct returned i f WD determine s that the Pr oduct was (i) not
purchased from an authorized distrib utor or authorized reseller , (ii) not used in
accordance with WD specificat ions and instruction s, (iii) not used for it s intended
function, or (iv) stolen from WD, or that the assert ed defect a) is not present, b) cannot
reasonably be rectified because of damage occurring before WD receives the P roduct,
or c) is attributable to mi suse, improper installation, alt eration (including removing or
obliterating labels an d opening or removing exter nal enclosures, including the
mounting frame, unle ss the product is on the list of lim ited user-serviceable products
and the specific alterati on is within the scope of the a pplicable instructions, as fou nd at
http://support.wd.com), acc ident or mishandling while in the possession of som eone
other than WD.
In Australia, if the Product is not of a kind ordinarily acquired for person al, domestic or
household use or consumption, provided it is f air and reasonable to do so, WD limits
its liability to replac ement of the Pr oduct or supply of equivalen t or better Pr oduct.
This warranty shall extend to repaired or replaced Products for the balance of the
applicable perio d of the original warrant y or ninety (90) days from the date of sh ipment
of a repaired or replaced Product, whichever is long er . This warran ty is WD’ s sole
manufacturer's warranty and i s applicable only t o Products sold as new.
Obtaining Service
WD values your business and alw ays attempts to provide you the very best of service.
Should you en counter any pr oblem, pl ease give us an opportunity t o address i t before
returning this Product. Most techni cal support questions can be answered through our
knowledge base or e-mail sup port service at http://sup port.wd.com. If the answer is
not available or , if you prefer , please c ontact WD at the applicable t elephone number
shown in the front of this d ocument.
If you wish to make a cl aim, you should i nitially contact the dealer from whom you
originally purchased the Product. If you are unable to contact the d ealer from whom
you originally purchased the Produc t, please visit o ur produc t support We b site at
http://support.wd.co m for information on how to obtain serv ice or a Retur n Material
Authorization (RMA). If it is determin ed that the Product may be defe ctive, you will be
given an RMA number and i nstructions for P roduct return. An un authorized return (i.e.,
one for which an RM A number has not bee n issued) will be r eturned to you at your
expense. Authorized retur ns must be shipped in an approved shipping container ,
prepaid and insured, to the address provided with yo ur RMA number . If following
receipt of a qualifying claim under this warranty , WD or the dealer from whom yo u
originally purchased the Product determin es that your claim is valid, WD or su ch dealer
shall, at its discretion, either repair or replace the Product with an equivalent or better
Product or refund th e cost of the Product t o you. Y ou are r esponsible for any expenses
associated with a clai m under this warranty. The benefits provided to you under this
warranty are in addition to ot her rights and remedies available to y ou under the
Australian Competit ion and Consumer Act or the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees
Y our origina l box and packag ing materials should be kept for stor ing or shipping
your WD product. T o conclusively establish the period of warranty , check the
warranty expiration (serial num ber required) via http://support.wd.com.
Western Digital T echnologies, Inc.
3355 Michelson Dri ve, Suite 10 0
Irvine, Cali fornia 92612
E-mail: support@wd.com
Warranty Information
All Reg ions Ex cept Aus trali a/New Ze aland
Obtaining Service
WD values your business and alw ays attempts to provide you the very best of ser vice.
If this Product requires maintenance, eit her contact the dealer f rom whom you
originally pur chased the Pr oduct or vi sit our pro duct support W eb site at http://
support.wd.com for in formation on how to ob tain service or a Ret urn Material
Authorizatio n (RMA). If it i s determined that the Pr oduct may be def ective, yo u will be
given an RMA number and instru ctions for Product retur n. An unauthoriz ed return (i.e.,
one for which an R MA number has not be en issued) will be r eturned to you at yo ur
expense. Authorized retur ns must be shipped in an approved shipping container ,
prepaid and insured, to the address provided on your retur n paperwork. Y our original
box and packaging materials sh ould be kept for storing or shipping you r WD product.
T o conclusively establish the period of w arranty , check the warranty expiration (seri al
number required) via http://support.w d.com. WD shall have no l iability for lost da ta
regardless of the cause, recovery of lost data, or data contained in any Product placed
in its possession.
