z I f it is not possible to avoid using the electric tool in a wet
environment, use a fault current circuit breake r. The use of
a fault current circuit breaker red uces the risk of electric shock.
Personal safety
z W hen working w ith the electric tool, e nsure that your full
attention is on the task in hand, do not let yourself be
distracted and apply common se nse. Do not use the electri c
tool when you are tired, or when you are under the influence
of drugs alcohol or medication. Even brief mo ments of
inattention can lead to serious injury.
z Wear per sonal protective equipment and protective
goggles. Wearing perso nal protective e quipment such as dust
mask, safety fo otwear, hard ha t and hearing protection redu ces
the risk of injury. Whether this equipment is necessary depe nds
on the type of the electric tool.
z Avo id inadvertent start-up of the electric tool. Ensure that
the electric tool is switched off before carrying i t or
disconnecting/connecting it to the power supply (mains or
battery). When carrying th e electric tool, d o not place your finger
on the switch and do not con nect it to the power source while it
is switched on, as this could cause injury.
z Be fore sw itching on the electric tool, re move all adjusting
tools such as spanners, etc. Tools or spanners left o n a
rotating part can cause injury.
z Avo id unnatural postures. Ensure that you are standing on
firm ground and avoid a posture where you could lose your
balance. This ensures that you will be able to control the electric
tool even in unexp ected situations.
z Wear su itable clothing. Do not wear loose clothing or
jewelry. Keep your ha ir, clothing and gloves away from
moving parts. Loose cloth ing and jewelry an d long hear can be
caught in moving parts.
z When using tools with dust extraction and collection
devices, ensure that they are properly mounted. The use of
dust extraction device s helps reduce the production of dust in
the workin g area.
Proper use of electric tools
z Do not e xceed the maximum load of the tool. Use the tool
only for the intended purpose. To ensure safe and efficien t
working, operat e the electric to ol only within the specif ied power
z Do not use elect ric tools whose switches are defective .
Electric tools that c annot be prop erly switched on or off are
dangerous an d must be repai red without del ay.
z St ore the electric tool outside the reach of children. Do not
allow persons who have not read these instructions to
operate the tool. When operated by in experienced perso ns,
electric tools can be very dangerous.
z Ha ndle the ele ctric tool with care and serv ice it regularly.
Ensure that all moving parts can work properly and are not
jammed and regularly inspect the tool for defective or
damaged parts that might impair its function. Have
damaged parts repaired before y ou start the tool. Many
accidents are caused by insufficiently ma intained electric tool.
z Ke ep the c utting parts sharp and cl ean. Carefully maintained
cutting tools with sharp cutting edg es will rarely get jammed and
are easier to op erate.
z When us ing the electric tool, the accessories and
replacement parts, stric tly adhere to the instructions in this
manual. Take into account the actual working conditions
and the task in hand. The use of electric tools for purposes
other than t he intended can lead to danger ous situations.
Use and handling of the cordless device
z O nly use the charger 7266078 r ecommended by the
z I mproper use c an lead to leakage s from the rechargeable
battery. Avoid contact with the fluid. In cas e of accidental
contact with battery fluid, rinse wi th water. In case of
contact with the eyes plea se seek medical assista nce.
Leaking batte ry fluid can le ad to skin irritat ions or burns.
z The device must no t be opened and the re chargeabl e battery
not be removed. Injury and fire hazar d.
z If the electric tool needs to be repaired, have the repair
carried out by specialist personnel and instruct them to use
only original spare parts. This ensures the operational sa fety
of the electric tool.
Tool-specific safety instructions for shrub shears
z Keep all body parts away from the cutting blade. Never
attempt to remove any cuttings or hold material to be cut
while the blade is still running. Do not remove cuttings that
have become stuck unless the tool is switched off. A
moment of carel essness while using the ba ttery-powered
shears may cause serious injury.
z Only carry the hedge shear by its handle and if the blade is
standing still. Always slip on the protective cover whe n
transporting or storing the battery-powered shears.
Handling the too l carefully reduces the risk of injury caused by
the blade.
z On ly use the battery-p owered shear s together with Accu BS EM
shearing blades as int ended for private purp oses and to tend to
bushes, hedges, and shrubs.
Tool-specific safety instructions for lawn shears
z On ly use the battery- powered shears tog ether with Accu 8 EM /
10 EM as int ended for private purpose s and to ten d to the ed ges
of lawns and smaller lawn surfaces.
z B efore starting to trim lawn surfa ces or edges , clean the l awn of
any foreign objects such a s branches, stones, wire, etc.
z Use the too l only in daylight or sufficient art ificial lighting.
General safety instructions for using lawn, contour,
and shrub shears
z Do n ot use th e battery-powered shears for compostin g purposes
due to the risk of bo dily harm to th e user.
z Yo u shou ld refrain from u sing the battery -powered shears o n
public grounds, in park s, sports facilities, on roads, etc. as well
as for agricultur al / forestry purp oses.
z W ork at a height where you do not run the risk of the blade
coming into contact with the ground.
z Do not switch on the tool u ntil your hand s and feet are f ar
enough away fr om the cutting blade s.
z Ple ase no te that there is a lways a risk of inju ry due to residual
charge when switching o n the device even a fter it has been
z The se too ls are not inte nded to be used by persons with
insufficient experience and /or lack of skills or perso ns with
limited physical, sensory or mental ab ilities unless these
persons are s upervised or instructed on the u se of the tools b y
a person respon sible for the safet y of these perso ns.
z Y oung adults b elow the ag e of 16 may not use th e tools.
z Do not clean or carry out any maintenance work on the tool unti l
after you switch the m otor off and pull th e mains plug.
z Cle an and oil the blad es (we recommend u sing WD-40 mul ti-
purpose oi l) after each us e.
z Use the blad e guard to sheat h the cutting unit b efore transport
and storage.
z Furth er mainten ance tasks than the on es described in this
manual must only be carried out b y the manufacture r or their
z Do not co nnect the char ger to the po wer socket if it has become
wet or damp.
z Use the charger in dry rooms only.
z Discon nect it fr om the power supply by removing th e plug from
the socket. Do not pull the plug by the cable as this could
damage the equipm ent so that its electrical sa fety might be
z Neve r use the charger, if there is visible damage to the cable,
the plug or th e charger it self. In this case, have the charger
repaired at a specialized worksho p.
z Ne ver open t he ch arger ho using. I n the event o f malfu nction ,
have the charger re paired by a specia lized workshop.
z Do not charge the bat tery-powere d shears while usin g them.