En 108
Audio information
Audio and video sync hronization (Lipsync)
Lip sync, an abbrev iation for lip synchronization, is a technical term that
in volves both a problem, and the capabil ity of maintaining audio and video
signals synchronized during post-p roduction and transmission.
Whereas the audio and video latency requir es complex end-user
adjustment, HDMI v ersion 1.3 incorporates an automatic audio and video
syncing capability that allows de vices to perform this synchronization
automatically and accurately without user interaction.
Bi-amplification connection (Bi-amp)
A bi-amplification connection uses two amplif iers for a speaker . One
amplifier is connected to the woofer section of a loudspeaker while the
other is connected to the combine d mid and tweeter section. With this
arrangement each amplifier operates over a restricted frequency range. This
restricted range presents each a mplifier with a much simpler job and each
amplifier is less lik ely to influence the s ound in som e way .
Dolb y Digital
Dolby Digital is a digital surround sound system that gi ves you completely
independent multi-channel audio. W ith 3 front channels (front L/R and
center), and 2 surround stereo channels, Dolby Digital provides 5 full-range
audio channels. W ith an additional channel especially for bass effects,
referred to as LFE (Lo w-Frequenc y Effect) , the system has a total of 5.1-
channels (LFE is counted as 0.1 channel). By using 2-channel stereo for the
surround speakers, more accurate moving sound effects and surround sound
en vironments are possible than with Dolby Surr ound. The wide dynamic
range from maximum to minimum v olumes that are reproduced by the 5
full-range channels, and the precise sound orientation generated using
digital sound processing provides listeners with unprecedented excitement
and realism. W ith this unit, any sound en vironment fr om monaural up to a
5.1-channel conf iguration can be freely selected for your enjoyment.
Dolby Pr o Logic II
Dolby Pro Logic II is an improved technique used to decode vast number s
of existing Dolb y Surround sources. This new technolo gy enables a discrete
5-channel playback with 2 front left and right channels, 1 center channel,
and 2 surround left and ri ght channels, instead of o nly 1 surrou nd channel
for con ventional Pro Logic technology . There are three modes av ailable:
“Music mode” for music sources, “Movie mode” for movie sources, and
“Game mode” for game source s.
Dolby Pr o Logic IIx
Dolby Pro Logic IIx is a new technology enabling disc rete multichannel
playback from 2-channel or multi-channel sources. There are three modes
av ailable: “Music mode” for music sourc es, “Movie mode” for movie
sources (for 2-channel sources only) and “Game mode” f or game sources.
Dolby Su rround
Dolby Surround uses a 4-channel analog recording system to reproduce
realistic and dynam ic sound effects: 2 f ront left and right channels (ster eo),
a center channel for dia log (monaural), and a surround channel for special
sound ef fects (monaural). The surround ch annel reproduces sound within a
narro w frequency range. Dolb y Surround is widely used with nearly all
video tapes and laser discs, as well as in many TV and cable broadcasts.
The Dolby Pro Logic decoder built into this unit employs a digital signal
processing system that automaticall y stabilizes the volume on each channel
to enhance moving sound effects and directionality .
Dolby T rueHD
Dolby T rueHD is an adv anced lossless audio technology dev eloped for
high-def inition disc-based media including Blu-ray Disc. Selected as an
optional audio standard for Blu- ray Disc, this technology deli vers soun d
that is bit-for-bit identical to the studio master, of fering a high-definition
home theater experience. Supporting bitrates up to 18.0 Mbps, Dolby
T rueHD can carry up to 8 discrete channels of 24-bit/96 kHz audio
simultaneously . Dolb y TrueHD also remains fully compatible with the
existing multichannel audio systems and retains the metada ta capability of
Dolby Digital, allo wing dialog nor malization and dynamic range control.
DTS 96/24
DTS 96/24 offers an unprecedented le vel of audio quality for multichannel
sound on D VD video, and is fully backward-compatible with all DTS
decoders. “96” refers to a 96 kHz sampling rate compared to the typical
48 kHz sampling rate. “24” refers to 24-bit word length. DTS 96/24 offers
sound quality transparent to the original 96/24 master, and 96/24 5.1-
channel sound with full-quality full-motion video for music programs and
motion picture soundtracks on D VD video.
DTS Digital Surround
DTS Digital Surround was de veloped to replace the analog soundtracks of
movies with a 5.1-channel digital sound track, and is no w rapidly gaining
popularity in movi e theaters around the world. DTS, Inc. has de veloped a
home theater system so that you can enjoy the depth of sound and natural
spatial representation of DTS Digital Surround in your home. This system
produces practically distortion-free 5.1-channel sound (technically , left,
right and cente r channels, 2 s urround channe ls, plus an LFE 0.1 channel as
a subwoofer , for a total of 5.1-channels). This unit incorpor ates a DTS-ES
decoder that enables 6.1-channel reproduction by adding the s urround back
channel to the existing 5.1-channel format.
DTS Express
This is an audio format for next-generation optical discs such as Blu-ray
discs. It uses optimized low bit rate signals for networ k streaming. In the
case of a Blu- ray disc, this forma t is used with secondary audio, enabling
you to enjoy the commentary of the mo vie producer via the Internet while
playing the main program.
DTS-HD High Resolution Audio
DTS-HD High Resolution Audio is a high resolution audio technology
dev eloped for high-def inition disc-based media including Blu-ray Disc.
Selected as an optional audio standard for Blu- ray Disc, this technology
deliv ers sound tha t is virtually indistinguishable from the original, offering
a high-defin ition home theater experience.
Supporting bitrates up to 6.0 Mbps for Blu-r ay Disc, DTS-HD High
Resolution Audio can carry up to 7.1 discr ete channels of 24-bit/96 kHz
audio simultaneously .
DTS-HD High Resolution Audio also remains fully compatible with the
existing multichannel audio systems that incorporate DTS Digital
DTS-HD Master Audio
DTS-HD M aster Audio is an adv anced lossless aud io technology de veloped
for high-definition disc-based media including Blu-ray Disc. Selected as an
optional audio standard for Blu-ray Disc, this technology delivers sound
that is bit-for-bit identical to the studio master , offering a high-def inition
home theater experience.
Supporting bitrates up to 24.5 Mbps for Blu-ray Disc, DTS-HD Master
Audio can carry up to 7.1 discrete channels of 24-bit/96 kHz audio
simultaneously . Supported by HDMI version 1. 3 and designed for the
optical disc players and A V receivers/amplif iers of the f uture, DTS-HD
Master Audio also remains fully compatible with the existing multichannel
audio systems that incorporate DTS D igital Surround.