Limited Warrant y
WD warrants t hat the Pr oduct, in the c ourse of it s normal use, wil l for the te rm defined
below, be free from defects in material and workmanship an d will conform to WD’ s
specification therefor . The term of your li mited warranty depends o n the country in
which your Pr oduct was pu rchased. T he term of your li mited warran ty is for
1 year in the North , South and Centra l America region, 2 years in the Europe, the
Middle East and Africa region, and 3 years in the Asia Pac ific region, unless otherwise
required by law . The term of your li mited warranty peri od shall commence on the
purchase date appearing on yo ur purchase receipt.
WD may at its discr etion make
extended warranties available for purchase.
WD shall have no liability f or any
Product returned if WD determin es that the Product was stolen from WD or that the
asserted defect a) is not present, b) cannot reasonably be rectified because of damage
occurring before WD receives the Product, or c) is attributable to mi suse, improper
installation, alter ation (including removin g or obliterating lab els and opening or
removing external e nclosures, unless the product is on the list of limited user-
serviceable products and the spec ific alteration is with in the scope of the applicab le
instructions, as found at http://support.wd.com ), accident or mishand ling while in the
possession of someone other t han WD. Subject to the li mitations specified above,
your sole and exclusiv e warranty shall be, dur ing the period of warrant y specified
above and at WD’ s option, the repair or repla cement of the Product
with an equ ivalen t
or better Pr oduct
. The foregoing warranty of WD shall extend to repaired or replaced
Products f or the balance of the applicable pe riod of the origi nal warranty o r ninety (90)
days from the date of shipment o f a repaired or replaced Product, whichever is longer .
The foregoing limit ed warranty is W D’ s sole warra nty and is app licable only to p roducts
sold as new. The remedies provided herein are in lieu of a) any and all other remedies
and warranties, whether e xpressed, implied or statutory , including but not limite d to,
any implied warran ty of merchantability or f itness for a particular purp ose, and b) any
and all obligation s and liabilities of W D for damages includin g, but not limited t o
accidental, conseque ntial, or special damages, or any financial loss, lo st profits or
expenses, or lost data arisi ng out of or in connect ion with the purchase, use, or
performance of the Product, eve n if WD has been advise d of the possibility of such
damages. In the United S tates, some states do not all ow exclusion or limitat ions of
incidental or co nsequential dam ages, so the limita tions above may not a pply to you.
This warranty gives you speci fic legal rig hts, and you m ay also have ot her rights whi ch
vary from state to state.
Alle Regionen auße r Australien/Neuseel and
Inanspruchnahme des Service
WD schätzt Sie als Kunden und ist im mer bemüht, Ihne n den bestmögli chen Service
zu bieten. Wenn dieses Produkt gewartet werden muss, wenden Sie sich entweder an
den Händler , bei dem Sie das Produkt urspr ünglich erworben haben, oder besuchen
Sie unsere Website für Produktsupport unter http://support.wd.com. Hier finden Sie
Informationen zur In anspruchnahme unseres Service und wie eine RMA (Waren-
Rücksendeberechtigung) angefordert werden kann. Wi rd festgestellt, dass das
Produkt defekt ist, erhalten S ie eine RMA-Numme r sowie Anweisungen zur
Rücksendung des Pr odukts. Ein e nicht autorisie rte Rücksendung, ( d. h. eine Sendun g,
für die keine RMA-Nummer erteilt wurde,) wird zu Ihren Lasten an Sie zurückgeschickt.
Autorisierte Rücksendu ngen sind im Voraus zu bezahlen, entsprechend zu versichern
und in einer zulä ssigen Versandverpackung an die auf Ihren Rücksendeu nterlagen
angegebene Adresse zu richten. Der O riginalkarton und das en tsprechende
Verpackungsmaterial sollten zur Lagerung und zum V ersand Ihres WD-Produkts stets
aufbewahrt werden. Um festzustellen , ob Ihre Garantie noch gültig ist , prüfen Sie die
verbleibende Garan tiedauer für das Produkt (Seriennummer erforderlich) unter
http://support.wd.com . WD haftet weder für den Verlust von Daten, unabhängi g von
der Ursache, noch deren Wiederherstellung oder für Date n, die auf Produkten
gespeichert sind , die sich im Besitz von WD befinden .
