Changing pattern variations (Sections) during Style playback
Each Style features four different Main sections, four Fill-in sections and a Break section.
By using these sections effectively, you can easily make your performance sound more
dynamic and professional. The section can be freely changed while the Style is playing
MAIN VARIATION [A]–[D] buttons
Press one of the MAIN VARIATION [A]–[D] buttons to select the desired Main section (the
button lights in red). Each is an accompaniment pattern of a few measures or more and it
plays indefinitely. Pressing the selected MAIN VARIATION button again plays an appropri-
ate fill-in pattern to spice up the rhythm and break the repetition. After the fill-in finishes
playing, it leads smoothly into the Main section.
[BREAK] button
This lets you add dynamic breaks in the rhythm of the accompaniment. Press the [BREAK]
button during Style playback. When the one-measure Break pattern finishes playing, Style
playback automatically shifts to the Main section.
Fading In/Out
The Fade In/Out function produces smooth fade-ins and fade-outs when starting/stopping the playback of a Style or
Song. You can assign this function to the [ROTARY SP/ASSIGNABLE] button, footswitches, or the ASSIGNABLE
[A]–[F] buttons.
•To start playback with a fade in:
When playback is stopped, press the button to which this function has been assigned. Then press the [START/
STOP] button for Style (or the [] (PLAY/PAUSE) button for MIDI Song).
•To stop playback with a fade out:
During playback, press the button to which this function has been assigned.
AUTO FILL IN function
When the [AUTO FILL IN] button is turned on, pressing any of the MAIN VARIATION
[A]–[D] buttons as you play automatically plays a fill-in section for a smooth, dynamic
transition into the next (or same) section.
Style Section Reset
During playback of a Style, you can rewind to the top of the section (“reset” the playback position, for stutter repeat
effects) by pressing the [RESET/TAP TEMPO] button (page 42).
Automatically changing One Touch Settings with the Main sections (OTS
The convenient OTS (One Touch Setting) Link function lets you automatically have One
Touch Settings change when you select a different Main section (A–D). The Main sections
A, B, C and D correspond to One Touch Settings 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. To use the OTS
Link function, turn the [OTS LINK] button on.
For information on assigning functions to each controller, refer to “Setting up Assignable Controllers” (page 56) and “Setting the Functions or Shortcuts to the ASSIGN-
ABLE Buttons” (page 94).
Press the selected
Main section (lit in
red) again.
The fill-in of the
selected Main sec-
tion plays (flashes in
You can change the timing in which the One Touch Settings change with the MAIN VARIATION [A]–[D] changes. To do this, call up the display via [MENU] [Style Set-
ting] [Setting], then set the OTS Link Timing parameter. For details, refer to the Reference Manual on the website (page 9)
Als Ich einen style verander z.b. tempo 100 nach 50 und ich speicher es auf einen USB stik dan ist das Tempo nach abruf wieder 100 was muss ich machen um das Tempo auf den eingestelten Wert zu halten > Was mach ich falsch? Gibt es keine Handleitung die die Funktionen schrit fur schrit beschreibt?
Eingereicht am 10-9-202420:12
Als Anfänger verwende ich fertige Styles die ich per Stick bekomme, leider habe ich Schwierigkeiten diese Stücke aufzurufen, bisher fand ich nirgends eine Anleitung und meist ist es Zufall wenn es klappt. Eine einfache Anleitung für die SX900 zum aufrufen von Voice und Styles vom Stick wäre wünschenswert.
Eingereicht am 31-3-202322:19
Libble nimmt den Missbrauch seiner Dienste sehr ernst. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, derartige Missbrauchsfälle gemäß den Gesetzen Ihres Heimatlandes zu behandeln. Wenn Sie eine Meldung übermitteln, überprüfen wir Ihre Informationen und ergreifen entsprechende Maßnahmen. Wir melden uns nur dann wieder bei Ihnen, wenn wir weitere Einzelheiten wissen müssen oder weitere Informationen für Sie haben.
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