The Master Job mode contains two convenient operations (called “Jobs”) — one letting you initialize (reset) the Master data, and the other letting
you transmit your edited Master data to an external MIDI device or computer.
After setting parameters as required from the selected display, press the [ENTER] button to execute the Job.
MW (Modulation Wheel)Determines whether or not to transmit MIDI messages generated by using the Modulation Wheel to the internal and
external tone generator.
RB (Ribbon Controller)Determines whether or not to transmit MIDI messages generated by using the Ribbon Controller to the internal and
external tone generator.
ChAT (Channel Aftertouch)Determines whether or not to transmit Channel Aftertouch messages generated by pressing the keys to the internal
and external tone generator.
FC1 (Foot Controller1)
FC2 (Foot Controller2)Determines whether or not to transmit MIDI messages generated by pressing the optional Foot Controller to the
internal and external tone generator.
Sus (Sustain)Determines whether or not to transmit Sustain messages generated by pressing the Footswitch connected to the
SUSTAIN jack to the internal and external tone generator.
FS (Footswitch)Determines whether or not to transmit MIDI messages generated by pressing the Footswitch connected to the
ASSIGNABLE jack to the internal and external tone generator.
KnobDetermines whether or not to transmit MIDI messages generated by using the Knobs to the internal and external
tone generator.
SliderDetermines whether or not to transmit MIDI messages generated by using the Sliders to the internal and external
tone generator.
BC (Breath Controller)Determines whether or not to transmit MIDI messages generated by using the Breath controller connected to the
BREATH connector to the internal and external tone generator.
Vol (Volume)Determines whether or not to transmit Volume messages to the internal and external tone generator.
PanDetermines whether or not to transmit Pan messages to the internal and external tone generator.
From this display you can make the Voice-related settings for each Zone, in the selected Master program number. In this way, selecting a different Master
automatically calls up a completely different set of Voices and Voice-related settings for the four Zones.
PgmChange (Program Change)
Determines the Voice assignment for each Zone in the selected Master.
Settings:Refer to the Voice List in the separate Data List booklet.
VolumeDetermines the output level of the Voice in each Zone.
Settings:0 ~ 127
PanDetermines the stereo pan position of the Voice in each Zone.
Settings:L64 (Left) ~ C (Center) ~ R63 (Right)
[F5] KN/CS (Knob/Control Slider)
From this display you can determine which Control Change numbers are used for the Knobs and Sliders for each Zone. These settings are available only when the
Knob/Slider parameter (in the [F2] OTHER display in Common Edit) is set to “zone.”
Settings:off, 1~95
Master Job mode[MASTER] → [JOB]
[F1] INIT (Initialize)
This function lets you reset (initialize) all Master parameters to their default settings. It also allows you to selectively initialize certain parameters, such as Common
settings, settings for each Zone, and so on — very useful when creating a completely new Master from scratch.
Parameter Types (for Initializing): All, Common, Zone
ALLAll settings for the selected Master are initialized.
CommonCommon parameter settings for the selected Master are initialized.
ZoneYou can initialize the Zone setting to one of the following three types.
Splits the keyboard range using Zone 1 and Zone 2. “UpperCh” determines the MIDI transmit channel of the upper range of the keyboard, “LowerCh” determines
the MIDI transmit channel of the lower range of the keyboard, and “SplitPoint” determines the note (C2 ~ G8) number which separates the upper range and lower
range of the keyboard.
4ZoneInitializes all four Zones.
LayerLets you layer two parts using Zone 1 and Zone 2. “UpperCh” and “LowerCh” determine the MIDI transmit channels of the two Zones respectively.
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