Beschränkte Garantie
WD garantiert, da ss das Produk t bei normaler Benutz ung, für den wei ter unten
bestimmten Zeitraum, kein e Material- und Verarbeitungsfehler aufweist, und dass es
den WD-Spezifikationen e ntspricht. Die Geltungsdaue r Ihrer beschränkten Garantie
hängt davon ab, i n welchem Land Sie das Produk t erworben haben. Di e
Geltungsdaue r Ihrer beschräckten Gar antie beträgt 1 Jahre in de n Regionen No rd-,
Süd- und Zentralame rika, 2 Jahre in den Regi onen Europa, Mittlerer Osten und Afrika,
und 3 Jahre in den Regionen Asien und Pazifik, in sofern gesetzlich nicht anders
vorgeschrieben . Die beschränkte Gar antie beginnt mit de m Datum des Kaufbelegs.
WD bietet unter Umständen n ach eigenem Ermessen erweit erte Garantieleistungen
zum Kauf an. WD über nimmt keine H aftung für die Rücksen dung des Produkts, wenn
WD feststellt, dass das Produkt auf unrechtmäßige Weise von WD erhalten wurde
oder dass der monie rte Defekt a) ni cht existiert, b ) nicht behoben we rden kann , da der
Schaden nachweisli ch entstanden ist, bevor es im Besitz von WD war oder c) auf
falsche Anwend ung, unsachgemä ße Installatio n, Änderungen ( einschließli ch des
Entfernen ode r Zerstörens von Etiketten un d Öffnens oder Entferne n von Gehäusen,
es sei d enn, das P rodukt is t auf de r Liste v on benu tzerwart baren Produk ten
verzeichnet und die spezifische Änderun g liegt innerhalb der Bereichs der
anwendbaren Anweisungen wie besc hrieben unter http://support.w d.com), einen
Unfall oder falsche Hand habung während es im Besitz einer an deren Partei als WD
war , zurückzuführ en ist. Unt er Beachtung der o ben genannte n Einschränku ngen
besteht Ihr einzig er und ausschlie ßlicher Garantie anspruch währ end der Dauer de r
genannten Gara ntie und nach Erme ssen von WD in eine r Reparatur des defek ten
Produkts oder dem Austausch d es Produkts gegen ein gleichw ertiges oder besseres
Produkt. Für repa rierte oder umg etauschte Pr odukte gil t entweder die Restlaufzeit der
ursprünglic hen Produk tgarantie od er eine Garanti ezeit von ne unzig (90) T agen, je
nachdem welche der b eiden Möglichkeite n zu einer längeren verbleib enden
Garantiez eit führt.
Die beschriebene, beschrän kte Garantie ist die einz ige Garantieleistung von WD und
gilt aussschließlich für als neu verkaufte Produkte. Die hier genannten Leistungen
werden erbracht an Stelle v on a) jeglichen anderen Garan tieleistungen, ob
ausdrücklich, impliziert oder gesetzlich festgeleg t, einschließlich aber nicht besch ränkt
auf jegliche impliz ierte Zusicherung de r allgemeinen oder e rforderlichen
Gebrauchstaugl ichkeit und b) jeglichen V erpflichtungen und Ha ftung seitens WD für
Schäden einschließlich aber nicht beschränkt au f Neben-, Folge- ode r spezielle
Schäden bzw. finanzielle Verluste, Profitverlust oder Ausg aben sowie Datenverlust, die
in V erbindung mit dem Kauf, dem Einsatz od er der Leistung des Pr odukts stehen,
auch wenn WD auf die Mögli chkeit solcher Schäden au fmerksam gemacht wurde.
Informations sur la garantie
T outes régions sauf l' Australie et la No uvelle Zélande
Obtention de ser vice
WD apprécie votre clientè le et tente de vous fournir les meil leurs services. S i ce
Produit nécessite une intervention de maintenance, vous pouvez contacter le
vendeur chez qui vous avez ac heté le Produit ou consulter notre site Web à
l’adresse http://support.wd.com pour savoir commen t obtenir une assistance o u
un e au t o r is a t io n d e r e to u r d e m a t ér i e l ( RMA). S’il est déterm iné que le Produit peut
être défectueux, vous recevrez un numéro de RMA et des instructions pour le
renvoi du Produit. Les retours non autorisés (c’est-à-dire ceux sans numéro RMA)
vous seront renvoyés à vos frais. Le s retours autorisés doivent être envoyés dans
un conteneur conforme, prépayés et assurés, à l’ adresse fournie sur vos
documents de retour . Le carton et l’em ballage d’origine do ivent être conservés
pour le stockage et l’envoi d e votre produit WD. Pour établir de façon indiscutable
la période de garantie, vé rifiez la date d’expiration de la gara ntie (vous aur ez besoin
du numéro de série) à l’ad resse http://support .wd.com. W D n ’ ass um e au cu ne
responsabilité quant aux pertes d e données, quelle qu ’en soit leur cause, à la
récupé rati on de don nées perdue s, ou aux données contenues dans tout Produit
mis en sa possession.
