• The fryer is constructed with an ample cold area under
the heating element for the solid particles to settle. This
helps the oil to last longer and improves frying which will
appear uniform, without burnt spots.
• The appliance has a manually reset safety thermostat
which turns the appliance off when the temperature,
because of a fault, becomes too high. Should this happen,
please c ontact th e After -Sales Service .
• Check the level of oil or fat: it must be between the
minimum and maximum mark.
• Make sure that the heating element is completely
• T urn the left knob to On position; the indicator light
switches on.
• T urn the thermostat control knob to the temperature
required; the temperature indicator light switches on.
• When the temperature indicator light switches off , the oil
or fat has reached the temperature set and the appliance
is ready to fry . The indicator light will switch on and off
during cooking.
• Before putting food into the basket dry it thoroughly
because the contact between the water and the hot oil
can lead to very dangerous splashes.
• Fill the basket with the food to be fried and lower it
slowly into the oil.
Warning: If the food is too wet, there will be violent and
dangerous foaming.
• When the food is cooked, take out the basket and rest it
on the support until the excess oil has drained off .
• Wipe away any overflow .
Some frying fats solidify when they cool. Melt them as
• Make a hole in the fat down to the heating element.
• Switch the fryer on at 160°C for about 1 minute, then
turn the thermostat control knob to 0.
• Repeat this operation until the fat is completely melted.
Warning: Make absolutely sure that when dissolving the
fat, the heating element does not beco me red hot
because the fat could catch fire.
- Never switch the fryer on with the heating element
raised. If this happens by accident, never put the heating
element into the oil or fat before it has cooled down.
- Each food has a recommended frying temperature which
should be respected, because if the temperature is too
low , the frying will result oily , while if the temperature is
too high, the food will be too crispy on the outside and
raw inside.
- Use a good special oil for frying. Do not use mixed seed
- Put the basket with the food to be fried into the oil only
when the oil is at the correct temperature (after the
temperature indicator light has gone out):
- Do not overfill the basket otherwise the oil tempe rature
will drop suddenly and the frying will be greasy and
- Preferably use food of the same thickness. If the food is
too thick it cooks badly in the middle, even if it looks
- Large items of food (chicken, whole fish, etc.) must be
turned half-way through cooking.
- Dry food carefully (e.g. potatoes) prior to frying.
- Fish, meat, vegetables and any food containing a lot of
water should be coated with bread crumbs or flour . Make
sure to shake off the excess of bread crumbs or flour .
- Do not salt food in the fryer .
- At the end of frying, remove the food from the basket: the
fatty vapours given off make the fried food soft.
- After cooking, filter the oil or fat for a few times and
change it frequently .
• W ait for the oil to cool down before covering the fryer
with the cover .
• T o position the cover correct ly , fold the bas ket handle
inwards (Fig. A) .
• T o reposition the handle, pull it outwards (Fig. B) until it
hooks into place (Fig. C) .
If the oil catches fire, suffocate the flames immediately using
the fryer cover . Never use water , because this would cause
the flames to increase.
• P eriodically check the oil level, never let i t drop below
• Change the oil regularly .
• If during cooking the oil smokes or smells bad it should be
changed comple tely .
• Empty the tray when the oil has cooled down.
• T o take out the tray , rais e the heating element and lift the
tray using the handles. P ay attention to the drops of oil
when raising the heating element and dry them off
immediately .
• T o empty the oil, hold the tray firmly and tip the oil out at
one corner .
• If you use fats which solidify , raise the heating element
before it solid ifies.
The values given below are indicative, in fact times and
temperatures can also vary depending on the quality of the
N.B. As you get experienced with the use of the ele ctric
fryer , you will be able to determin e the best cooking for
each food.
• Before cleaning the fryer switch it off and wait for it to
cool down .
• Clean the outside with a cloth dampened with hot water
and soap or water and liquid detergent, without dirtying
the tray . T o make cleaning operations easier , remove the
oil tray .
• Stainless steel surfaces can be cleaned with special
• Do not use steel pads or products which are abras ive,
corrosive or chlorine based.
• Do not leave acid or alkaline substances (vinegar , salt,
lemon juice, etc.) on the fryer surfaces.
• The oil tray and the basket can be washed in the sink, but
they are better washed in the dishwasher .
• Clean the heating element very carefully using a dry cloth
or cloth dampened in water . Do not move the
temper ature prob e.
• Be careful that no water penetrates inside the appliance.
• Do not use steam jet cleaners because the humi dity could
infiltrate into t he appliance making it dangerous.
The fryer and the adjacent surfaces become very hot during
use and also there might be splashes of boiling oil.
Keep child ren away and be careful of oil sp lashes.
The oil does not heat up:
Check whether:
- The two indicator light have gone out. If there is no
power cut, it means that the safety thermostat has
operated. In this case call the After -Sales Service.
- The ON indicator light is on and the oil temperature
indicator light is off .
- The thermostat knob is set to “0”.
The oil overflows:
Check whether:
- The basket has been put into the oil too quickly .
- The oil level is higher than the maximum mark.
- There is too much food in the basket.
There are unpl easant smells:
- The oil or cooking fat is old and needs to be changed.
Before contacting After-Sales Service:
• See if you can solve the problem yourself with the help
of the suggestions given in chapter
If after the above checks the fault persists, contact the
nearest After -sales Service.
Please give:
• a brief description of the fault;
• the type and exact model of the hob;
• the service number (i.e., the number that follows the
word SERVICE on the rating plate, located under the
hob). The service number is also indicated on the
warranty booklet;
• your full address;
• your telephone number and area code.
If any repairs are required, please con tact an authorised
After -sales Service (to guarantee that original spare parts will
be used and repairs carried out correctly).
Failure to comply with these instructions may compromise
the safety and quality of the product.
Food to fry
Te m p .
Fres h Fo od
Fried potato slices 800 180 6/8
Fresh breadcrumbed food
Cauliflowe r pieces 400/450 160 8/10
Aubergine sli ces 250/ 350 170 6/8
Courgette slices 250/300 160 6/8
Meatballs (ab out 7) 400 160 6/8
Chops 220 160 7/9
Fresh floured food
Squid 500 160 10/12
Sardines 500 160 10/12
Cuttlefish 500 160 10/12
Scallops 400 160 7 /9
Sole 200 160 5/7
Froz en f oo d
Potato croquettes 400 180 5/6
Fried p otato slices 600 1 80 8/10
Floured cauliflower pieces 600 180 8
Floured aubergine s 300 180 7
Floured courge ttes 300 180 12
Floured mus hrooms 350 180 7
Fish fingers 300 180 4/6
Breadcrumbed chop s 300 180 1 2