45 En
■ Numerics
1 SOUND MENU ............................... .... 31, 32
2 INPUT MENU ................................. .... 31, 34
2ch Stereo ............................................ .......... 25
3 OPTION MENU ...... ............................. 31, 35
5ch Stereo ............................................ .......... 25
■ A
A)DISPLAY SET .......................................... 35
A)INPUT ASSIGN ..... ................................... 34
A)SPEAKER SET .............. ........................... 32
A.DELAY ........................... ........................... 34
A/B/C/D/E, front panel ................................ .... 3
Adjusting the speaker level ........................... 20
Adjusting the tonal quali ty . ......................... .. 20
AFFAIRS, Radio Data System
program type . .................................. .......... 29
AM tuning ................................................... .. 27
ANTENNA terminals .................................. .... 6
Audio cable plugs ....... ................................. .. 1 1
Audio delay ................................................... 34
AUDIO jacks ...................... ....................... 6, 11
Audio jacks .................................................. .. 11
front panel .............. ................................. .... 3
AUDIO SEL, remote control ........................... 5
AUDIO SELECT ........................................ .. 19
Audio select ................ ................................... 36
Audio settings ............................. ................... 34
AUTO SETUP .................... ..................... 16, 31
Auto setup .. ................................. ................... 31
AUTO SETUP, Error message ............ .......... 41
Automatic preset tuning ................................ 27
Automatic tuning ........ ................................. .. 27
■ B
B)INPUT RENAME ..................................... 35
B)MEMORY GUARD .................................. 35
B)SP LEVEL ...................... ........................... 33
BAND, front panel .......................................... 3
BASS OUT .................................................... 32
BGV ................... .......................................... .. 35
■ C
C)AUDIO SELECT ............................ .......... 36
C)SP DISTANCE ........................................ .. 3 3
C)VOLUME TRIM .... ................................... 35
CD Listening ................................................. 23
CD Music Listening ...................................... 23
CENTER .................... ................................. .. 32
Center graphic equalizer ............. ................... 33
Center speaker ... .......................................... .. 32
Center width .................................................. 26
CINEMA DSP indicator ..... ............................. 4
CLASSICS, Radio Data System
program type . .................................. .......... 29
Clock time, Radio Data Syst em
information .................... ........................... 29
COMPONENT VIDEO jacks ............. ...... 6, 11
Connect MIC!, Auto setup error mess age ..... 41
Connecting a DVD player .. ........................... 13
Connecting a TV ........................ ................... 12
Connecting audio comp onents ...................... 1 3
Connecting speakers .................................... .... 9
Connecting the AM antenn as ........................ 1 5
Connecting the FM antennas ......................... 15
Connecting the p ower cable .......................... 1 5
Connecting to CD player ............................. .. 13
Connecting to DVD recorder .............. .......... 13
Connecting to MD recorder/CD recorder ...... 1 3
Connecting to the CENTER t erminals .......... 10
Connecting to the COMPONENT
VIDEO jacks .................. ........................... 11
Connecting to the FRONT A term inals ......... 10
Connecting to the FRONT B termi nals ......... 10
Connecting to the HDMI jacks ...................... 11
Connecting to the MULTI C H INPUT
jacks ..................................... ..................... 14
Connecting to the SURROUND terminals ....10
Connecting video components ....................... 13
Creating original SCENE templates .............. 24
CROSSOVER ........................... ..................... 33
Crossover ......................... .............................. 33
CT WIDTH .............. ................................. ..... 26
CT, Radio Data Sy stem information .............. 29
CULTURE, Radio Data System
program type ............................................. 29
Cursors/ENTER, remote control ...................... 5
■ D
D)CENTER GEQ ...................................... ..... 33
D)DECODER MODE ...... .............................. 35
D)PARAM. INI ................ .............................. 36
Decoder indicator ............................................. 4
Decoder mode .......... ...................................... 35
Decoder select mode ......................... ............. 35
DIGITAL AUDIO COAXIAL jack ............... 11
DIGITAL AUDIO OPTICAL jack s .............. 11
DIGITAL INPUT COAXIAL assignment ..... 34
DIGITAL INPUT jacks ................................... 6
DIMENSION ............................ ..................... 26
Dimension ........................ .............................. 26
DIMMER ......................... .............................. 35
Dimmer ............................ .............................. 35
Disc Listening .......... ................................. ..... 23
Display settings ........ ................................. ..... 35
DISPLAY, remote control ............................... 5
DISTANCE ERROR, Auto setup error
message ....................... .............................. 42
DRAMA, Radio Data System
program type ............................................. 29
DSP LEVEL ............. ...................................... 26