Garantie limitée
WD garantit le produit contre les vices de fabrication et de matériau dans des
conditions normales d ’utilisation pour l a période indiquée ci-d essous et garantit sa
conformité aux spé cifications WD m entionnées dans la présente. La période de
votre garantie limité e dépend du pays o ù le prod uit a été acquis. La p ériode de la
garantie limitée est de 1 ans en Amérique du Nord, en Amérique du Sud et en
Amérique centrale, de 2 ans en Euro pe, au Moyen-Orient e t en Afriq ue, et de 3
ans en Asie Pacifique , dans toute la mesure autorisée par la loi. La péri ode de vot re
garantie limité e commenc era à la date d’achat apparaiss ant sur votre fac ture. WD
peut à sa seule discrétion proposer à la vente d es extensions de garantie. renvoyé
si WD détermine que le Produit a été volé à WD ou que le défaut revendiqué a)
n’est pas présent, b) ne peut pas raisonnablement être corrigé en ra ison de
dommages survenus av ant l’arrivée du Produit chez WD, c ) est attribuable à une
utilisation inappropriée , une installation inco rrecte, une modif ication (notamment
l’enlèvement ou l’effac ement d’étiquettes et l’ouverture ou l’enlèvement de boîtiers
externes, à moins que le produit ne figure dans la liste des produits pouvant être
réparés de manière limitée par l’utilisateur et que la modification spécifique entre
dans le cadre des instructions applicabl es telles que ré pertoriées à l’ adresse
http://support.wd.com), un accident ou un mauvais traitement lors de sa
possession par un tiers autre que WD. Sous réserve des l imitations ci-dessus,
votre recours unique et exclusif en garantie sera penda nt la durée de la garantie
mentionnée ci-dessu s et au choix de WD, la répar ation ou le rem placement du
produit avec un produit équiv alent ou de meilleur e qualité. La garantie mentionnée
de WD s’étendra aux Produits réparés et rem placés pendant la p ériode restante
de la garantie d’orig ine ou pendant quatre-ving t dix (90) jours à compter de la date
d’envoi du Produit remplac é ou réparé, la période la plus longue s’appliqua nt.
La garantie limitée mentionnée est l a seule garantie de WD et s’applique
uniquement à des produits vendus en tant que p roduits neufs. Les recours fournis
ici sont donnés en lieu et place de a) tout recours et toute garantie, expresse,
implicite ou légale, y compris, mais sans s’y lim iter , toute gara ntie implicite de
valeur marchande ou d’adéquation à un usage pa rticulier , et b) toute obligatio n et
toute responsabilité pour des dommages, y c ompris, mais sans s’y limiter , les
dommages accidentel s, indirects ou spécia ux, ou toute perte financière, tout
manque à gagner ou frais, ou do nnées perdues à la suite de ou liée à l’ac hat,
l’utilisation ou la mise en œuvre du Produit, même si WD a été averti de la
possibilité de tels dom mages.
Informazioni sulla garanzia
T utte le re gioni ad ec cezione d i Austral ia/Nu ova Zelan da
Come ottenere assistenz a
WD vi è gr ata per aver sc elto un proprio p rodotto e tenterà sem pre di
soddisfarne qu alsiasi esigenza di assiste nza. Se questo prodotto nec essita di
manutenzion e, rivolger si al riv enditor e pres so il qua le è stata acquista to o
visitare il sito Web di supporto dei prodotti all’indirizzo http:/ /support.wd. com
per richiedere informazioni su come ottenere assistenza o un numero RMA. Se
si determin a che il Pr odotto è difett oso, verrà as segnato un num ero RMA e
l’utente riceverà istruzioni su come effettuar ne la resa. Un reso non autoriz zato
(ad esempio, privo d ell’obbligatorio numero RMA) verrà restituito a spese
dell’utente. I resi autorizzati devono essere inviati all’indirizzo riportato sulla
documentazi one di res o fornita in un conten itore di s pedizione ap provato,
prepag ato ed ass icurato. Si consiglia di conserv are i l conten itore e il mate riale
di imballaggio per custodire o spedire il prodotto. Per stabilire in maniera
definita il periodo di garanzia, controll are la scadenza della garanzia (num ero di
serie richiesto) tramite http://support.wd.c om. WD non sarà in alcun modo
responsabile per la perdita di dati, q ualunque sia la cau sa, né per il ripristino di
dati persi o i dati contenuti in qualsiasi prodotto re stituito in suo possesso.
