Songs – Recording Your Performances and Creating Songs –
Guide menu for keyboard practice
•Follow Lights
With this function, the keyboard guide lamps indicate which notes you should play. Song playback
pauses and waits for you to play. When you play the correct notes, Song playback continues.
•Any Key
With this function, you can play the melody of a Song just by pressing a single key (any key is OK) in
time with the rhythm. Song playback pauses and waits for you to play any key. Simply play a key on the
keyboard in time with the music and Song playback continues.
Guide menu for singing
This function lets you control the Song playback timing with just one finger, while you sing along. This
is useful for singing to your own performance. Song playback pauses, waiting for you to sing. Simply
play a key on the keyboard (any key is fine) and Song playback continues.
•Vocal Cue Time (CVP-509/505/503)
This function lets you practice singing with the proper pitch. Song playback pauses, waiting for you to
sing. When you sing with proper pitch, Song playback continues.
4Turn the [GUIDE] button on.
5Call up the Score display by pressing the [SCORE] button.
6Press the SONG [PLAY/PAUSE] button to start playback.
Practice playing the keyboard or singing, along with the Guide type selected in step 3.
NOTEThe guide lamps light according to Song channels recorded to Track 1 and 2 and the chord data in the Song (when such data is included). If the guide
lamps do not light as intended, you may need to assign the appropriate right- and left-hand channels to Track 1 and 2 respectively (page 41).
7Press the SONG [STOP] button to stop playback.
NOTEIf you want to turn the guide lamps off, press the [C] (GUIDE LAMP) button in the SONG SETTING display (in step 3 as described above).
NOTEYou can save the Guide settings as a part of the Song data (page 57). For Songs to which the Guide settings have been saved, the Guide function will be
automatically turned on and the related settings will be recalled when the Song is selected.
Determining the timing by which the keyboard guide lamps light (GUIDE LAMP TIMING)
Press the [D] button in the SONG SETTING display in step 3 to select the timing by which the keyboard
guide lamps light.
The guide lamps light in time with the music, at the same timing you should play.
The guide lamps light slightly ahead of the music, indicating the notes you should play next. The guide
lamps flash if you fail to play the keys with the correct timing.
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