The CVP-87A, CVP-85A, and CVP-83S feature a built-in “sequencer” which can be used to independently
record up to ten separate parts of a single musical composition, plus a rhythm track. Each part is recorded on
one of the Performance Memory “tracks” accessed via the [RIGHT/1TR], [LEFT/2TR], [ORCH/3-10TR], and
[RHYTHM] buttons. The music data that you record is stored on a 3.5" floppy disk loaded into the Clavinova’s
disk drive unit. Up to approximately 60 songs can be recorded on a single disk, depending on the amount of
data contained in each song. Before you can record, however, you must “format” a new disk, as described on
page 38.
ZInsert a Formatted Disk..........................................................................................................................
If you haven’t already done so, make sure that a properly formatted disk is loaded
into the Clavinova disk drive (see page 38), and that the disk’s write protect tab is set
to the “write” position (tab closed).
•If you insert an unformatted disk, “
” will appear on the SONG NUMBER display.
Please format the disk before proceeding.
•If a disk is already loaded and the [SONG SELECT] indicator is out, press the [SONG
SELECT] button so that the indicator lights before proceeding.
Easy One-pass Recording & Playback
Select a SONG NUMBER between 1 and 60 for the piece you are about to record
(up to 60 different songs, each with a different song number, can be recorded on a
single disk). Make sure the song number you select has not already been used for a
song previously recorded on the disk you are using.
•If the [RIGHT/1TR], [LEFT/2TR], [ORCH/3-10TR], or [RHYTHM] button indicator
glows green when a song number is selected, the corresponding track of the selected
song already contains recorded data. Before recording over a song that contains
previous data, we recommend that you delete the entire song as described in “Delet-
ing a Song” on page 40.
XSelect a Song Number...........................................................................................................................
CSelect a Voice.........................................................................................................................................
Use the VOICE selectors to select the voice you want to record with. You can try
out the selected voice on the keyboard before proceeding.
VEngage the Record Ready Mode...........................................................................................................
Press the [REC] button so that its indicator lights. The [RIGHT/1TR] indicator
should also glow red at this point, indicating that you are ready to record on track 1.
●Remaining Disk Space Display
When you release the [REC] button the amount of disk space available for record-
ing will appear on the SONG NUMBER display (in approximate kilobytes). With
an empty disk you should have about 700 kilobytes of space for recording (room
enough for about 50,000 notes if no other Clavinova functions are used). If no
space is available for recording, “FUL” will appear on the display.
Performance Memory
•The Performance Memory playback data is not transmitted via the MIDI OUT connector.
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