Garanzia limitata
WD garantisce che il Prodotto, utilizzato normalmente, sarà privo di difetti nei
materiali e nella manod opera per il periodo specificato di seguito, tranne se
altrimenti previsto dalla legge e sarà pertanto conforme alle sp ecifiche di WD. Il
termine della garan zia limitata dipende dal paese in cui il Prodotto è stato
acquistato. Il termine sarà pertanto di 1 anni nella regione dell’Americ a
Settentrional e, Central e e Meridional e, 2 anni in Europa, Medio Orie nte e Africa
e 3 anni nella region e Asia Pacifico, tranne se prescritt o altrimenti per legge Il
termine della garanzia limitata av rà inizio a partire dalla data di acqu isto che
appare sullo scontrino d’acquisto. WD può, a sua sola discrezione, offrire in
acquisto garanzie estese. WD d eclina ogni responsabilità per qualsiasi
Prodotto reso, ove fosse determinato che lo stesso sia stato rub ato o che il
difetto dichiarato a) non sia presente, b) non può essere adeguatame nte
rettificato per danni v erificatisi prima che WD ricevesse il Prodotto, oppure c)
sia attribuibile a u so improprio, installazione non corre tta, alterazione (ivi
compresi rimozione o cancell azione dell e etichet te e apert ura e rimoz ione delle
coperture esterne, tranne se il prod otto è ad interven to circoscritto dell’utente
e la specifica alte razione è prevista dalle istruzioni pert inenti riportate sul sito
http://supp ort.wd.co m), inciden ti o manovre er rate mentr e in possesso di terzi
che non fossero WD. E ntro i limiti summenzionat i, la garanzia unica ed
esclusiva dell'ute nte sarà, dura nte il periodo d i garanzia specif icato dianzi e a
discrezione di WD, la riparazione o la sostituzione del Prodotto con un
Prodotto equivalente o migliore. La presente gara nzia di WD verrà e stesa per i
Prodotti riparati o sostituiti per il residuo del periodo applicabile della garanzia
originale oppure per novanta (90) giorni dalla data di spedizione del Prodotto
riparato o sostituito, quello, tra i d ue, con durata maggiore .
La presente garanzia limitata è la sola garanzia di WD ed è applicab ile
esclusivamente ai prodotti venduti come nuovi. I rimedi ivi of ferti sono in luogo
di a) qualsiasi e tutt i gli altri rimedi e garanz ie esplicite, implicite o imposte per
legge, comprese e non limitate a qualsiasi garanzia di comme rciabilità o di
adeguatezza per un determin ato scopo e b) qualsiasi e tutti gli obblighi e le
responsabilità di WD per da nni, compresi e non limitati a i danni accidentali,
consequenziali o speciali o di qualsiasi perdita finanziaria, perdita di profitti o
spese, nonché perdita di dati conse guenti all’acquisto, all’impiego o a lle
prestazioni del Prodotto anche se WD era al corrente della possibilità di tali
Información sobre la garantía
T odas las regiones exc epto Australia/Nueva Zeland a
Cómo solicitar el se rvicio
WD valora su compra y siempre trata de prestarle el mejor de los servicios. Si este
producto requiere mantenimiento, comuní quese con el distribuidor al que le compró el
producto originalmente o visite nuestro sitio web de so porte técnico en
http://support.wd.c om para obtener informació n acerca de cómo solicitar servici o o
una Autorización de devolución de ma teriales (RMA). Si se det ermina que el producto
tiene fallas, le entregarán un nú mero de autorización de devol ución de materiales e
instrucciones para realizar la devolución del produc to. El producto devuelto si n
autorización (es deci r , un producto para el cual no se ha emitido u n número de
autorización de d evolución de material es) le será devuelto con car go a usted. Las
devoluciones autorizad as deberán ser enviadas en un paquete aprobado para el
envío, con prepagado y asegu rado, a la dirección provista con sus docume ntos de
devolución. Deberá c onservar la caja y mat eriales de empaque originales para
almacenar o enviar su p roducto de WD. Para establecer de man era concluyente el
plazo de la garan tía, verifique el venci miento de la garantía (n ecesitará el número de
serie) en http://support .wd.com. WD no será responsable por la pérdida de datos,
independientemente de la causa, de la recuperació n de datos perdidos ni de los datos
contenidos en cualqui er producto que esté en su posesión.
