The vacuum-mop is too close to a virtual wall. Move the vacuum-mop to a new
location, then reactivate it.
Error 10: Charging error. Try cleaning the charging
Error 9: Strong magnetic field detected. Reactivate the
vacuum-mop away from any virtual walls.
If the problem still persists, please contact aer-sales service for assistance.
Error 11: Please wait until the baery temperature
returns to normal, then resume use.
Wipe the charging contacts on both the dock and the vacuum-mop with a dry
The temperature of the baery is too high or too low. Wait for the temperature
to return to normal, then resume use.
Error 12: A restricted area or virtual wall was detected.
Move the vacuum-mop away from this area.Move the vacuum-mop away from the area with barrier tape, then reactivate it.
Error 14: Internal error. Try reseing the system.The vacuum-mopcannot continue to operate due to an internal error. Try
Error 13: Please clean the visual navigation sensor.Wipe the visual navigation sensor, then reactivate the vacuum-mop.
Error 1: Please clean and gently tap the bumper.
If the vacuum-mop encounters an error during operation, the power indicator will blink orange and you will hear a voice alert. To check for a solution,
please refer to the table below.
If the collision buffer is stuck, gently tap it to remove foreign objects. If it does
not work, move the vacuum-mop to a new area and reactivate it.
Error 2: Please place the vacuum-mop on the level
ground and reactivate it.
Error 3: Please clean the cliff sensor, place the vacuum
on level ground, and reactivate it.
A wheel is off the ground. Place the vacuum-mop on the level ground and
reactivate it.
Part of the vacuum is off the ground. Place the vacuum on level ground and
reactivate it. This error may also occur if the cliff sensor is dirty. To rule out this
possibility, clean the cliff sensor.
Error 4: Please remove the brush and clean the bristles
and bearings.
A foreign object might be caught in the brush. Remove the brush and clean its
bristles and bearings.
Error 6: Please check whether any objects are wrapped
around the main wheels, then move the vacuum-mop
to a new location and reactivate it.
A foreign object might be caught in one of the main wheels. Clean the wheels,
then reactivate the vacuum-mop.
Error 7: Please clear any obstacles around the
vacuum-mop.The vacuum-mop may be caught or stuck. Clear away any obstructions around it.
Error 8: Please reinstall the dust compartment and filter.Make sure the dust compartment and filter are installed correctly. If the error
persists, try replacing the filter.
Error 5: Please remove and clean the side brush.A foreign object might be caught in the side brush. Remove the side brush and
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