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If you prefer, you can turn off location access by Google apps while still permitting its use by
non-Google apps just go to Settings > Accounts > Google > Location settings.
Location reporting refers your tablets ability to report your cur rent location for the purpose of
recording your location history.
Location history refers to your tablets ability to store your past lo c a t i o n s , i n c l u d i n g h o m e
a n d w o r k . When you decide to use Google Now, youll start reporting your location and turn on
your location history. Google wont share this information with other users or marketers
without your p e r m i s s i o n . If you opted in to location history in the past, Google Now uses your
previously recorded locations as well as ongoing locations when making suggestions. Turning off
location history pauses the collection of location information, but doesnt delete your history.
To manage or delete your location details, visit http://google.c o m / l o c a t i o n h is t o r y .
Along with location history, Google Now uses your tablets location access service, which must
also be turned on for Google Now to work. To manage this setting, go to
S e t t i n g s > P e r s o n a l > L o c at i o n a c c e s s .
About Web History & other data
Google Now uses data from multiple sources to help predict what you need. For example, if you
have a synced calendar entry for a d e n t i s t a p p o i n t m e n t , G o o g l e N o w c a n c h e c k t r a f f i c
a n d s u g g e s t when to leave If you have relevant searches saved in your Web History, such as
for your favorite sports team or for upcoming flights, Google Now can also show cards for sports
scores, flight status, and more. To manage your Web History, visit g o o g l e . c o m / h i s t o ry . You can
delete or pause your Web History and still use Google Now, but certain kinds of information,
such as flight details, wont show up.
A b o u t G o o gl e Se a r c h v e r si o n s
Google Now is part of the Google Search app. To check which version of Google Search youre
using, follow these steps:
1. From any Home screen, go to All Apps.
2. Touch & hold the Google icon, and drag it to the App Info icon at the top of the
screen. T h e v e r s i o n n u m b e r a p p e a r s u nd e r G o o g l e S e a r c h at the top left.

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