The excitement of a concert hall and the powerful sense of being inside a movie - we all want to enjoy these experiences in our own living room. Yamaha has pursued the fulfillment of these desires
for more than 30 years, and this fulfillment has now taken shape as the Yamaha AV receivers.
What is a sound field?
We perceive sound from a voice or an instrument not only as the sounds that are heard directly
but also as the “reflected” or “reverberant” sound that has been reflected by the walls or
ceiling of the building. The character of the reflected and reverberant sound is affected by the
shape, size, and material of the building, and all of these sounds taken together are what give
us the auditory sensation of being in that specific place.
This unique acoustical character of a specific space is what we call the “sound field”.
Conceptual diagram of a concert hall’s sound field
Conceptual diagram of a sound field created by the unit
Yamaha has accumulated a massive amount of acoustical data by analyzing the actual sound
fields of concert halls and performance spaces around the world. “CINEMA DSP” allows this
data to be applied to create sound fields. This unit contains a wide variety of sound programs
By selecting a sound program that is appropriate to the content of the playback source such as
movies, music, or games, you can maximize the acoustical effectiveness of that specific
content. (For example, a sound program designed for movies can give you the sensation of
actually being in that scene.)
” is Yamaha’s flagship 3D sound field playback technology that takes full
advantage of the massive amount of acoustic reflection data included in the sound field data.
It delivers more than twice as much capability for generating acoustic reflections as
conventional CINEMA DSP 3D, in addition to high-frequency playback capability, delivering an
utterly natural and powerful spatial sound field.
Capability for reproducing reflections
(when the sound program “Hall in Munich” is selected)
Kann ich einen DAB+Sender auch direkt die Frequenzeingabe auswählen? Ich möchte SWR1RP einstellen, ist über den normalen Suchlauf nicht möglich?
Eingereicht am 15-1-202410:15
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