Garantía limitada
WD garantiza que el producto, cu ando se utilice en condici ones normales por el plazo
definido a continuaci ón, estará libre de defectos en mate riales y mano de obra y p or lo
tanto cumplirá con l as especificaciones de WD para dicho producto. El plazo d e la
garantía limitada dep ende del país donde se adquirió el producto. El plazo d e la
garantía limitad a es de 1 año en la región del Norte, Sur y Centroamérica, 2 años en la
región de Europa, el Medio Oriente y África, así como 3 años en la región de Asia
Pacífico, a menos que la ley indique lo cont rario. El plazo de la gara ntía limitada
comenzará desde la fec ha de la compra que ap arece en el recibo de la misma. WD
puede, a su sola discreción, poner a l a venta garantías ampliadas. W D no tendrá
ninguna responsabilidad por ningún producto devuelto si WD de termina que el
producto fue robado de WD o que el def ecto declarado a) no está presente, b) no se
puede corregir razonablemen te debido a que fue dañad o antes de que WD recibiera el
producto o c) es atribuible al mal uso, a una instalaci ón incorrecta, a alteraciones
(incluyendo la eli minación o la destr ucción de etiquetas y la apertura o el desmon taje
de gabinetes extern os, a menos que el producto esté en la l ista de productos a los
que el usuario puede dar servicio limitado y q ue la alteración específ ica esté dentro del
ámbito de las instru cciones aplicables, como se describe en http://support .wd.com), a
accidentes o a un mal manejo mientras estaba en posesi ón de alguien distinto a WD.
En virtud de las l imitaciones mencionad as y durante el período de garantía
especificado, su garan tía única y exclusiva será la reparación o sustitución del
producto por otro equivalente o mejor , a disc reción de WD. La garantía precedente de
WD abarcará los productos reparados o reemplazados duran te el mayor de lo s
siguientes plazos: el resto del plazo aplicable d e la garantía original o noventa (90) días
a partir de la fecha de envío de un producto reparado o reempla zado.
La garantía limitada p recedente es la única garantía de WD y se aplica únicame nte a
los productos vendidos como nuevos. Los recursos aqu í descritos se ofrecen en lugar
de a) cualesquiera ot ros recursos y garantías, ya sean explícitos, implícitos o legales,
incluyendo, entre otros, la ga rantía implícita de c omerciabilidad o aptitud para un fin en
particular , y b) todas y cada una de las o bligaciones y responsabilidades de W D por
daños y perjuicios, inclu yendo pero no limitando a los daños acciden tales, indirectos o
especiales, o cualquier pérdida fina nciera, pérdida de utilidades o gastos; o la pérdida
de información como consecuencia o con relación a la compra, el uso o el
funcionamiento del p roducto, aunque se haya notificado a W D acerca de la posibilidad
de que se produjeran dichos daños y p erjuicios. En Estados Unidos, al gunos estados
no permiten la e xclusión o las limita ciones de daños y perjuici os indirectos, por lo
tanto, las limit aciones precedentes tal vez no se apliquen en su caso. E sta garantía le
otorga derechos legales específicos, y es posible que usted tenga tam bién otros
derechos que pueden variar de un estado a otro.
Informações sobre a garantia
T odas as regiões, exce to Austrália/Nova Zelândi a
Obtenção de manu tenção
A WD valoriza os seus negócios e sempre tenta oferecer a você o m elhor serviço. Se
for necessária manutenção d este Produto, entre em contato com o revendedor d e
quem comprou o Produto, ou visite nosso Web site de suporte ,
http://support.wd.com para ob ter informações sobre assistência ou uma R eturn
Material Authorizat ion -RMA (Autorização para devolução de materi al). Se for
determinado que o produto está com defeito, você receberá um número de RMA e as
instruções para devolvê-lo . Uma devolução não auto rizada (ou seja, sem um número
de RMA emitido) l he será devolvida, e as d espesas serão pagas por você . As
devoluções autorizad as devem ser enviada s ao endereço fornecido n os documentos
de devolução em uma caixa de remessa aprovada, previamente pagas e segurad as. A
caixa original e os mate riais de embalagem devem ser guardados para
armazenamento ou para remessa do produto WD. Para estabele cer de forma
conclusiva o perío do de garantia, verifique a validade da garantia (número de série
necessário) no endereço http://supp ort.wd.com. A WD não terá ne nhuma
responsabilidade pela perda de dados, ind ependentemente da causa, pela
recuperação de dados perdidos ou pelos dados con tidos em qualquer Produto que
seja colocado em sua posse.
