The device has two ways to receive radio programs. After initial setup, you can use the [MODE] key to switch between the reception options DAB and FM
FM Radio
Worldwide VHF band II radio operates between 87.5 MHz and 108.0 MHz. In some countries only parts of it are used. Only Japan and some countries of the
former Eastern Bloc, as well as Brazil in future, sometimes use other frequency bands.
The Radio Data System (RDS) translates additional information into radio broadcasting. The unit supports station-dependent display of the radio station name
and advanced broadcast information on the display.
DAB + Radio
Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) is a digital broadcasting standard for terrestrial digital radio reception. It is suitable for the frequency range from 30 MHz to 3
GHz. DAB was developed in the Eureka 147 project of the EU in the years 1987-2000. Receiving stations using HE AAC + V2 coding is only possible with DAB +
receivers. With the aim of distinguishing the receivers that can also decode HE AAC + V2 in addition to MPEG-1 Layer 2, WorldDMB invented the designation
"DAB +". However, this is a pure marketing name that is not part of the standard. All devices available since November 2011 that can receive DAB + are back-
ward compatible and can also receive DAB broadcasts using the current procedure (MPEG-1 Layer 2).
DAB is available in more than 40 countries, reaching about 500 million people from DAB broadcasters. In most European countries, such as Germany, Switzer-
land, Belgium, Denmark and the United Kingdom, DAB is almost universally available. In France, it is currently only available in individual islands of reception
around Paris and Lyon, as well as in the Netherlands. In Italy, private broadcasters in particular are pushing ahead with DAB expansion in northern Italy. In
Austria, on the other hand, the trial operation, which has been running since 2000, was discontinued in 2008. Since May 28, 2015, until March 31, 2016, a new
pilot operation of DAB + is taking place in the Vienna area. In Canada, by 2011, metropolitan areas have been served in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia.
The unit supports station-dependent display of the radio station name and advanced broadcast information on the display. Further information is available on
the official website of the digital radio on the Internet.
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