unless these are carried out as partof a repair under warranty according to this Manual.
07. Vehicle categorised as "total loss” or “insurance write off”
XPENG will not undertake warranty obligations for vehicles categorised as "total loss” or “insurance write off”.
08. Other damages to vehicle not caused by vehicle quality issues.
IV. Dispute Resolution
In the event that any disputes, differences or controversies arise between the customer and XPENG related to this Manual, XPENG will explore
reasonable possibilities for an amicable settlement.
If a dispute or claim cannot be resolved amicably, either XPENG or the customer may submit their claim to the competent court.
V. Warranty Precautions
1. Warranty Certificates
●If you have lost this Manual, please contact XPENG for a replacement in time. After the replacement, you will continue to enjoy relevant warranty
●The vehicle sales invoice, this Manual and repair orders and invoices are important certificate documents for you to enjoy the warranty as described
in this Manual. XPENG reminds you to keep them properly to prevent loss or damage.
2. Repair and Maintenance Records
If repair or maintenance services are performed on your vehicle, you should keep the relevant documents such as the repair order and invoice, which will
be an important evidence to prove that your vehicle has been subject to relevant repair or maintenance services in accordance with the user manual of
your vehicle or this Manual.
3. Maintenance Time
When having your vehicle repaired or maintained at a Service Center, a reasonable and sufficient time has to be allowed for the Service Center to
complete the repair of maintenance services. The Service Center will repair and return your vehicle to you as soon as possible.
4. Maintenance Plan
While complying with relevant laws and regulations, XPENG and the Service Center are entitled to develop a specific repair or parts replacement plan
pursuant to technical requirements and the actual situation of your vehicle. Parts replaced under warranty belong to XPENG.
5. Product Change
XPENG reserves the right to make design changes to the vehicles it produces, and is not obliged to implement any identical orsimilar changes to any
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