WARNING: Failure to use this product in the intended manner as described in the quick start guide and instrucon manual can result in damage to the
product, property and/or cause serious injury. A Radio Controlled (RC) mulrotor aircra, APV plaorm, drone, etc. is not a toy! If misused it can cause
serious bodily harm and damage to property.
WARNING: As the user of this product you are solely and wholly responsible for operang it in a manner that does not endanger yourself and others or
result in damage to the product or the property of others.
• Keep your hands, face and other parts of your body away from the spinning propellers/rotor blades and other moving parts at all mes. Keep items that
could impact or become entangled away from the propellers/rotor blades including debris, parts, tools, loose clothing, etc.
• Always operate your aircra in open areas that are free from people, vehicles and other obstrucons. Never fly near or above crowds, airports or
• To ensure proper operaon and safe flight performance never aempt to operate your aircra nearby buildings or other obstrucons that do not offer
a clear view of the sky and can restrict GPS recepon.
• Do not aempt to operate your aircra in areas with potenal magnec and/or radio interference including areas nearby broadcast towers, power
transmission staons, high voltage power lines, etc.
• Always keep a safe distance in all direcons around your aircra to avoid collisions and/or injury. This aircra is controlled by a radio signal subject to
interference from many sources outside your control. Interference can cause momentary loss of control.
• To ensure proper and safe operaon of the automac landing funcon in Home Mode you must start the motors with the aircra in a posion that has
at least 10 feet (approximately 3 meters) of clear and open space around it and achieve a proper GPS lock.
• Do not aempt to operate your aircra with any worn and/or damaged components, parts, etc. (including, but not limited to, damaged propellers/rotor
blades, old baeries, etc.).
• Never operate your aircra in poor or severe weather condions including heavy winds, precipitaon, lightning, etc.
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