030n30200..7FIns. Param.1 MSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7FIns. Param.1 LSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
030n32200..7FIns. Param.2 MSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7FIns. Param.2 LSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
030n34200..7FIns. Param.3 MSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7FIns. Param.3 LSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
030n36200..7FIns. Param.4 MSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7FIns. Param.4 LSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
030n38200..7FIns. Param.5 MSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7FIns. Param.5 LSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
030n3A200..7FIns. Param.6 MSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7FIns. Param.6 LSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
030n3C200..7FIns. Param.7 MSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7FIns. Param.7 LSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
030n3E200..7FIns. Param.8 MSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7FIns. Param.8 LSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
030n40200..7FIns. Param.9 MSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7FIns. Param.9 LSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
030n42200..7FIns. Param.10 MSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
00..7FIns. Param.10 LSBRefer to the Ef. Parameter List
For effect types that do not require MSB, the Parameters for Address 02-0B will be received. Address 30-42 will not be received.
For effect types that require MSB, the Parameters for Address 30-42 will be received. Address 02-0B will not be received.
When Bulk Dumps that include Effect Type data are transmitted, the Parameters for Address 02 - 0B will always be transmitted. But, effects that require MSB, when the bulk dump is received the
Parameters for Address 02 - 0B will not be received.
n = Insertion Effect No. (0 - 2)
The INSERTION EFFECT Parameter cannot be reset to its factory settings with XG SYSTEM ON or XG ALL PARAMETER RESET, there is no default value.
When a Parameter Request or Bulk Request message is received, the currently set value is always transmitted.
040000200 - 7FInsertion Effect Type MSBRefer to the XG Effect Map
00 - 7FInsertion Effect Type LSB00 : basic type
02100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter1Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
03100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter2Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
04100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter3Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
05100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter4Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
06100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter5Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
07100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter6Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
08100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter7Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
09100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter8Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
0A100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter9Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
0B100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter10Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
0C100 - 7FInsertion Effect PartPart1...16(0...15)
OFF(16...63, 65...127)
0D100 - 7FMW Insertion Control DepthDon’t care
0E100 - 7FBEND Insertion Control DepthDon’t care
0F100 - 7FCAT Insertion Control DepthDon’t care
10100 - 7FAC1 Insertion Control DepthDon’t care
11100 - 7FAC2 Insertion Control DepthDon’t care
040014100 - 7F
Unique Insertion Effect External
1...16(0...15), off(127)
Control CH1(Harmony Channel)
15100 - 7F
Unique Insertion Effect External
1...16(0...15), off(127)
040020100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter11Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
21100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter12Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
22100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter13Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
23100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter14Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
24100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter15Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
25100 - 7FInsertion Effect Parameter16Refer to the XG Ef. Parameter List
Insertion Effect Type MSB:Assigns the Harmony Mode.
If the value is not a Harmony Mode value, the Harmony function will be OFF and the input signal will be transmitted as is.
Insertion Effect Type LSB:Assigns the Harmony Kit.
If the value is not an existing harmony kit value, don’t care.
Harmony Channel:Harmony control channel.
Melody Channel:Melody play channel.
When both are received, the last message received will take priority.
For example, when the Melody Channel is 3 and the Harmony Channel 3 message is received, the Melody Channel will be OFF and the Harmony Channel will be 3.
Note) The SPECIAL EFFECT Parameter cannot be reset to its factory settings with XG SYSTEM ON or XG ALL PARAMETER RESET, there is no default value.
When a request message is received, the currently set value is always transmitted.
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