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nor mal fo r a s mall amo unt of w ater t o c om e out of the sal t co n tain er.It is
1. The salt container must onl y be refil le d when the salt wa rn ing ligh t in the control panel comes on.
Depend ing on how wel l t he s alt dissolve s, t he s alt warni ng light may still be on even tho ugh the
salt container is filled .
If the re is no sa lt w arni ng li ght in the con trol panel (for so me Mode ls),you can e stimate wh en to f ill
the s alt i nto the softene r by the cyc les t hat the dishw asher has run.
2. If ther e are spills of the salt, a soa k or a rap id pro gram should be ru n to remove t he excessiv e sa lt.
Always use the sal t i ntende d for use w ith di shwasher.
The salt c ontain er i s locat ed ben eath the l ower basket and sh ould be fill ed a s e xplained
in t he foll owing :
Only use salt s pecif ica ll y desi gne d for t he use i nd ishwash ers! Every other type of
salt n ot speci fically de sig ned fo r the u se in a d ishwas her, espe cially tab le salt, will
damage the w ater sof tener. I n case of dama ges caused by the use of unsuitable
salt t he ma nuf act urer does not give any wa rranty nor is liabl e for any damage s cau sed.
Only fil l wi th sal t just b efore start ing one of th e comp lete washi ng pro gra ms.
This wi ll prevent any g rains of s a lt or sa lty wate r, wh ich ma y have been spilled,
remain ing on the bottom of th e machi ne for any period of ti me, which may c ause
c o rrosio n.
Th e ri nse aid i s rel eas ed d uri ng t he final rin se to preve nt water fro m forming d roplets o n y our di she s, w hic h can
leave spots and streaks. It also improve s dryi ng by allow ing water to r oll off the dishes. Your dishwa sher i s
designed to use liquid rinseaids. The rinseaid dispenser is located inside thedoor next to the detergent dispenser.
To fi l l the di spe ns er, ope n the cap and pour the rinse ai d i nto the dispe nse r unt il the lev el i ndi cator tu rns com pletel y
black. The vol ume of the rinse aid c ontainer i s about 110m l.
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Function of Rinse Aid
Rinse aid is aut oma tic ally a dded during the last rinse, ensuring thor ough rinsi ng, and spo t an d s treak fr ee drying.
Only use branded rinse aid for dishwasher.Never fill therinse aid dispenser with anyother substances
(e.g. Di shwasher cleani ng agent, liqu id dete rg ent). Th is would damage the app lian ce.
A Remove the lower basket and then unscrew and remove the cap from the salt container.
B Before thefirst wash, fill 1lt. of water in the salt container of your machine.
C Place th e e nd of the funnel (supp lied) into the hole and introd uce about 1kg of salt .
D Af ter f il li ng the cont ainer , scr ew th e c ap t ightly back clo ckwise.
E Usually, t he s alt warni ng light will stop being i llumi nated with in 2-6 days afte r th e sa lt c o nt ain er ha s be en fi lled wit h
sal t.
F Imm ed iately aft er f illing t he salt in to the salt c ontain er, a washin g pr ogram should be started
progr am Oth erwis e the fil ter syst em, pu mp or othe r impo rtan t part s of the machin e m ay be dam aged
by salty water. This is out of warranty.
(We su ggest to use t he
soak or rapid ).

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