The MOTIF ES features several controller jacks on the rear panel — letting you independently control various aspects of the
sound and a variety of functions with optional controllers.
■ Breath Controller
You can connect an optional Breath Controller (BC3) to the BREATH jack on the rear panel. Then use it to control a large number
of this synthesizer’s parameters, particularly those controlled by a wind player’s breath: dynamics, timbre, pitch and so on. The
Breath Controller is ideally suited for realistic expression with wind instrument type Voices.
nBreath Controller parameters can be set for each Voice (page 192).
■ Footswitch (assignable)
An optional Yamaha FC4 or FC5 Foot Switch connected to the rear panel FOOT SWITCH ASSIGNABLE jack can be assigned to
a range of parameters. It is suited for switch-type (on/off) controls, such as Portamento Switch, increment/decrement of a Voice
or Performance Number, start/stop of the Sequencer, and holding the Arpeggiator on or off.
nThe parameter assigned to the Footswitch is set in the Utility mode (page 263).
■ Footswitch (sustain)
An optional FC4 or FC5 Footswitch connected to the SUSTAIN jack on the rear panel lets you control sustain — particularly
useful when playing piano and strings voices.
Keep in mind that some sounds may not be suitable for use in all situations with the Sustain footswitch. For example, for organ
sounds that have no natural decay, the sound continues at the same level when holding down the Sustain footswitch.
On the other hand, many sounds benefit from the use of Sustain, such as piano, which has a natural decay when a note is held.
Using Sustain with these kinds of Voices provides a smooth after-sound and gives you expressive control in your performance.
nThe sustain level of the Amplitude EG (page 162) is maintained while holding down the Sustain footswitch, even when releasing your fingers from the keys.
nYou cannot assign a function other than Sustain to the SUSTAIN jack.
■ Foot Controller
Optional Foot Controllers (such as the FC7), connected to the FOOT CONTROLLER jacks on the rear panel, can be assigned to
a number of controller parameters. By using a foot controller for parameter control, both your hands are left free to play the
keyboard (or to operate other controllers) — exceptionally convenient when you’re playing live.
nFoot Controller parameters can be set for each Voice (page 192).
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