• Simulating monophonic instruments.............Mono/Poly (Voice Common Edit, Performance/Mixing Part Edit [F1]
[SF2] Ref. #3)
• Setting the stereo pan position.............................................................................................................................................Pan (Ref. #44)
• Changing the Element/Part that is sounded according to the velocity...............................................................................Velocity Limit
In Voice Mode................................................................................................................................................................................(Page 62)
In Performance/Mixing Mode............................................................................(Performance/Mixing Part Edit [F1]
[SF3] Ref. #33)
• Getting a smooth transition in pitch from one note to the next.................................................................................................................
.........................PORTA Switch/Time (Voice /Performance Common Edit, Performance/Mixing Part Edit [F1]
[SF4] Ref. #7-#11)
• Synchronizing the LFO to the tempo of the Arpeggio or sequencer..........Tempo Sync (Voice Common Edit [F5]
[SF1] Ref. #161)
• Modulating the Resonance according to the LFO settings.......................LFO Dest (Voice Common Edit [F5]
[SF3/4/5] Ref. #170)
• Editing Voices using a computer............................See separate Installation Guide and Voice Editor for S90 Owner’s Manual (PDF)
• Setting the User LFO...........................COMMON LFO (See separate Installation Guide and Voice Editor for S90 Owner’s Manual)
Changing the pan position
• Moving the pan position alternately each time a key is played.........Alternate Pan (Voice Element/Key Edit [F4]
[SF1] Ref. #136)
• Moving the pan position randomly each time a key is played.............Random Pan (Voice Element/Key Edit [F4]
[SF1] Ref. #137)
• Moving the pan position according to the key position.........................Scaling Pan (Voice Element/Key Edit [F4]
[SF1] Ref. #138)
• Modulating the pan position according to the LFO settings....................LFO Dest (Voice Common Edit [F5]
[SF3/4/5] Ref. #170)
Changing the pitch
• Transposing the sound/Adjusting the pitch (tone generator settings)
· Global setting..........................................................................................................................Note Shift (Utility [F1]
[SF1] Ref. #41)
• Transposing the keyboard
· Global Setting..........................................................................................................................Transpose (Utility [F1]
[SF2] Ref. #18)
· Master Setting...................................................................................................................Transpose (Master Zone Edit [F2] Ref. #18)
• Adjust the tuning to other instruments.........................................................................................Tune (Utility [F1]
[SF1] Ref. #216)
• Setting the all notes (keys) to the same pitch......................................................PitchSens (Voice Element Edit [F2]
[SF4] Ref. #70)
• Setting the tuning system for the voice.........................................................Micro Tuning (Voice Common Edit [F1]
[SF2] Ref. #5)
Setting the volume/level
• Adjusting the total volume..............................................................................................................MASTER VOLUME slider (Page 14)
• Adjusting the global volume..........................................................................................................Volume (Utility [F1]
[SF1] Ref. #43)
• Adjusting the Performance volume (affects all parts).....................................................Volume (Common Edit [F2]
[SF1] Ref. #43)
• Adjusting each part’s volume....................................................................................................Volume (Part Edit [F2]
[SF1] Ref. #43)
• Adjusting the Voice volume (affects all elements)........................................................................Volume (Common Edit [F2] Ref. #43)
• Adjusting each element/key’s volume.........................................................................Level (Element/Key Edit [F4]
[SF1] Ref. #135)
• Adjusting the volume by using Control Sliders...........................................................................................................................(Page 53)
• Adjusting the output gain of OUTPUT jacks.................................L & R Gain, Assign L/R Gain (Utility [F2]
[SF2] Ref. #55, #56)
Setting the sound of a drum voice
• Setting the drum key for independent open and closed hi-hat sounds.............Altnate Group (Voice Key Edit [F1]
[SF5] Ref. #38)
• Setting the key release response: Enabling a sound to decay naturally even when a key is released, or having the sound cut off when
key is released.........................................................................................................Rcv Note Off (Voice Key Edit [F1]
[SF5] Ref. #37)
Selectively disabling sounds
• Keeping certain elements from sounding temporarily during editing.......................................................Mute function (Pages 30, 61)
Disabling the sound of specific elements/parts...........Element Sw/Part Sw (Voice Element/Key Edit, Performance Part Edit [F1]
[SF1] Ref. #28)
• Keeping certain Performance parts from sounding temporarily................................................Performance Part on/off (Pages 30, 42)
• Keeping certain Song parts from sounding temporarily.......................................................................Song Track on/off (Pages 30, 76)
• Disabling the sound of specific Song parts.......................................................................................................................RcvCh (Page 80)
Convenient editing functions
• Creating a completely new Voice/Performance from scratch......................................................................................Initialize (Page 70)
Listening to the difference between the Voice/Performance with your edited settings and the same Voice/Performance prior to
editing.............................................................................................................................................................Compare Function (Page 61)
• Restore the voice/Performance with your latest edits intact...........................................................................................Recall (Page 71)
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