-At the end of cooking, after the oven has been switched off, the cooling fan may continue to run for a while.
-Your product may appear slightly different from the drawing.
(for the accessories supplied with oven refer to the tech fiche)
Drip-tray (Fig. 1)
For collecting fat and bits of food when placed under the wire shelf, or as a plate for cooking meat, chicken and fish, etc., with or without vegetables. Pour a little water
into the drip-tray to avoid spatters of fat and smoke.
Baking tray (Fig. 2)
For baking biscuits, cakes and pizzas.
Wire shelf (Fig. 3)
For grilling food or as a support for pots, cake tins and other cooking receptacle. It can be placed on any available level. The wire shelf can be inserted with its curvature
facing up or down.
Catalytic side panels (Fig. 4)
These panels have a special microporous enamel coating that absorbs fat spatters. It is advisable to do an automatic cleaning cycle after cooking particularly fatty food
Turnspit (Fig.5)
Use the turnspit as indicated on Fig. 9. Also check “Recommended use and tips” section for advice.
Grill Pan Set (Fig. 6)
The set comprises a wire shelf (6a) and an enamelled recipient (6b). This set must be placed on the wire shelf (3) and used with the Grill function.
Grease filter (Fig. 7)
Use only for particularly greasy cooking. Hook it on the rear wall of the oven compartment, opposite the fan. It can be cleaned in a dishwasher and used with the fan-
assisted function.
Sliding shelves (Fig. 8)
They allow the wire shelves and drip-trays to be pulled half out during cooking. Suitable for all the accessories, they can be cleaned in a dishwasher.
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