Garantia Limitada
A WD garante que o Produto,no cu rso de seu uso normal não apresentará defeitos
em relação ao material e à fabrica ção e estará de acordo com as espec ificações da
WD pelo período def inido abaixo. Esse pe ríodo de garantia limitada depend e do país
no qual seu Produto foi adqui rido. O período de gar antia é de 1 ano nas Amér icas do
Norte, Central e do Sul, d e 2 anos na Europa, Oriente Médio e África, e de 3 anos na
região Ásia-Pacífico, a não ser qu e de outra forma exigido pela lei. O período d a
garantia limitad a se inicia na data da co mpra indicada na nota f iscal. A WD pode, a
sua total discrição, ampli ar as garantias disponíveis par a a compra. A WD não terá
nenhuma re sponsabilidade por n enhum Produt o devolvido se a W D determinar que o
Produto foi furtado da WD ou que o defeito declarado a) n ão estiver presente, b) não
puder ser retificado razoavelmente de vido a danos ocorridos antes de a WD receber o
Produto, ou c) for atribuív el a uso indevido , instalação incorreta, alteração (incluindo
remoção ou obstrução de etiquet as e abertura ou remoção de gabine tes externos, a
menos que o produto esteja na li sta de produtos com manutenção pel o usuário
limitada e a alteraç ão específica estiver dentro do escopo das i nstruções aplicáveis,
conforme encontradas no e ndereço http://support.wd.com), a cidente ou manuseio
indevido enquanto em posse de te rceiros que não a WD. De acordo com as limitações
especificadas acima, sua ún ica e exclusiva garantia será, durante o período da
garantia especificado e p or escolha da WD, o reparo ou a substituiç ão do Produto por
outro melhor ou equivalente. A garantia prevista pela WD se estenderá a produtos
reparados ou substituíd os dentro do período aplicá vel restante da garantia original ou
90 (noventa) dias a partir da data da remessa do pr oduto repa rado ou substituí do, seja
qual for a maior .
A garantia limitada prevista é a ún ica garantia da WD e é apl icável somente aos
produtos vendidos como novos. Os recursos for necidos aqui substitue m a) quaisquer
e todos os outros recursos e garantias explíci tos, implícitos ou estatu tários, incluindo,
mas não limitados a qualquer garan tia implícita de comerciabilid ade ou de adequação
para qualquer finalida de específica e b) quaisquer e todas as obrigações e
responsabilidades da WD por danos, incluindo, mas não limitadas a danos acidentais,
indiretos ou específicos, ou qualqu er prejuízo financeiro, lucros cessantes ou
despesas, ou perda de dados resultante ou relacionada co m a compra, uso ou
desempenho do Produto, mesmo se a W D tiver sido inform ada sobre a possibilidade
de tais danos. Nos Estados Unidos, alguns estados não permi tem a exclusão ou
limitações de danos in cidentais ou conseqüenciai s, sendo assim as limitaç ões acima
podem não ser aplicáve is ao seu caso. Esta garant ia dá direitos legais específicos,
sendo que você também p ode ter outros direitos que variam em cad a estado.
Alle regio's met uitzondering van Australië/Nie uw-Zeeland
Voor service
WD hecht waarde aan uw zaak en zal altijd proberen u de beste service te bieden. Als
dit product onderhoud vereist, ku nt u contact opnemen met de dealer van wie u het
product oor spronkeli jk hebt gekoch t of onze websit e voor prod uctondersteuni ng op
http://support.w d.com bezoeken voor info rmatie over het verkrij gen van service of een
Return Materi al Authorization (RMA). Als wordt vastgesteld dat h et product defect is,
ontvangt u een RM A-nummer en in structies voor h et terugstur en van het pr oduct.
Retourzendingen w aarvoor geen vooraf gaande toestemming is ve rkregen (m.a.w.
zonder RMA-nummer) worden op ko sten van de koper geretourneerd.
