T o guarantee adequate ventilation, lea ve a space on
both sides and abov e the appliance.
The distance between the rear of the appliance and the
wall behind the appliance should be at least 50mm.
A reduction of this space will increase the Energy
consumption of product.
During installing the freezer
and the fridge
together ensure that the freez er is located on the left
and the fridge on the right (as shown on the dra wing).
Left side of r efrigerator is equipped with special de vice
in order to a void condensation problems betw een
W e recommended installing two appliances together
using the linking-kit
(as shown on the dra wing). Y ou
can buy it in Service.
This function can be used to sav e energy . Please follow
the instructions contained in the Quick Start Guide to
activate/deactiv ate the function. T wo seconds after
activation of the Smart Display , the displa y goes off.
T o adjust the temperature or use other functions , it
is necessary to activate the display b y pressing any
button. After about 15 seconds without performing any
action, the display goes off again. When function is
deactivated the normal displa y is restored. The Smart
Display is automatically disabled after a po wer f ailure.
Remember that this function does not disconnect the
appliance from the pow er supply , but only reduce the
energy consumed by e xternal display .
Note: The declared appliance energy consumption
ref ers to operation with the Smart Display function
activated. This function is av ailable only on the model
with User Interface on the door .
2.2. 6TH SENSE
During i nstalli ng the freezer and the f ridge
together ensure that the freezer is locat ed on the left and
the fr idge on the right (as shown on t he drawing). Lef t side
of ref rigerator is equipped wit h special device i n order to
avoid c ondensation problems between a ppliances .
W e recommended ins talling t wo appliances together
using t he linking-kit (as show n on the drawin g).
You can buy i t in Servi ce.
This f unction c an be used to save ener gy.
Please f ollow th e instr uctions contained in t he Quic k
Start Guide to act ivate/deac tivate the f unction.
Two sec onds after activati on of the Smart Di splay, t he
displ ay goes off . To adjust the temperat ure or use ot her
funct ions, it is necessary t o activate the di splay by
press ing any button. After abo ut 15 seconds without
perfor ming any act ion, the displ ay goes off again.
W hen functi on is deact ivated t he normal di splay is
rest ored. The Smar t Display i s automat ically di sabled
after a power failur e. Remembe r that t his funct ion does
not dis connect t he applia nce from t he power supply,
but only r educe the energy c onsumed by e xternal
displ ay.
Note: The decl ared ap pliance en ergy cons umption
refer s to operat ion with the Sm art Dis play funct ion
acti vated.
This f unction i s available only on the m odel wit h User
Inter face on the door .
2.2. 6th SENSE /
The 6th S ense/ Green Intel ligenc e functi on wor ks to
maintai n the right t emperature i n the fol lowing cas es:
- Door opened for a while
The funct ion acti vates when door openin g causes t he
inter nal temper ature to inc reas e to values that do not
ensure s afe stor age of foo d and remai ns act ive until
optimal storage c onditions have bee n restor ed.
- Fresh food st ored in t he freezer
The funct ion acti vates when f resh food i s place d in t he
freezer and rem ains acti ve until optimal f reezin g
condit ions are r eached so as to ensure t he best
freezi ng quality wi th the lowes t power cons umption.
Note: Besides the quantit y of food loaded i nto the
freezer , ambient t emperature a nd the quanti ty of food
already ins ide the fr eezer aff ect the dur ation of the 6t h
Sense/ Green Int elli gence func tion. Ther efore
signi ficant dur ation vari ations are quit e normal.
*Available on sele cted models only . Plea se on the QUICK START GU IDE if this fun c tion is ac tually availa ble on your model .
The 6th Sense/ Green Intelligence function work s to
maintain the right temperature in the f ollowing cases:
- Door opened for a while
The function activates when door opening causes the
internal temperature to increase to v alues that do not
ensure safe stor age of food and r emains active until
optimal storage conditions hav e been restored.
- Fr esh food stor ed in the freezer
The function activates when fr esh food is placed in
the freezer and r emains active until optimal fr eezing
conditions are reached so as to ensure the best
freezing quality with the low est pow er consumption.
Note: Besides the quantity of food loaded into the
freezer , ambient temperature and the quantity of f ood
already inside the freez er affect the dur ation of the
6th Sense/ Green Intelligence function. Therefore
significant duration v ariations are quite normal.
During ins talling the fr eezer and the fr idge
together ens ure that the freez er is located on t he left and
the fridge on t he right (as s hown on the drawing). Left s ide
of refri gerator is equipped wi th special dev ice in order t o
avoid condens ation problem s between a ppliances.
We recommende d installi ng two appliances t ogether
using the li nking-kit (as shown on the dr awing).
You can buy it in Service.
This func tion can be used to s ave energy.
Please fol low the inst ructions cont ained in the Qui ck
Start Gui de to activate/ deactivate the func tion.
Two seconds after acti vation of the Smart Displ ay, the
display go es off. To adjus t the temperatur e or use other
functions , it is necessar y to activate the di splay by
pressi ng any button. After about 15 seconds without
performi ng any action, t he displ ay goes off again.
When f unction is deac tivated the nor mal displ ay is
restor ed. The Smart Dis play is automati cally disabl ed
after a power failure. Remem ber that t his function does
not disc onnect the appli ance from t he power suppl y,
but only re duce the energy consumed by e xternal
Note: The declared appliance ener gy consumpt ion
refers to operation wit h the Smart Displ ay function
This func tion is availabl e only on the model with User
Interfac e on the door.
2.2. 6th SENSE /
The 6th Sens e/ Green Intellig ence function works to
maintain t he right temperat ure in the fol lowing cases:
- Door opened for a whi le
The functi on activates when do or opening c auses the
internal t emperature t o increase t o values th at do not
ensure saf e storage of f ood and remai ns active unt il
optimal s torage conditi ons have bee n restored.
- Fresh food stor ed in the freez er
The functi on activates whe n fresh food is place d in the
freezer a nd remains ac tive until opt imal free zing
conditions are reached so a s to ensure t he best
freezing qu ality with the l owest power cons umption.
Note: Besides the quantity of f ood loaded into the
freezer, am bient temperatur e and the quantit y of food
already insi de the freezer af fect the durat ion of the 6th
Sense/ Green Int elligence f unction. Theref ore
signifi cant duration var iations are quit e normal.
*Available on selected models only . Please on the QUICK START GU I DE i f this fun ction is a ctually availa ble on you r model .
*A vailable on selected models only . Please check on the QUICK ST ART GUIDE if this function is actually av ailable on your model.