Microphone – Connecting a Microphone and Singing Along with Your Performance –
4Use the [A] – [E] buttons to select the specific row (or group) of parameters to be
5Set the value of specific parameters in the row by using the [1] – [6] buttons.
For information on each parameter, see page 67 – 68.
After setting, go to the Mic Setting Memory display by pressing the [H] (USER MEMORY) button and save the settings (see below
section). The settings will be lost if you exit from this display or turn the power to the instrument off without executing the Save
Saving the Microphone Settings
All the settings (VOCAL/TALK pages) are saved together as a single file. Up to ten files can be saved. For
ease in future recall, you should assign a sufficiently descriptive name to the file or one that matches your
1On the MIC SETTING display (in step 3 above), press the [H] (USER MEMORY) button.
2Press the [6] (SAVE) button to save the file to USER.
For details on the naming and deleting procedures, refer to the “Renaming a File/Folder” and “Deleting
Files/Folders” sections in the Owner’s Manual.
NOTEThe microphone setting file can be saved only to the internal USER drive. If you want to save this setting to the USB flash drive, save the User Effect file
on the display called up via [FUNCTION] → TAB [][] MENU2 → [G] SYSTEM → TAB [][] SETUP FILES → [H] (USER EFFECT FILES) →
TAB [][] USB → [6] (SAVE).
3-BAND EQ (selected by [A]/[B] buttons)
EQ (Equalizer) is a processor that divides the frequency spectrum into multiple bands which can be
boosted or cut as required to tailor the overall frequency response. This instrument features a high-grade
three-band (LOW, MID and HIGH) digital equalizer function for the microphone sound.
To get the most convenient use of this Talk function, use the [1] button to assign one of the pedals
(Left, Center, or AUX) to “TALK” in the following display: [DIRECT ACCESS] → press one of the
pedals (Left, Center, or AUX)
This allows you to use one of the pedals to switch the Talk function on and off during your performance,
without having to call up the menu above.
Calling Up the Microphone Settings Saved to USER
1Call up the Mic Setting Memory display by pressing the [H] (USER MEMORY) button on the
MIC SETTING display.
2Use the [A] – [J] buttons to select the desired setting file.
HzAdjusts the center frequency of the corresponding band.
dBBoosts or cuts the level of the corresponding band by up to 12 dB.
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