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To open the di spen ser, tur n t he cap to the "ope n" (left ) a rrow an d l ift it out.
Po ur the rinse ai d int o th e dispe nser, being ca refu l not to overfi ll .
Replace the ca p by inserting it a ligned with " open" arrow and turning i t to the closed (righ t) arrow.
Adjusting Rinse Aid Di spenser
The rinse aid dis penser has six or f our setti ngs. Always star t wi th t he d ispens er
set on "4". If sp ot s and poo r drying are a p roble m, increa se t he amoun t of ri nse
aid dispensed by removin g the d ispe nser l id an d r ot ating the di al to "5". If the
dishes st ill are no t dr yi ng prope rly o r are show spots , adj ust th e dial to the next
highe r lever un til your dish es ar e sp ot-f ree. The recommend ed setting is "4".
(Factory value is "4".)
Increase the dose if there are drops of wateror limespots on the dishes after washing.
Reduce it if there are sticky whitish stains on your dishes or a bluish film on glassware or
knife blades.
As th e ri nse aid d imin ishe s, the size o f the black dot
onthe rinse aid level indicator changes, as illustrated below.
1 / 4 full - Should refill to eliminate spotting
Em pty
When to Refill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
If th ere i s no rinse-aid warnin g ligh t in the c ont rol p anel, you can est imat e the amount f rom the colo ur
of th e op tical level indicator C loca ted next to the cap. When th e ri nse-ai dconta iner is f ul l, th e wh ole
indicato r wil l be dark .As the r inse -aid dimini shes, th es ize of the dark do t de crea ses. You shou ld n ever let
t he rins e aid level fa ll 1 / 4 full.
durin g th e nex t wa sh.
Don' t for get to re pla ce the cap be fore you clos e dis hwasher door.
Clean up a n y r ins e aid sp ill ed whi le durin g fi ll i ng with an abso r be nt clot h t o a v oid exce ssiv e f oam in g
Deterge nt s with its chem ical ingredie nts a re ne cessary to r emov e dirt , c rush dirt an d transport it out of the di shw as he r.
Most of the commercial quality detergents are suitable for this purpose.
There ar e 3 sorts of det e rge nts
1.With phosphate and withchlorine
2.With phos phate and wi thout chlorine
3.Without ph osphate and with out chlo rine

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