DSP level .................................................. ..... 26
DTS decoder prioritize setting ....................... 35
DVD Live Viewing ................................... ..... 23
DVD Movie Viewing ....... .............................. 23
DVD Viewing .. ......................................... ..... 23
DVR Viewing ................................................ 23
Dynamic range .......................................... ..... 34
■ E
E)LFE LEVEL .......................................... ..... 34
E)MULTI CH SET ........................... ............. 35
EDIT PRESET/TUNING, front panel ...... ....... 3
Editing sound field parameters ...................... 26
EDUCATE, Radio Data System
program type ............................................. 29
Enhanc ed other netw orks data se rvice,
Radio Data System tuning ......................... 30
ENHANCER indicator .............................. ....... 4
ENHANCER, remote control .......................... 5
Enjoying 2-channel sources using
the standard decoders ................................ 26
EON .......................................... ....................... 4
EON data service, Radio Data System
tuning .......................... .............................. 30
EON, Radio Data System informati on ........... 29
Exchanging preset stations ........ ..................... 28
■ F
F)D.RANGE ............................. ..................... 34
FM tuning ......... ......................................... ..... 27
FRONT .................... ...................................... 32
FRONT B .................................................. ..... 32
FRONT B speaker setting ......... ..................... 32
Front panel ....... ......................... ....................... 3
Front panel display ....................................... 3, 4
Front speakers ........................... ..................... 32
■ G
G)AUDIO SET .............................................. 34
Game Playing ............................................ ..... 23
■ H
Hall ................................. ............................... 25
HDMI ............................. ............................... 11
HDMI jack, HDMI cable plug ....................... 11
HDMI terminals ....................................... ........ 6
Headphone dynamic range ..... ....................... 34
Headphone LFE ............................................. 34
Headphones indicator ..... ................................. 4
HP D.R ................................... ....................... 34
HP LFE ........................... ............................... 34
■ I
INFO, Radio Data System program type ...... 29
INFO/Radio data system control ,
remote control ............................................. 5
Infrared window .............................................. 8
Infrared window, remote control ..................... 5
INI.VOL. ................................ ....................... 34
Initial volume . ................................. ............... 34
Initializing ....................... ............................... 37
Input assignment .... .................................. ...... 34
Input channel and speaker ind icators .............. 4
Input channel indicators ................. ................. 4
Input menu .............................. ....................... 31
Input rename ................... ............................... 35
Input selector buttons, rem ote control ............. 5
Input source indicato rs .................................... 4
Input source information ............................... 21
INPUT, front panel ......................... ................. 3
Installing batteries in the rem ote control ......... 8
■ J
Jazz ......................................... ....................... 25
■ L
LEVEL ERROR, Auto setup error
message .............................. ....................... 42
LEVEL, remote control ........................... ........ 5
LFE indicator ........................................... ........ 4
LFE/Bass out ................................................. 32
LIGHT M, Radio Data System
program type ...................... ....................... 29
Listening to un processed input signals .......... 26
Low-frequency effect level ...................... ...... 34
■ M
M.O.R. M, Ra dio Data System
program type ...................... ....................... 29
Manual preset tuning ...... ............................... 28
MANUAL SETUP ........................................ 31
Manual setup .................. ............................... 31
Manual tuning ........ .................................. ...... 27
MAX VOL. .... .......................................... ...... 34
Maximum volume .......... ............................... 34
MEM.GUARD ....................... ....................... 35
Memory guard ....... ......................... ............... 35
MEMORY, front panel .................................... 3
MENU, remote control ... ................................. 5
Movie Dramatic ....................................... ...... 25
Movie Spacious ............................................. 25
MULTI CH IN, remote control ....................... 5
MULTI CH INPUT jacks ....... ......................... 6
Multi channel input s etup ............... ............... 35
Multi-channel sources and sound field
programs with headphones ........ ............... 26
Multi-informati on display ............................... 4
Music Disc Listening .............. ....................... 23
Music Enh. 2ch ............... ............................... 25
Music Enh. 5ch ............... ............................... 25
MUTE indicator ...................... ......................... 4
MUTE TYP. .................................................. 34
Mute type ................................................. ...... 34
MUTE, remote control .................................... 5
Muting the audio output ................................ 20