No sound is produced even when playing the keyboard
•Are all four Sliders set to appropriate levels (other than zero or minimum)? 51
•Check the value of the [UTILITY] → [F1] GENERAL → [SF1] TG → Volume parameter. 260
Check the setting of the [UTILITY]
LocalCtrl parameter. If this is set to off, the internal tone generator will not sound. 264
•Is the power of the MOTIF ES and any external equipment connected to the MOTIF ES turned on?
•Have you made all the appropriate level settings – including the Master Volume on the MOTIF ES and the volume settings on any connected external
•Is the Foot Controller pressed down (when it is connected to the FOOT CONTROLLER jack)? 42
•Is the MOTIF ES properly connected to related external equipment (e.g., amplifier or speaker) via audio cables?
When the Voice produces no sound, are the effect and filter settings appropriate? (Inappropriate filter cutoff frequency settings can result in no sound.) 197
•When the Voice produces no sound, are all four Elements properly turned on? 79
•When the Voice produces no sound, is the volume parameter set appropriately in the Voice Common Edit? 190
•When the Voice produces no sound, are the parameters in the Voice Element Edit (e.g., Element Switch, Note Limit, Velocity Limit) set appropriately in
the Voice Common Edit? 195
When the Performance produces no sound, has a Voice been assigned to each Part? Check this in the [PERFORM] → [F2] VOICE display. 71
•When the Performance produces no sound, are the Note Limit, volume, and output parameters of each Part set appropriately? 71
•When playing the keyboard in the Song/Pattern mode produces no sound, check whether or not the Sample Voice or Mixing Voice is assigned to the
current Part. 102
•When the Song/Pattern playback produces no sound, are any or all of the tracks muted? 58
•When the Song/Pattern playback produces no sound, are the output channel of each track in the play mode and the receive channel of each Part in the
Mixing mode set appropriately? 164
•When the Song/Pattern playback produces no sound, is the volume or output setting of each Part in the Mixing mode set appropriately? 233
•When the Song/Pattern playback produces no sound, is the MIDI filter set so that note-on messages are blocked in the [SONG] or [PATTERN] →
•When the [ARPEGGIO ON/OFF] button is turned on, press it so that its lamp is turned off. 19
•When in the Song mode or Pattern mode, press the [■] (Stop) button. 20
When the click sound continues, set the [SONG] or [PATTERN] → [UTILITY] → [F3] SEQ → [SF1] CLICK → Mode parameter to something other than “all.” 262
Sound level is too low
•Are the MIDI volume or MIDI expression settings too low (by using the Foot Controller)? 42
•Is the cutoff frequency of the filters set too high/low? 161
•When the Song/Pattern playback produces a soft sound, is the velocity offset in the Groove display set too low? 114
Distorted sound
•Are the effect settings appropriate? 177
•Are the filter settings appropriate? (Excessively high filter resonance settings can cause distortion.) 161
•Is the MASTER VOLUME set so high that clipping is occurring? 18
•Is the volume of each Element in the Voice mode or the volume of each part in the Performance mode or the volume of each track/Part in the Song/
Pattern mode set too high? 213
Sound is cut off
•Are you exceeding the maximum polyphony of the MOTIF ES? 162
Only one note sounds at a time
•When this situation occurs in the Voice mode, is the [VOICE] → [F4] PORTA → Mono/Poly parameter set to “mono” ? If you wish to play the chord, set
this parameter to “poly.” 188
•When this situation occurs in the Song mode/Pattern mode, is the Mono/Poly parameter set to “mono” in the [SONG] or [PATTERN] → [MIXING] →
[EDIT] → Part selection → [F1] VOICE → [SF2] MODE display? If you wish to play chords, set this parameter to “poly.” 235
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