Test network
1. Find and solve network-related issues
Whenever you encounter problems with the network, you can run a test of the current
network conditions.
It tests the following items:
• Wi-Fi network
• Network protocol diagnostics
• Network connection
• Restricted connections for apps
• Restricted background connections
• Router
After you see the results, you'll be able to resolve the current network problems step by step.
2. Close connected apps
All apps currently connected to the Internet are shown in the test results. Just tap an app to
force stop it.
1. Blocked messages and calls
Blocklist automatically filters all types of spam, phishing, and marketing calls and messages
for you. This screen displays the history of your filtered SMS messages and incoming calls.
Highlighted phone numbers indicate unread messages. Phone numbers will go from red to
black after you read corresponding messages.
Tap a message to read it. You can unblock and restore all messages sent from a particular
number, or reply to messages directly.
Tap the Edit button or press and hold any SMS message to unblock or delete multiple