Transparency Separators
WorkCentre 7425/7428/7435
User Guide
Transparency Separators
This feature inserts a separator (a divider page) between each printed transparency in your print job.
The paper type for your job must be set to Transparency.
Note: Transparency separators are not included in your job if your job is printed on any other
media type. They are not included if you print from a specific tray even when that tray
contains transparencies.
Windows 2000 or later and PostScript driver
1. In the printer driver, click the Paper/Output tab. The Paper summary displays the paper to use for
the print job.
2. Click the button to the right of the paper summary to display the paper selection drop-down menu.
3. Click Other Type, then click Transparency.
4. Click the button to the right of the paper summary again to display the paper selection
drop-down menu.
5. Click Transparency Separators.
6. From the Separator Options drop-down list, click Blank Separators, Printed Separators (the
printed separator contains the same image as the transparency) or No Separators.
7. From the Source drop-down list, click the tray to use for the separators.
• Auto Paper Select: Automatically selects the tray where the separator paper type is specified.
• Tray 1 through Tray 5: selects a paper tray with separator paper type specified.
• These transparency separator settings override any transparency separator settings in the
application. Transparency separators cannot be specified with Booklet output.
Macintosh OS X (version 10.3 or later) driver
1. In the Print dialog box, click Xerox Features, then click the Paper Output drop-down list.
2. Click the button to the right of the paper summary to display the paper selection drop-down menu.
3. Click Other Type, then click Transparency.
4. Click the button to the right of the paper summary again to display the paper selection
drop-down menu.
5. Click Transparency Separators.
6. From the Separator Options drop-down list, click Blank Separators, Printed Separators (the
printed separator contains the same image as the transparency) or No Separators.
7. From the Source drop-down list, click the tray to use for the separators.