Retourzendingen met voorafga ande toestemming mo eten op kosten van de k oper en
verzekerd verzonden worden in een goed gekeurde verzenddoos naar het adres dat in
de verzenddocum entatie vermeld staat. U dien t de originele doos en
verpakkingsmateri alen te bewaren voor opslag o f verzending van u w WD product.
Controlee r , om definitief de ga rantieperiode te kunnen vast leggen, de ve rvaldatum va n
de garantie (serienum mer vereist) via http://support.wd.co m. WD kan niet
aansprakelijk ge steld worden voor verlies van dat a, ongeacht de oorzaak , het
herstellen van verloren data, of da ta opgeslagen in welk Product dan ook dat bij WD in
bezit is geplaatst.
Beperkte Gara ntie
WD garandeert dat het Product bij normaa l gebruik vrij zal zi jn van materiël e en de
afwerking betreffende defe cten voor de hieronder gedefinieerde periode, en voldoet
aan de specificaties van WD dienaangaande . De duur van deze beper kte garantie
hangt af van het la nd waarin uw pr oduct is ge kocht. In de r egio Noor d-, Zuid- en
Centraal-Amerika is de duur van deze beperk te garantie 1 jaar, in de regio Europa,
hetMidden-Oosten en Afrika 2 jaar en in de regio Azië-Pacific 3 jaar , tenzij de wet
anders voorschrijft. Deze beperkte gara ntieperiode sta rt op de aankoopdatu m zoals
vermeld op de kassabon . WD kan naar eigen oordeel uitgeb reide garanties te koop
aanbieden. WD is niet aansprakelijk v oor producten die worden geretourneerd
wanneer WD bepaal t dat het pr oduct van WD is gestolen of dat het genoemde d efect
a) niet aanwezig is, b) niet op redelijke wij ze kan worden verholpen door sc hade die
zich heeft voorged aan voordat WD het product ontving of c) te wijten is aan misb ruik,
onjuiste in stallatie, w ijziging (inclu sief verwij dering of ve rnietigin g van labels en het
openen of verwi jderen v an externe behuizi ngen, tenzij het produc t op de lijst v oor
producten met beperkt e onderhoudsmogelijk heden voor gebruik ers staat en de
specifieke wijz iging binnen de van toepassing zijnde in structies valt, zo als beschreven
op http://support.w d.com), ongeluk of verk eerde hantering terwijl het product in het
bezit is van iemand anders dan WD. O nderhevig aan de bovenstaande bepe rkingen
betreft de enige en uitslu itende garantie waartoe u gerechtigd bent het herstel o f de
vervan ging van het produc t door een equiva lent of bet er produc t tijdens d e hierb oven
vermelde garanti eperiode, en dit naar goeddunken van WD . De bovenstaande, door
WD geboden garan tie geldt voor herstelde of vervangen pr oducten voor het
resterende deel van de oorspronkelijke garant ieperiode, dan wel negen tig (90) dagen
vanaf de datum va n verzending van een hers teld of vervang en pro duct, afhankel ijk van
welke periode het langst e is.
De bovenstaande beper kte garantie is de enige gar antie die door WD gebode n wordt
en geldt uitsluite nd voor producten die als nieuw verkocht worden. De hier ge geven
voorwaarden treden in de plaats van a) alle overige voor waarden en garanties,
uitdrukkelijk, stilz wijgend of geschreven, met inbegrip van maar n iet beperkt tot, die
voor verhandelbaar heid of geschiktheid voor een bepaald doel , en b) alle
verplichtingen en vorderingen van WD voor sc hade, met inbegrip van maar niet
beperkt tot indirecte, in cidentele, of bijzondere schad e, of schade door finan ciële
verliezen, gederf de winst of besparinge n, of verloren data voortvloei ende uit of
verbandhoudend e met de aankoo p, het gebruik, o f de pre statie van het Product, ook
niet indien WD op d e hoogte is gesteld van de mogelijkheid van dergelijke schade. In
de Ver enigde Staten staan som mige staten uitsluit ing of beperking v an incidentele of
bijkomende sch ade niet toe, z odat het moge lijk is dat de bovenstaande beperking en in
uw geval niet geld en. Deze garantie biedt u specifieke rechten, en het is mog elijk dat
u nog andere rechten hebt, aangezien d eze van staat tot staat v erschillen.